Bill's Player Bio

PLAYER: Bill Harnois
HEIGHT: 5'11"
CAREER HIGHLIGHT: Led team in scoring last season.

Bill's last name sounds French and he plays hockey so people fear him thinking he may be a canuck, but in the meantime he has patented his famous spin-o-rama maneuver. Bill's been with the Ostriches since the beginning though we're really not sure where he came from or what he's doin here, but he scores and sets TBT up like a mofo. Bill also has the red street dominator stick which may be the most powerful shaft ever made, it's powers equalling that of excalibur. Bill has got the lowest number of PIM's in team history, we think this may be 'cause Justin thinks he has a sweet ass, creating an awkward situation with Adam. Bill is pretty quiet and there is no explanation for this other than he hasn't gone to TBT's school for "trash talkin and bustin out lefty" yet. Though I think TBT has enrolled him in the "accelerated" course for this season. He has also appeared in the Belmont handi league where he is known only as 'facemask'... who knows.

Bill's greatest moment...
He recruited Phil the goalie for the Ostriches. These two go way back to when they used to throw crap at each other in the sandbox and girls gave them kooties.

Bill likes...
playing time, stats, phil, fish, drunken sailors, after school special "Men Don't Tell", and watching wheels motor around the rink on his bag

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