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Business Ettiquette For The Professional World

Men and Women as Colleagues

Business Etiquette For The Professional Meetings

It's Time to Stand Up

  • Women appreciate having men stand as they depart and return

    On-The-Street Manners

  • Women appreciate when a man walks on the outside, closest to the curb

    Hand-In-Glove Etiquette

  • Remove your glove when shaking hands, unless it's bitter cold.

    Women Hosts

  • As a woman, you will be asked to order first. When the server requests your order, simply say, "I'd like my guest to go first."

    Applying Lipstick At The Table

  • Excuse yourself to apply it.

    Faux Pas Made By Men

  • Addressing female colleges as honey, dear, or sweetheart
  • Touching or patting rather than greeting them with a handshake

    Faux Pas Made By Women

  • Giving out only first name when answering phone
  • Giggling to fill pauses
  • Using foul language in the work place
  • Making personal phone calls on the job