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"Project Writers Unite"
General Announcements

This section will have all the long-term important announcements regarding Project Writer's Unite.


The first year of The Coffeehouse Reading Series was a great success. So we are looking ahead to the 2006 series and getting ready for another great year of excellent work from new writers from all over the bay area.

Here are the dates for the PWU Meetings/Workshops that preceed each reading as well as the Reading Dates for 2006. Please check "The Coffeehouse Readings" Section of our website throughout the year for updates and other information in regards to these events.
The Coffeehouse Readings - (March 20th, July 17th, November 20th)

It is "STRONGLY RECCOMENDED" that you attend these meetings especially if you are new to the whole process of readings. Anyone wishing to use the services of the PWURTS should definately make this meeting to rehearse with the actors. Script writers (Stage Play, Screenplay, etc...) should be at this meeting too if they with to cast actors for their presentation from PWURTS. If you wish to be a part of these readings, Contact James for more info. See the "Contact Information" section of our website for number and email.

Looking For A New Presidential Assistant!!

Because of my new job and busier schedule, after April 1st, I will no longer be able to run PWU by myself. I DO NOT WISH TO CLOSE DOWN THE CLUB!!!!!! So, I will be looking for an assistant to help out and pick up some of the smaller duties that I need to offload in order to keep the club going.

Some duties will include:
  1. Setting up our monthly meetings
  2. Acting as meeting facilitator in my absense
  3. Some light paper work
This is a volunteer position! You would become a member of PWU upon acceptance of the position and receive all the benefits that comes with it. Contact James if you or someone you know would be interested in helping out. See the "Contact Information" section of our website for number and email.


This message is to notify the owner or anyone who knows the owner of a small zip open magenta book case with a bible inside!

On Friday December 2nd, I, your humble president, received a phone call from a person working at a Hutch's Car Wash in Hayward telling me that they found a bible at their establishment. The bible was in a magenta case made out of a denimish type material with a black handle and a zipper to open it.

The reason they called me was that they also found a PWU flyer inside. I went down there to see it and didn't regconize it. If this item is yours or you know who it might belong to, please call Hutch's Car Wash at 510-538-9274 or visit in person at 1367 4th Street in Hawary on the corner of 4th and A Street.

If you are interested in participating, volunteering, our coming to any of our events, please contact James for more information.

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