Chris' Player Bio

PLAYER: Chris "Crispy-C/MAV" Twardzicki
POSITION: Forward/Defense
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: Too skinny to weigh
CAREER HIGHLIGHT: Hattrick he netted against B.A.O. last week.

Chris "Crispy C" Twardzicki was recruited to join the Ostriches by Dave Archangeliosaurus when Dave spotted Crispy on the BC campus with a sign that said "Gionta 3:16... will play hockey for food". Though banned for life from the state of Rhode Island following some inline hockey "incidents", Crispy was a welcomed addition to the Ostriches in Newton after he was deemed sick enough to play. Crispy moved up to forward this season and scored a hattrick in his second game in front. He is also responsible for this year's offseason pick-up of Greg the new guy. Widely known throughout Newton Indoor Sports as "that kid on that team", Crispy is now regarded as one of the top 15 players on the Ostriches. When asked the strongest part of Crispy's game, teammates say that he "laces a mean skate" and "knows how to put on his jersey all by himself". Despite pressure from some teammates, Crispy C has avoided the Belmont Handicap league, for fear that it might "turn his game to shit".

Crispy C's finest moment...
being one-half of the best beer pong team... ever

Crispy C likes...
Blue's Clues, having a tough-to-spell last name, bruises, Jared from Subway, markers that smell like fruit, seeing UNH fail, drunken chaos in Fanieul Hall, delivering cheap shots along the boards, rubbing Dave's butt to see if a geenie will appear.

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