C-Note's Player Bio

PLAYER: Craig "C-Note" Edwards
HEIGHT: 5'9"
CAREER HIGHLIGHT:All time career point leader for the Ostriches

Craig was signed to a free agent contract in the 2002 season after a stellar minor league career in the Belmont Handicapped League. CNote plays hard the entire game no matter what the situation, what the score, and how much time is left..... unless stats aren't being kept and theres no line on the game. He is the Newton career leader in -goals scored in the second half when his team is up by 15 or more goals-. C-Note used to take abnormal amounts of penalties, until he was taken to a top notch sports psychologist. This psychologist prescribed Cnote to take a few bong hits of "slap yo mama cannibus" before each game. This drastically limited his time in the penalty box. Craig also has an abnormally high shooting percentage of 88%. However he also has an abnormally high percentage of shots attempted that go nowhere the net 87%.

C-Note's Finest Moment...
Leaving a green fog behind him on the bench that nearly knocked out 75% of the rink, when asked about this event C-Note just smiled and said "200 grams of protein."

C-Note Likes...
Lloyds underwear, 5 yr old girls in the Newton bathroom, sugar, B.Johnson.

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