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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Building the Wing Tip

The days of everything cut, pilot holes and bends made are over.   Even though my Wing Tip turned out just "OK", I was not happy with the procedure to build it or the instructions or should I say "lack of".  Made me think I was building a Zenith part again.

The first function is to install the nose piece.  I already had my slats built so I used one for alignment.  But if you don't, just set the extended nose piece over 20mm from the edge to the inside towards the slat.  Here is a couple pictures.

Next, put the top tip skins on.  The rear tip skin goes all the way under the tail top skin to the trailing edge.  Draw a line on the skin 20 mm in to use as a guide as to how much to slide the skin under the wing top skin.  The front tip skin overlaps the rear tip skin by 3/4".  Draw another line there.  The front tip skin wraps all the way around to meet the main spar on the bottom.  This piece was difficult to hold in place, especially if you work alone as I do.  Start from the overlay and work your way around by drilling and clecoing as you go.  The holes in the nose piece are not predrilled.  Make sure that your holes don't line up with a dimple in the extended nose piece.  If they do, it will pull down when you rivet and will be ugly.  Some more pictures.

Don't forget to install your L angle braces as such.

The next part is the most difficult.  Remember the pliers I made, see my construction tips.  You will need them now.  The kit comes with two pieces of straight pre-bent angle.  You will have to dimple and cut them to bend in the right directions.  If you do not have any experience with this procedure, which I didn't, I suggest you find a scrape piece of angle and practice.

Take a good look at the pictures below.  The kit instructions/pictures show making only a top and bottom piece, I made four pieces, two tops, one bottom and a nose piece.  Notice on the bottom where the angle brace goes against the main spar, I stopped the lower tail piece there and started another piece that went to where the sharp turn upward starts. Then I made the nose piece which went around to that last cut on the top.  Then I finished with the top tail angle.  You have to make V cuts and dimples until you get it right.  It is a bitch.  Drill, cleco and rivet.

My end skin didn't fit right, I had to trim it.  In the finished picture below you will notice there are rivets around the Nav and Strobe lights.  I put extra braces behind the end skin because it wanted to "beer can" too much.  You may not have to depending on where you place you tip lights.  Also don't forget the fuel tank vent.

Here it is finished.

You think that was fun, wait until you tackle the  Root Deflector


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