Geraint Davies lying again

In order to obtain information from me, Geraint Davies MP and Broomleigh Housing Association appointed The Mail on Sunday to make this bogus enquiry.

In the 1930s the Mail was sympathetic to Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists. The Mail had an article, in January 1934, entitled, "Hurrah for the Blackshirts", praising Oswald Mosley for his "sound, commonsense, Conservative doctrine".

As usual for Broomleigh Housing Association harassment, the Mail did not reply to my letter, like the Courts, which also accept Broomleigh Housing Association orders, and never reply to my letters properly, usually not at all. At least now, having used the Mail, it may be truly said, that Geraint Davies MP and Broomleigh Housing Association have found their level.

1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
9 April 2005

The Mail on Sunday
Associated Newspapers Limited
2 Derry Street
London W8 5TS


Geraint Davies MP & Barrister Sarah Branson v Moore

On 5 April 2005, Keith Beabey, a Mail on Sunday journalist, asked me to telephone him about the latest Broomleigh Housing Association litigation I face, this time in the names of Geraint Davies MP and Barrister Sarah Branson.

Your publication has not checked the Internet available recordings and documents about which Geraint Davies MP and Barrister Sarah Branson complain. Geraint Davies MP and Barrister Sarah Branson call this documentation

Please explain to me how it came about that this matter was sufficiently serious for you to send a visitor to call at my home, repeatedly, yet somehow not worthy of your staff using the Internet for to evaluate my evidence?

The web page has direct links to a sound recording of Geraint Davies MP lying, a sound recording Barrister Sarah Branson lying, and a dishonest affidavit sworn by Geraint Davies MP. That web page also has a link to a 30 March 2005 letter from Branson and Davies solicitors, claiming no connection with the organisation they appointed to monitor the web site, Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council.

Although neither Barrister Sarah Branson nor Geraint Davies MP have any need for solicitors, they do use newspapers, as I note your enquiry was not the first. Will you please, therefore, tell me what you did with the information I gave Mr Beabey, and the purpose of his enquiry?

I will need to hear from you within a matter of days, since I have already furnished you with all the information you sought, and you have not responded in any way at all. If you are going to sue me, then may I, subject to the limits of funding, appoint solicitors? Sarah Branson and Geraint Davies MP are refusing to lift the ban on my access to legal services.

Yours faithfully

T Moore

Geraint Davies lying again