Adam's Player Bio

PLAYER: Adam "AdRock" Kiel
HEIGHT: 6'2"
CAREER HIGHLIGHT: Led the league in PIM's 2 seasons ago.

Adam was signed to a free agent contract in 2002. Roller Hockey scouts describe Adam as a defenseman that has "no hands, no vision, no passing ability, no shot, no offensive awareness, and no clue what hes doing when hes in the offensive zone.....but he hasn't missed a breakaway since nam". On defense Adam is rock solid. Adam led the league in minors, majors, double majors and PIM's his rookie season. He also unofficially led the league in cheapshots, sticks to the face, intents to injure and attempted leg checks. His next two seasons were disappointing as he barely cracked the top 5 in PIM's. An unidentified source said the lack of time in the box was because he is dating the head linesman of the league Justin. In his second season with the Ostriches, Adam sustained a serious eye injury. He was forced to wear a cage. This was beneficiary to the Ostriches as they didn't have to look at his ugly mug any more and could keep their eyes open longer and connect on more passes. Adam is struggling this season as he only has 2 PIMs in 2 games, but be aware to keep your head up.

Adams finest moment...
Open ice elbow/hit on some unsuspecting kid just standing there minding his own business with his head down about 30 yards away from the ball. To this day the best and dirtiest hit I'vee ever seen in a hockey game or even football game for that matter. Made Dale Hunters hit on Pierre Turgeon look clean.

Adam likes...
Justin, being a Syracuse wannabe, matchbox cars,skaters with their heads down, beating off in the penalty box.

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