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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Main Spars

The main spars were not difficult, but there were a couple of steps in the instructions that were either absent or misleading.

Build both the right and left spars before proceeding to the next level.

Gather your parts.


 The instructions give you a good inventory so it's not a problem gathering your parts.  The two areas that gave me problems were; part A-102 and the main wing root.

Part A-102 is your front strut attachment point.  There are two problems here.  The part comes with four holes pre-piloted for you, however as you can clearly see in the picture from the PegaStol site, they only use three bolts.  And there is no measurements stated anywhere in the manuals to tell you how to set this part.  After several unanswered e-mails and an unanswered phone calls, I decided to use the four holes and 1/4" AN bolts.  I determined the placement by measuring the length of the struts.  The front strut is 7/8" inch shorter than the rear.  I didn't drill and bolt this part on until I had the rear strut attachment in place on the rear spar, then I made the front attachment set into the wing 7/8" less than the rear one, thus making them even.  Here is what it looks like put together.

The next thing I had a little misunderstanding about was what to rivet and what not to rivet and when.  The next two pictures shows you what not to rivet at the time you build the spar.  Do not rivet the line of rivets at the root end of the mail spar, like I did.  Now I have to drill them out.  Ribs will go there later.  The instructions said to rivet so I riveted.  The upper and lower holes on the center brace are for bolts.  You can install them any time.


Notice in the drawing of the main spar below, the placement of the angle brace at station 7 in the drawing is incorrect, the lower part of the angle brace actually starts behind the little square. They obviously failed to update drawings with changes. These are the little things that run me crazy.

Go ahead and put the rear spars together now. There is no problem with the instructions on them. Do not rivet the first row of rivets. A rib will go there later. Now you should have 8 slat mechanisums, 4 left ones and 4 right ones, a left and and right main spar and a left and right rear spar. Decide which side you want to start and set the 4 slat mechanisums and a front and rear spar for the other half aside until you are ready to start the second wing. You will need 2 left slat mechanisums and 2 right slat mechanisums for each wing. Now you can start to look at the ribs.



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