Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
Geraint Davies lying again

Same tactics again. This time the demand is from Sarah Branson's solicitors - does she need them? - and is timed to arrive with a nasty letter from Rochdale Borough Council, and the closure of another of my web sites, this time by DirectI, owners of HQHost, the company that closed a site of mine when Sarah Branson wrote to me.

DirectI's excuse is the same as Geraint Davies - that people's home addresses are somehow not in the electoral register and public. For all their claims that this is somehow nothing to do with them, the organisation they appointed to monitor this site, was Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council. Remember, the Data Protection Act makes it unlawful for local authorities to monitor their residents' private lives.

1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
14 March 2005

Mills & Partners
88-90 Middlesex Street
London E1 7EZ


I refer to your letters dated 7 and 10 March 2005.

I ask you to stop harassing me. When your official client wrote to me in her name, she waited a day before sending me her letter, in order to make its receipt coincidental with the closure of one of my web sites, an attack on an Internet account of mine, and a bogus enquiry from a newspaper.

Your 10 March 2005 letter arrived on 12 March 2005, the day after a bogus enquiry from Rochdale Metropolitan District Council. The letter you caused to be sent to me by Rochdale Metropolitan District Council asks me a question that not only had I repeatedly answered, but its signatory had also answered repeatedly answered. This letter also asks for a utility bill with my full name, date of birth and signature.

Will you please refrain from harassing me in any way at all?

The notice sent to me by your Court tells me to obtain legal advice. Please will you remove the block on my access to legal services, and ensure, by reference to the Courts if need arises, that I am allowed to access legal services on the same basis as other British citizens?

Should you permit me to access to legal services, which with a barrister and a Member of Parliament as your clients, is well within your abilities, then I am confident of a speedy resolution. However, I cannot see how even the best of solicitors, can resolve this within the one working hour you have allowed me to meet your demands.

Any legal representative of mine, will need to explain to me the problem your official clients have, if any, with statements such as, “Richard Ottaway, the Croydon South Conservative MP, was more helpful, insisting that Broomleigh Housing Association tell me where they had hidden my breathing ventilator machine. Richard Ottaway is a solicitor, but Sarah Branson is a barrister,” and “I ask you, whoever you are, simply that I be allowed to live the remainder of my life in peace, instead of being put to death by denial of service from every quarter.”

Would you please help by, amongst other things, ensuring I can access legal services, ensuring you and your clients comply with the terms and conditions for accessing my web sites, and by making your demands reasonable?

Yours faithfully

T Moore

Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
Home Page

Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
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Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
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Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
24 January 2005

Information & e-Government / “Grouping”
Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Floor 11 Municipal Offices
Smith Street
Rochdale OLI6 1LO


Your incessant bullying

May I now please have proper responses to my letters of 8 May, 31 August, 3 and 13 October 2004, copies of which, I attach? Is this too much to ask?

Yours faithfully

T Moore

Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
Home Page

1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
13 October 2004

Information & e-Government / “Grouping”
Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Floor 11 Municipal Offices
Smith Street
Rochdale OLI6 1LO


Your incessant bullying

I refer to your letter dated 11 October 2004, in response to my letter of 3 October 2004, and my complaint to the Information Commissioner. I will try to answer your demands as best I can.

“Identification that indicates your full name, address, date of birth and signature.”

Again I ask, such as what? How many times must I ask, before you will deign yourselves to the level where I may have an answer?

“Any addresses that may be relevant to assist in the retrieval of the information that you are requesting.”

My addresses are on my letters of 8 May, 31 August, and 3 October 2004, which I attach to this letter.

“Please state exactly what information you are requesting (that is to say Social Services Records) . . ..”

I still agree with you. You have told me, twice, that the records I am seeking are as you say.

Are you trying to provoke an argument? Are you pretending you do not understand your own Latin, “id est?

“. . . and dates that may assist in the retrieval of the information that you are requesting.”

I have no idea of the dates the Authority places on its own records. How should I know?

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council arranged the deaths, doubtless inter alia, of George Crawford and Monica Coghlan. As the subject of similar criminal behaviour from this major spending authority, I am aware of some considerable mendacity from representatives of Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council. Therefore, unless I have seen the records, I cannot make any comment on their contents, including the dates on them, can I?

May I now please have proper responses to my letters of 8 May, 31 August and 3 October 2004, copies of which, I attach, without more of your obstruction? Is this too much to ask?

Yours faithfully

T Moore

Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
Home Page

1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
3 October 2004

Information & e-Government
Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Floor 11 Municipal Offices
Smith Street
Rochdale OLI6 1LO


Your incessant bullying

I refer to your letter dated 22 September 2004, in response to my letters of 8 May and 31 August 2004. I will try to answer your demands as best I can.

“Identification that indicates your full name, address, date of birth and signature.”

I am the authority’s tenant, against whom the Authority has given evidence in Court, part of it obtained from the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. What further identification could the Authority possibly require?

“Please state exactly what information you are requesting (i.e. Social Services Records) and any dates that may assist in the retrieval of the information that you are requesting.”

The Authority has answered its own question. I do not know the dates the Authority has placed on its own records.

This is an attempt to obtain information. May I now please have proper responses to my letters of 8 May and 31 August 2004, copies of which, I attach, without more of your obstruction?

Is that too much to ask?

Yours faithfully

T Moore

Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
Home Page

1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
31 August 2004

The Data Controller
Social Services
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
Municipal Offices
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1YQ


May I please have a proper reply to my 8 May 2004 letter? I attach a copy.

Yours faithfully

T Moore

Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
Home Page

3 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
8 May 2004

The Data Controller
Social Services
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
Municipal Offices
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1YQ


May I please have written copies of all the information you hold about me, all the information you have received about me, and all the information you have given others concerning me? I believe I have a right to this information under current Data Protection legislation.

However, I need the information sought in every event, and ask for it regardless of how you view my rights. I hope you notice that I am not outlining my perception of your obligations.

Yours faithfully

T Moore


Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
This site's
Home Page

Support Request #54055 - Package suspended under AUP/TOS violation Category - Finance & Billing

On Mar 17, 2005 0:36 AM (GMT) Preston Wrote:

It has come to our attention that your domain hosted on[] is in violation of our AUP/TOS by way of the following URL(S):

The URL(S) stated above is in violation by way of unauthorized posting of personal information. Please remove all personal information, including names and addresses, from the following pages:

We demand that you take prompt action in the removal of the material in question and update the support request or we will be forced to take further action.


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On Mar 17, 2005 4:31 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Who is the complainer?

Please restore my web site. I am sure if anyone has a complaint, they will tell me.


On Mar 17, 2005 5:27 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Who is the complainer?


On Mar 17, 2005 5:29 AM (GMT) Scott Wrote:
Hi Tom,

Please note that some of the contents found in the said links were in violation of our Accepted upload policy. so we have suspended.

After you pull out the abusive contents we will be able to unsuspend the site.

I hope that you will take the needed steps.



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On Mar 17, 2005 8:14 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
I cannot comply with your demand until you show me the complaint. How else am I supposed to determine the nature of the complaint?

Would you please be reasonable, and give me a chance to comply with your demands?

Is it possible to comply with your demands?


On Mar 17, 2005 9:34 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Are you refusing to show me the complaint because to show me the complaint would reveal criminal harassment by people lawyers in Great Britain?

If not, then please show me the complaint, so I may comply with your complainants' demands?


On Mar 17, 2005 9:34 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Are you refusing to show me the complaint because to show me the complaint would reveal criminal harassment by lawyers in Great Britain?

If not, then please show me the complaint, so I may comply with your complainants' demands?


On Mar 17, 2005 9:57 AM (GMT) Sandy Wrote:
Hello Tom,

Appologies for the confussion caused.

We have received the Complaint from our Upstream Service Provider Ev1Servers. Pasted below is the complaint:

Dear Customer:

It has come to our attention that your server located at [] is in violation of our AUP/TOS by way of the following URL(S):

The URL(S) stated above is in violation by way of unauthorized posting of personal information. Please remove all personal information, including names and addresses, from the following pages:

Abuse Team

The Case number for this Complaint is Case #: 5156.

We at Directi, follow a Strict Anti-SPAM Policy. This is aganist our AUP which is listed at

We have suspended your Website in accordance to our AUP with you & the Upstream Service Provider.

For further information you can contact our Abuse Team at



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On Mar 17, 2005 10:24 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Please answer my question, properly.

Who made the original complaint, and what is the original complaint?

Now that I have added the word "original" would you be good enough to answer, so that I may have a chance to meet your complainant's demands?

Would the original complainant's identity reveal criminal activity by the original complainant?


On Mar 17, 2005 10:55 AM (GMT) Sandy Wrote:
Hi Tom,

Please note that we have already stated the complaint that we have received. We have received the complaint from, our Upstream Provider.

I'm checking with them, if they can provide us with the Full Headers of the Complaints receive by them.

We would update you with the details soon.



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On Mar 17, 2005 4:20 PM (GMT) Sandy Wrote:
Hi Tom,

Please note that we are unable to provide you with any more details of the complaint other than what already has been updated.

Note that we had to suspend this site in accordance to our AUP with our Upstream Provider

It seems that the material hosted at the below links are in violation of the certain copyrights:



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On Mar 17, 2005 7:24 PM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
How can I correct this alleged defect, when no one will tell me what this defect is supposed to be?


On Mar 17, 2005 8:06 PM (GMT) Preston Wrote:
Hi Tom,

As Sandy said the domain was suspended because we received a mail from our Upstream Provider and the complaint mail was pasted on the support request for your reference.

Being a virtual web server we had to suspend the domain hosted on the server which is located in their data center as there are many websites hosted on that server and we can?t afford the whole server to be offline.

We request to contact their abuse team through their mail address and find out the reason do you have any more concerns or need any assistance athen feel free to reopen the support request.


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On Mar 17, 2005 9:36 PM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
I repeatedly ask DirectI the same question. DirectI repeatedly does not answer the question.

As far as I know, my site complies with all DirectI's conditions. Would DirectI, having stopped my service without notice, and without knowing the reason, return my all money?

I have paid for service up to 23 August 2007.


On Mar 18, 2005 1:58 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
DirectI has cut off my service. I tried to negotiate an agreement for its restoration, but DirectI has refused to give me any information at all.

If there are any circumstances under which DirectI will restore my service, I cannot guess what they are. DirectI will not tell me. I have asked too many times.

Would DirectI now please return all my money?

I have paid for service until 23 August 2007.


On Mar 18, 2005 6:13 AM (GMT) Yogi Wrote:
Hello Sir,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

Please see that we have been co-ordianting with our upstream provider, ev1servers for the original complaint.

Also, we have informed them about the removal of data from the following urls:

They will be updating us soon.

Once they inform us that we can unsuspend your website, we shall immediately unsuspend your site.

In case, they do not let us unsuspend your site, we will forward your issue to our billing team.

We shall be updating you soon.



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On Mar 18, 2005 7:44 AM (GMT) Dustin Wrote:
Hello Tom,

I apologize for the inconveniences that you have been facing with your website.

Please note that we at DirectI have not been given any details apart from what we have already given to you by our Server hosting provider There abuse team are well known to discontinue services if there demands are not met. Since we cannot afford downtime for the entire server we are forced to suspend websites that we get complaints for and ask questions later.

We have been co-ordinating with them continuously regarding this issue asking them to furnish the original complaint and we havent been succesfull in doing so. Below is the latest correspondence that we have got from them.

3/17/2005 5:27:25 AM
Dear customer,

We have already provided everything we were given regarding this issue.

Thank you

3/17/2005 8:18:48 AM
Dear Customer,
Unfortunately we are unable to provide the original complaint at this time.

Thank you,
EV1Servers abuse Team

Also, we have forwarded your query regarding the payment refund for your website and they should be contacting you soon regarding the same.

Do let me know if I can be of any further help to you.

Systems Architect (Level 7).

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On Mar 18, 2005 8:22 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
I have not removed anything from your servers. That is impossible because you have stopped me updating my web site.

I cannot undertake to do as you ask, because I do not know what you want.


On Mar 18, 2005 9:43 AM (GMT) Dustin Wrote:
Hello Tom,

We have given you FTP access to modify the pages as requested. Please login via FTP and change the contents of your website as reauested by Ev1servers. Also they have refused to divulge any more information regarding the same, so we are not in a postion to explain you the exact reasons for this removal. From there request the violation seems to be "unauthorized posting of personal information".

The content that need to be changed on your website has already been provided to you. I have included the same below again.

It has come to our attention that your server located at [] is in violation of our AUP/TOS by way of the following URL(S):

The URL(S) stated above is in violation by way of unauthorized posting of personal information. Please remove all personal information, including names and addresses, from the following pages:

We must demand that you take prompt action in the removal of the material in question or we will be forced to take further action.

Thanks & Regards,
Systems Architect (Level 7).

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On Mar 21, 2005 3:12 PM (GMT) Sandy Wrote:
Hi Tom,

We are closing this ticket. Do let us know when you have removed the content from the site, so that we can allow access to the site.



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On Mar 22, 2005 0:28 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Since DirectI is, in the words of DirectI, "not in a postion to explain the exact reasons for this removal," but is complying with criminal demands from Mr Geraint Davies, would DirectI please return my money?


On Mar 22, 2005 7:26 AM (GMT) Yogi Wrote:
Hi Tom,

Please see that we had given you enough time to do the modifications to your website and update us.
The content that needs to be changed on your website has already been provided to you.
Since you have not made any changes and responded, we have suspended your again.
I am forwarding this issue to our billing team for refund of money.
They shall look into this.



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On Mar 22, 2005 0:06 PM (GMT) Pam Wrote:
Hello Tom,

You have been using server space since Sept 2004 and have paid us $ 96 for 24 months. So we shall be refunding the amount charged for 18 months which comes to $ 72.

Please update us so that we can process the refund.



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On Mar 23, 2005 1:34 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
I have paid for service up to 23 August 2007.

Are you stealing money, as well as denying me service, on the instructions of the criminal Mr Geraint Davies and his fellow abusers, such as Mr Christopher Cook LL.B, Mr Christopher Bernard LL.B, Mr Richard Foot and Mr Keith Exford?


On Mar 23, 2005 0:27 PM (GMT) Pam Wrote:
Dear Tom,

You had ordered this package on Sep 10th 2004 for a period of 24 months vide invoice id - 22617, amounting to $ 96 and had paid for the same. Expiry date then was - Sept 10th 2006. This package was ordered for the below stated configuration :

Web Space: 125 MB
No Of FTP Users: 1
SSL not Selected
Web & Database Bandwidth: 250 MB/month
Email Space: 0 MB
No Of Email Boxes: 0
Email Bandwidth: 0 MB/month
Programming Support Selected
Database Space: 0 MB
No Of Database Users: 0
No of Databases: 0
JVM Type: N/A
JVM Heap Size: 0 MB
No of Contexts: 0

Later on you had downgraded WEBSPACE for this package from 125 mb to 75 mb, so our system had automatically extended your package from Sept 10th 2006 to Aug 23rd 2007 considering the difference in pricing between 125 mb and 75 mb. Since we do not refund any amount incase of downgrade.

Let us know incase you have any query by updating this support request.



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On Mar 27, 2005 9:17 AM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
There is no point trying to argue with your criminal backers Mr Geraint Davies, Mr Christopher Cook LL.B, Mr Christopher Bernard LL.B, Mr Richard Foot, Mr Keith Exford and Miss Sarah Branson.

If you are able to return my money, which should be in full for you are behaving dishonestly, then please do so.

Please do not invite me to discuss DirectI's mendacity with DirectI. DirectI had told too many lies on behalf of its criminal backers Mr Geraint Davies, Mr Christopher Cook LL.B, Mr Christopher Bernard LL.B, Mr Richard Foot, Mr Keith Exford and Miss Sarah Branson for there to be any point in any conversation with the mendacious DirectI.


On Mar 28, 2005 11:25 AM (GMT) Pam Wrote:
Hello Mr.Tom,

Directi is only a webhosting company and needs to follow the Rules and Regulations laid down by the Datacentre. We were forced to deactivate your site since even after requesting you to remove the content which was violating the datacentre policies you did not do the needful.

We have already invested huge amount of time corresponding with you and would not be keen to do so further for a petty amount. We shall be refunding the entire amount and end this issue here.



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On Mar 28, 2005 0:12 PM (GMT) Pam Wrote:
Hello Mr.Tom,

We have reversed the entire amount which you had paid for this package and are thus closing this support request.

You can confirm this by visiting our Payment Gateways order tracking system and entering your credit card number and expiry date there.



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On Mar 29, 2005 9:00 PM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Is this invoice a mistake? Please see attached.


On Apr 1, 2005 0:46 PM (GMT) Pam Wrote:
Hello Tom,

We haven't received the attachment. The invoice which is there in your backoffice at towards this package is perfectly fine. There is no mistake in the invoice.

Let us know incase you have any query by re-opening this support request.



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On Apr 1, 2005 2:45 PM (GMT) Tom Moore Wrote:
Is DirectI returning my money, as DirectI says; or does DirectI require me to pay its invoice for a second time, as DirectI also says?

Add Further Notes to this Request:

Mark this Request as Solved

Tom Moore, 1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
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