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Introduction Climate Population Language Geography


Map of Poland

Welcome to Poland, a country which provides unforgettable experiences for tourists with even the most diverse interests. The enthusiasts of nature will surely enjoy the golden sand of its Baltic coastal beaches to the north and the rocky crags of the Tatras to the south. There is the wonderful network of great Mazurian Lakes for water sports fans and the green wilds of the Bieszczady Mountains for those who like hiking trips. To those with a taste for history and its mementoes, Poland extends an invitation to visit the many painstakingly restored old town complexes, the Royal castles of Warsaw and Krakow, the former capital, and into t he old palaces erected by Poland's magnates. Numerous museums are brin ging to mind the memory of bygone centuries such as the Nicolaus Copernicus Biographical Museum in the former seat of Warmian bishops in Frombork or the medieval underground salt mine in Wieliczka.

In Poland there is a heart-warming proverb all Poles take very seriously. It translates roughly into -a guest in the house is God in the house. That is why, regardless of where or how they live, Poles draw on their long tradition of -Slavic Hospitality- to welcome people from home and abroad with warmth and affection. Poland is a place where family values are cherished highly and friendships last a lifetime. In spite of a turbulent history and the dramatic changes shaping Polish society today, Poles have vigorously maintained a distinct sense of culture and community. Come and meet them on their home ground and visit the land that continues to motivate and inspire them.


Poland has a temperate climate. During the summer, the average temperature in July is 76 degrees Fahrenheit. There are, of course, hot days when the temperature exceeds 86 degrees. The coldest winter months are January and February. The average January temperature drops to a few degrees below zero. With huge snowfalls, the Polish mountains offer good conditions for winter sports enthusiasts.


With 38.6 million inhabitants, Poland is divided into 16 administrative provinces called wojewodztwa. The capital city of Warsaw (Warszawa) is located on the Vistula (Wisla) River and has a population of 1,625,000 people. Today, citizens of Poland are largely of Polish nationality and more than 90% declare themselves as Roman Catholics.


LANGUAGE: Spoken by 99 percent of the population, the official language is Polish. English, German and Russian are among the better known foreign languages in Poland, especially in the larger urban centers. There are increasing numbers of speakers of both, a lthough extensive foreign language studies became widespread only a few years ago. Thus, the foreign traveler may still experience some language difficulties in small towns or remote areas.


The Republic of Poland is located in Central Europe. It borders Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, and Russia, Lithuania, Belorus and the Ukraine to the east. The Baltic Sea defines its northern border. Warsaw is sited upon the Vistula - Poland's largest river. It flows northwards, from the mountains towards the Baltic Sea, thus cutting the country into two parts. The second largest river is the Odra, which forms the border between Poland and Germany. Poland is a country with varied topography. The Sudeten and Carpathian Mountains stretch along Poland's southern borders. The Sudeten belong to the oldest mountainous massifs in Europe. Their highest peak is Mount Sniezka - 1,602 meters above sea level. he Carpathians are younger. The Tatra Range makes up their central part - it is the only portion of Polish mountains of the alpine character. It contains Poland's highest peak - Mount Rysy at 2,499 meters above sea level. Hundreds of lakes are hidden away in the northern part of the country, in the Pomeranian and Mazurian Lakelands where countless lakes are found amidst picturesque hills and beautiful forests. The largest one is Lake Sniardwy, which occupies a surface area of 109,700 hectares. Further north are the sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea. Poland's major ports on the Baltic coast are Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin. Forests with very rich undergrowth cover 27 percent of the whole country area. The most common species is the pine tree. The largest forest complexes include the Bory Dolnoslaskie, Bory Tucholskie, Puszcza Augustowska, Puszcza Knyszynska, Puszcza Bialowieska, and Puszcza Solska. Many rare plant and animal species are under protection.