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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings


The ribs come in many flavors, main ribs are either .020 or 032, left and right. Nose ribs are left and right. Tail ribs are left and right.

Messing with the ribs took me a while to straighten out because of several reasons.  The instructions left out a couple of important details.  They gave me too many ribs of the .020 ribs and one short of the .032 ribs.

Here's the drawing again so I can discuss it and the reader doesn't have to refer back to another screen.

The left of the picture is the fuselage and the right is the wing tip.  Notice the that the flanges of the ribs are either left of right.  You can tell by looking at the nose rib and the angle at the tip shows you if it is left or right.  On most ribs this is for a reason and I suggest you just do them all like the drawing.

The ribs on either side of the extra(outer)  fuel tank are the heavier (.032) ribs and the flanges point to the tank.  The three ribs in the center, 6,7&8, are also .032.  The rest are .020.  It is important to get them placed correctly.  I don't know what happened at Dedaluis, but I ended up with six extra .020 ribs and a total of 9 .032 ribs.  I needed 10 of the .032 ribs.  The way I corrected it actually made for a stronger wing.  Here is a picture.


Station 7 was supposed to have a .032 rib, but since I was short one .032 rib and had a surplus of .020 ribs, I took and used 2 .020 ribs.  One in station 7 and another one next it facing away.  When I skinned it  I had to make another rivet line, but that wasn't a problem.  Gather those up and lay them out.

You will need four slat mechanisms, two right hand and two left hand.  Notice on the end of the bar in the mechanism the bracket is either on the left or right side.  The brackets will face to the inside of the respective slat.

There are a couple of things you will have to do on two of the nose ribs that the manual doesn't even mention.  You will have to do a little cutting on the rib where in attaches to the main spar.  Here are a couple of pictures.

The picture on the left is the root nose rib.  Notice the little cut against the spar.  Use a small bit and drill two holes then use flat pliers to bend it back.  It you don't, then the root nose rib will stick one out farther than the others.

The picture on the right is the station 8 nose rib.  You have to cut around the angle.  You need to put that rib in because the skin is pre-punched for it. 

This page is getting too big lets move to another one, Ribs, page 2



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