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Daily Mail Watch - watching them : watching us


McDonalds Health Risk

Filed under: " Merk @ 11:50 pm

It seems even their new McSalad range can’t save you! - More panic thanks to the Daily Mail.

I bet Jamie Oliver doesn’t go to Maccy D’s!

Sunday Express

Filed under: " Merk @ 2:08 pm

Special mention goes to the Sunday Express who today reinforced that we’re all doomed.

Of course the ID Cards bollocks had reared it’s head yet again with Alan Milburn claiming that with ID cards failed Algerian asylum seeker Kamel Bourgas would not have been able to stab a policeman? I’m not sure how he works that one out on many counts but the main reason being under the current proposals failed seekers will not be given ID Cards.

Labour are wrong if they think that a bit of plastic with some ‘biometric’ data is going stop fraud and crime overnight. Someone needs to get his head out of his arse and tackle the issue at source, not lumber us with freedom restricting proceadures and a massive expense (£3bn estimated).

But hey, while your eyes are burning and your skin skin is melting -why not chill out to the soulfull grooves of Ben E King and Brook Benton.


Double the fear

Filed under: " cheeks @ 2:56 pm

Those of us who live in London have to put up with the Mail and it’s sister paper, The Evening Standard. You’d never be able to tell they’re from the same stable, would you?

Toothpaste Cancer Alert


“Send ‘em back where they came from”

Filed under: " Merk @ 1:26 am

is what I heard someone say yesterday about this story. 1 Person does bad and now every immigrant in the country is evil. Do me a favour

I blame the murderer, not the Labour Party.

Note to Conservatives: Murders are commited by British passport holders too!
Note to Labour: ID cards won’t stop Murders, in fact, they wont stop anything other then late library returns!


The Truth?

Filed under: " Merk @ 1:58 pm

I can’t belive this front page. Thank god we can rely on the Daily Mail, champions of truth!



Filed under: " Merk @ 9:13 am



Filed under: " Merk @ 12:01 pm


(The Royal) We Don’t Care.

Filed under: " Merk @ 1:20 am

Today’s Mail leads with a picture of Price William kissing his now step-mother. I don’t see what the big deal is.

Although the Express seems to think it is a big deal by devoting at least 10 pages to a Royal Wedding we all saw while waiting for the Grand National to start!

Today it seems they’re happy for the family, unlike Saturday when they tried to bring Diana back from the dead (again).


Thursday Madness

Filed under: " Merk @ 12:54 am

  • Smoking is bad for us, we know that ALREADY.
  • Why is Camilla wearing Charles pant’s on her head?
  • Damming Dossier - hmmm alliteration, I like it.
  • 6/4/2005

    Daily Mail Pulls Ad

    Filed under: " Merk @ 2:57 pm

    According to a story on todays Guardian online, the lovers of free speech over at the Daily Mail have pulled an advert for at Editor Paul Dacre’s say so.

    Apparently the Daily Mail was unable to respond to the Guardian before they published the story online but I’ll hazard a guess Dacre pulled the ad for the following reasons;

    1. Although the DM hasn’t always been kind to the Royal Houshold, they and their readers all aspire to be one the ‘elite’ few.

    2. Judging by today’s front page, the DM obviously doesn’t belive that the election is trustworthy, so why bother when we can be ruled by our Monarch?

    The Daily Mail - Advocates of Free Speech (when Mr. Dacre gives us his say so!)


    Filed under: " Merk @ 7:19 am

    More JINX talk too, anyone would think they don’t want the wedding to go ahead.


    Mail Election Madness!

    Filed under: " guy @ 9:01 pm

    We have kick off! Oh boy, I can just sense that the DM is going to be a genuine font of putrid news fact gushing all over our faces. Where to begin? Well, first off you’ll be glad to know that the Mail has kept a sense of perspective and put the story of Natasha Kaplinsky’s engagement above the election declaration on their homepage.

    The ‘Election 2005′ section is up and running and will no doubt provide us with much joy over the next few weeks. It has many highlights, including a gallery that has a disturbing image of Charles Kennedy standing in front of a picture of his own swollen, fat head and the utterly false statement that “Mr Blair knows he is facing his toughest battle yet as the latest opinion poll shows the Tories five points ahead.” More such rubbish is amusingly discussed on the Daily Mail’s political forums.

    Finally, a call to all MailWatch readers! Anne Widdecombe is up for some webchat on the Daily Mail’s website at 1pm tomorrow so could you please put forward some fine questions and if you’re not online at that time you can email in your probing insights. Should be fun…

    UPDATE: Here’s todays front page.


    An Email

    Filed under: " Merk @ 9:01 am


    I had to mail to say how much I love ‘Daily Mail watch’.

    I now live in Thailand, but was born in the UK and lived there until last year. While I lived with my parents, my dad used to buy the ‘Daily Mail’. I was always interested in the media, and bought one newspaper every day for 6 months, then changed to another one, then another, ’til I’d tried them all for 6 months each, finally settling for ‘The Guardian’.

    My most hated phrase of all time is surely “Political correctness gone mad", which crops up in the “amil’ with frightening regularity.

    I used to make plans to write a commentary on each day’s ‘Mail’, but never did, though I did write ‘Why You Should Burn The Daily Mail’, which isn’t online now but is archived here.

    (originally there was a photo of me burning a copy, but it seems to have been deleted.)

    I really love your site.

    All the best,


    Cheers Mat - Glad you enjoy the site.

    I’m still not happy that I don’t have the time to go through the paper with a fine tooth comb but the front pages give us plenty of ammunition.

    Check out Mats archived pages, it’s a rather good read.




    Filed under: " Merk @ 11:08 pm

    How dare the Pope die? Didn’t he know that he’d ruin Charles & Camilla’s wedding plans. What a insensitive old man.

    Well DM, in the scheme of things - a lot could go wrong that would make delaying the wedding seem like a minor hiccup. Death, desturction, earthquake, plague of locusts, Harry turning up stoned. It’s only a day, and it’s not like you had the Church booked is it?


    Like Father Like Son?

    Filed under: " Merk @ 10:23 pm

    You may know I’m not a big fan of the Royals but watching this video made me laugh my socks off. Charlie is so out of touch he’s going to make a brilliant mad King.


    Kate will NEVER replace Diana

    Filed under: " Merk @ 10:46 pm

    Express Watch

    I’m going to do my horse impression tomorrow in the pub and see if people think we’re in love!


    Filed under: " Merk @ 7:19 am

    And today’s express goes with Paedo’s and Air Gun Owners.


    Home Alone

    Filed under: " Merk @ 10:07 am

    One good way to avoid DVT is to not sit in front of Sky News all day watching the Jackson Trial (reconstruction).


    How Ripe

    Filed under: " guy @ 4:54 pm

    It’s not often that the Daily Mail makes me laugh (usually I weep or beat my face in rage) but whilst reading today’s comment (a typical three pronged attack on pet hates), the third ‘prong’ at the foot of the page made me spit out my yogurt. Not only does it seem utterly childish and throw away but also where an earth are the hard facts for this jibe?

    The comment then goes on to bash CCTV cameras being used to punish drivers who don’t pay road tax and how this will end up punishing those who are usually law-abiding. Usually law-abiding? Hang on a minute, call me old fashioned but I like my fellow humans to be law-abiding all the time…and I thought the Mail was tough on crime. Incidentally, a search for CCTV on the Daily Mail site draws up some interesting results. Seems they are caught between dismissing cameras as a waste of government funding and the need to bring in advertising revenue on the back of the all the old people they frighten with stories on asylum seekers and gypsies



    Filed under: " Merk @ 10:17 pm

    Someone found us today through google using this search term.

    Also very intresting how many people a day come here via this search term. See, people don’t forget that easy.

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