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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Installing the TopSkin

Assuming you now have the fuel tanks in and plumbed, and all the electrical is in place, you can now put the top skin on and rivet it.  A couple of things you need to remember.  Trim off the root end of the top skin, the leading edge top skin should be left at it's full length and taper down to the trailing edge by 3/4".  Don't forget the leading edge spacer, it goes on top of the leading edge skin and under the top skin leading edge.   Looks like this.

The spacers will be longer than necessary, you can either cut it off or just leave the overhang on the tip end.  It won't hurt anything.

Also, the areas not to rivet are around where the lids go and either end.

You should already have the three braces under each lid in place and riveted.  You will have to cut the holes for the fuel tank lids.  Measure three times and cut once, it will take a 1 1/4" hole saw.  The direction to place the lid should have been marked earlier.

Rivet on the lids and this part is finished.


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