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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Building the Slats

It took me about five hours per slat to build them.  They are not difficult and Dedalius provides plenty of good pictures on their site under Assembly Photos

First you will need a fixture or Jig.  You must build, beg, borrow or steal one.   This is a must.  Dedalius sells one for $250 unassembled.  I really suggest you use Dedalius's rather than building your own, because it is computer cut and is very actuate.   And it works.   Assembling it is easy and straight forward.  Here are some pictures.


Get your skin, drill, deburr and corrosion protect it.   Looks like this.


Install the 90 degree doubler and the ribs, notice the back to back ribs at the two attachment points.

Putting the slat skin into the jig was no easy chore on the first one.  I did two thing wrong, I was being too easy and I wasn't pressing at the rib points.  I bent the first one just a little, but I was able to fix it.  The secrets are to make sure when you push down on the slat that you press where the ribs are located and you will have to be somewhat forceful.  If you have two people it would be a breeze.  Don't forget the trailing edge holder.  Which is that bent piece of aluminum that you can't find any other use for.  All it is used for is to help you keep from bending the trailing edge.  As you push the slat into the jig begin to shut it.  Believe me, it will slide into place.

Here's a picture or two.

Here is one of those thing that goes against the normal method of building.  Normally you would drilled, and cleco all your rivet points, then remove the clecos, deburr and re-cleco, then revit.  I felt that opening and closing the jig would open me to making mistakes which could result in bending the skin.  So,  I drilled and riveted almost all my holes while in the closed and clamped position the first time.  I would use 100 psi compressed air to blow out all loose fillings before I riveted.  Of course if I had any hanging Chads I could see, I removed them.

When you finish with the rivets you can get to while in the slat, you can open it and finish the ones you couldn't get too.

Install the trailing edge piece as shown below.

After you finished drilling and clecoing, you can rivet the top part and install soft rivet in the trailing edge.  You will need a rivet squeezer.  I found it easy to use those little clamps you can see in the picture below on each side of the hole I was riveting then move them to the next one and so on.

That's it, nothing to it.

You will have to reach inside thru the service opening to bolt the slats to the slat mechanisms.   It's a little tricky.

Ailerons and Flaps are next.


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