Harassment I
Harassment II


1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
29 March 2005

Mills & Partners
88-90 Middlesex Street
London E1 7EZ


I refer to your letters dated 7 and 10 March 2005. I attach a copy of my letter of 14 March 2005, which your office received at 1852 on 14 March 2005.

May I please have a full and proper response to my 14 March 2005 letter? I do need a response to my letters, so that agreement of some kind is at least in some way possible.

I am sending this letter to the facsimile number you gave on your Application Notice, 020 7797 7700, and the facsimile number you give on your letters, 020 7425 0100. Would you please tell me which I should use?

Yours faithfully

T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
14 March 2005

Mills & Partners
88-90 Middlesex Street
London E1 7EZ


I refer to your letters dated 7 and 10 March 2005.

I ask you to stop harassing me. When your official client wrote to me in her name, she waited a day before sending me her letter, in order to make its receipt coincidental with the closure of one of my web sites, an attack on an Internet account of mine, and a bogus enquiry from a newspaper.

Your 10 March 2005 letter arrived on 12 March 2005, the day after a bogus enquiry from Rochdale Metropolitan District Council. The letter you caused to be sent to me by Rochdale Metropolitan District Council asks me a question that not only had I repeatedly answered, but its signatory had also answered repeatedly answered. This letter also asks for a utility bill with my full name, date of birth and signature.

Will you please refrain from harassing me in any way at all?

The notice sent to me by your Court tells me to obtain legal advice. Please will you remove the block on my access to legal services, and ensure, by reference to the Courts if need arises, that I am allowed to access legal services on the same basis as other British citizens?

Should you permit me to access to legal services, which with a barrister and a Member of Parliament as your clients, is well within your abilities, then I am confident of a speedy resolution. However, I cannot see how even the best of solicitors, can resolve this within the one working hour you have allowed me to meet your demands.

Any legal representative of mine, will need to explain to me the problem your official clients have, if any, with statements such as, “Richard Ottaway, the Croydon South Conservative MP, was more helpful, insisting that Broomleigh Housing Association tell me where they had hidden my breathing ventilator machine. Richard Ottaway is a solicitor, but Sarah Branson is a barrister,” and “I ask you, whoever you are, simply that I be allowed to live the remainder of my life in peace, instead of being put to death by denial of service from every quarter.”

Would you please help by, amongst other things, ensuring I can access legal services, ensuring you and your clients comply with the terms and conditions for accessing my web

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sites, and by making your demands reasonable?

Yours faithfully

T Moore

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Harassment I
Harassment II
