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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Building the Flaperons

The PegaStol flaperons consist of two main parts, the ailerons and the flaps.  When you put the two together, they become flaperons.

The ailerons are smaller than the flaps but still 15mm wider than Zenith's.  The flaps are 85 mm wider than Zenith's.  Together they give considerably more control and lift the the stock Zenith Flaperons.

The building process is rather straight forward and Dedalius's instructions are adequate.  The nose of the flaps are shorter toward the tip by approximately 3/4" than the trailing edge.  This is done to conform with the shape of the fuselage.

Here are some building pictures.

These are the splice plates.  It was a little difficult getting these lined up.  Notice I cut end patterns of the aileron and flap then drew them on the plates.  This let me line up the aileron plate on the aileron to drill and rivet.

It calls for flat rivets.  I slightly counter sunk the holes then used a flat tip on my riveter with A4 rivets. 

Then you drill your holes and bolt them together.

Add the control plate to the fuselage end of the flap.  It requires stainless steel rivets, I was one short, so I use a cherrymax.

And there you go!

Fixing the Service Doors is next.


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