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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Installing the Root Deflector

This was a real puzzle to figure out.  I read all the instructions available, which were few, I downloaded all the pictures I could find and finally decided to go ahead and do the best I could.

First step was to install the nose extension piece.  You have to bend and drill the tabs, like this.

The next step is to take the piece of pre-bent angle from the kit and slide it under the top skin.  You will have to use the dimpling pliers again to make it curve with the airfoil.

Immediately you will notice that the nose extension piece will not line up with the down angle of the piece you just installed.  I did not find or see any way that the root nose skin could be made to fit with what I had.

I finally decided I needed to make a piece to put over the nose extension with a angle to mate the nose skin too.  Dedalius's instructions may have meant to wrap the top angle all the way around, but the pictures didn't show it.   Here is what I made.


Install the angle nose piece or make the top angle extend all the way around.

Next install the rear root deflector skin.  Here is the only picture I could find that showed how it fitted.  Notice how it goes from under the top skin to on top of the tail skin and then wraps a round the tail.  You have to make all those bends.  I did such a bad job, I'm not going to show a picture of mine.  Here is what it is supposed to look like.

The root nose skin overlaps the root tail skin by about 3/4".   On the bottom of the root nose skin you will need to make a line 20 mm in so you know how far  to slide it between the bottom nose skin and the nose rib.  Go ahead and drill and cleco it, that's the only way I could hold it in place while I attempted to fit the root nose skin.

You just have to force the skin around until you get it in place.  You have to mark and drill all your holes, they are not pre-drilled.  Good luck. 

Here's my finished product.


Some thing a little easier Slats


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