Harassment I
Harassment II




1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
18 April 2005


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



May I please have proper replies to, and answers to the questions in, my letters of 17 April, 28, 19 March 2005, 13, 9, 2 December, 19, 7 October, 27, 23, 22, 9, 1 September, 31, 22 and 18 August 2004. I attach copies of these letters.

Your thugs broke another of my windows, this time in the second bedroom, at 1925 today. Please tell me if you can ever repair this product of your harassment, with the same quality glass you fitted in the flat below me?

I note the windows smashed on 16 and 18 April 2005 are the first since 2 December 2004. Who told you to increase the severity of your harassment at this time?

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
17 April 2005


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



May I please have proper replies to, and answers to the questions in, my letters of 28, 19 March 2005, 13, 9, 2 December, 19, 7 October, 27, 23, 22, 9, 1 September, 31, 22 and 18 August 2004. I attach copies of these letters.

Would you now please be good enough to answer those questions, quoting each individual question above or otherwise adjacent to, its own individual answer, so that one can see whether you have answered? Hence, if you again claim to have somehow answered my questions, it could be clearer to see if this is another Broomleigh Housing Association lie.

I notice Rochdale Metropolitan District Council is killing me in the same way, with the same housing officer, that arranged the murder of George Crawford. I notice also Rochdale Metropolitan District Council is killing me for the same reason it killed Monica Coghlan, instructions from people with the money, influence and standards of Lord Jeffrey Archer.

Yesterday evening your thugs obeyed your orders and broke another of my windows. Please tell me if you can ever repair this product of your harassment, with the same quality glass you fitted in the flat below me, for the thug you have monitoring my private life, even at 3.30 am, and who triggered an alarm of mine at 1641 today, 17 April 2005.

Please will you restore to working condition the external security lights you maladjusted this week. One of these was fitted by yourselves, the other by me.

I notice the window broken on 16 April 2005 was the first to be broken since 2 December 2004. I notice your thugs have started throwing started throwing stones, bricks and false allegations of child sex abuse at me, this month.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
28 March 2005


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



I note you have not responded in any way to my letter of 19 March 2005.

May I please have proper replies to, and answers to the questions in, my letters of 19 March 2005, 13, 9, 2 December, 19, 7 October, 27, 23, 22, 9, 1 September, 31, 22 and 18 August 2004. I attach copies of these letters. Would you now please be good enough to answer those questions, quoting each individual question above or otherwise adjacent to, its own individual answer?

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
19 March 2005


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



One your thugs triggered a door alarm of mine at 0600 this morning, 19 March 2005.

Would you please revoke your invitations to your thugs, and every other invitation to harass me by tampering with my alarms? Would you please revoke all your invitations, and instructions, to harass me?

One group of people who harass me by tampering with my alarms were the subject of a complaint by me about harassment in my letter to you of 1 July 2004. Rather than stop their harassment, you have helped them tamper with my alarms. I do not know how both your direct employees, and your thugs, tamper with my alarms.

You have installed a nuisance tenant in the flat below me, a man who has also tampered with my alarms. May I ask, please, that you refrain from creating noise in my home, which he can hear?

Will you please honour your promise to leave me alone, and allow me to live whatever may be left of my life after over eleven years of incessant harassment?

May I please have a written list of all the complaints you have about me? In particular, will you please send me full details of all current complaints, and all complaints filed in the last six months?

I still need answers to the questions in my letters of 13, 9, 2 December, 19, 7 October, 27, 23, 22, 9, 1 September, 31, 22 and 18 August 2004. I attach copies of these letters. Would you now please be good enough to answer those questions, quoting each individual question above or otherwise adjacent to, its own individual answer?

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
17 December 2004

Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE


Please write to me with a date and approximate time for you to collect the scaffolding stands you left immediately in front of my home to facilitate burglaries, violence and theft upon me and the only place I have to live.

Please do not vandalise the stands anything attached in my best attempt to make secure. Rochdale Metropolitan District Council has a history of inflicting vandalism upon me and the places where I try to live, including two entirely unlawful evictions ordering Housing Authority staff, including John Schofield, to vandalise windows in 1 Pares Land Walk.

Once I have a time for you to collect these scaffolding stands, I will release them and try to ensure the Housing Authority can take back possession of same. Should I not hear within seven days of now, I will consider, and take if I am able and believe it appropriate, measures to dispose of these three scaffolding stands. By now, I mean when you receive this letter.

A charge for keeping these stands is appropriate. I want you to pay me £10 plus £5 for each complete working day, following receipt of this letter, the stands remain in my possession owing to failure on your part.

Please note carefully that restoration to the Authority, or its representative, is not dependent upon payment. Therefore, no lawful owner of these stands, has any reason at all to use any force to regain possession of these. My main interest was, and is, to stop these objects being used against me.

I still need answers to the questions in my letters of 13, 9, 2 December, 19, 7 October, 27, 23, 22, 9, 1 September, 31, 22 and 18 August 2004. I attach copies of these letters.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
13 December 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



I refer to the visit of three of your staff on 10 December 2004.

Your staff vandalised the box room window by fitting a pane of glass too long for the small ventilator. You should be fitting into that window a frame that allows one to open the window from the inside, in order to enable emergency escape, but you are increasing the fire hazzard of that window.

Your staff vandalised the box room window by fitting a pane of glass too long for the small ventilator. You should be fitting into that window a frame that allows one to open the window from the inside, in order to enable emergency escape, but you are increasing the fire hazzard of that window.

Every risk to my health and my safety as a result of trying to adjust that security light is and will remain entirely your fault. The same is true of the alarms subject to your frequent maladjustments, which at times you have triggered three times in succession. Everything I suffer as a result of your maladjustment of my alarms is entirely your fault. You told me you were going to leave me alone, and allow me to live my life in peace. I see no reason to believe that statement is correct, or any

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indication that it ever will be true.

You measured the main front window, as you did on 23 September 2004, in eventual response to my requests that you measure the windows for all time. You could have attended on 10 December 2004 with a replacement main front window.

You agreed to complete all the repairs to my windows, and their frames, and perform your central heating inspection, at 1300 on 15 December 2004. This was subject to you informing me otherwise, but you have not so informed me, so it is agreed.

I still need answers to the questions in my letters of 9, 2 December, 19, 7 October, 27, 23, 22, 9, 1 September, 31, 22 and 18 August 2004. I attach copies of these letters. Would you now please be good enough to answer those questions, quoting each individual question above or otherwise adjacent to, its own individual answer?

I remind you, that you complain of receiving too much correspondence from me, but did not receive any letters from me, between 2 December and 19 October 2004. Were there any shortage, the break in correspondence would have created sufficient time for you to answer my questions clearly.

Since you continue to harass me in my current home, please will you tell me where I should live? May I please have some chance to escape your incessant bullying?

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
9 December 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



I refer to your letter dated 2 December 2004.

Please repair both windows, at 1000 tomorrow, 10 December 2004.

 Broomleigh Housing Association

Please include me in the current scheme of home improvements. Please be aware that when you, and your representatives, disrupting my sleep, inter alia, by triggering door alarms, you inhibit my ability to meet commitments. Please answer the questions in my letters of 2 December, 18, 22, 31 August, 1, 9, 22, 23, 27 September, 7 and 19 October 2004? I attach copies of these letters.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
2 December 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



Please will you repair the windows your side deliberately damaged on 19 October and at 0015 today, 2 December 2004? The main front window frame needs replacement.

May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18, 22, 31 August, 1, 9, 22, 23, 27 September, 7 and 19 October 2004? I attach copies of these.

I would be grateful if I did not have to admit into my home, your racist bullies Helm and Schofield. Like bullies in general, Helm and Schofield only pick on those who are unable to defend themselves.

I note you are excluding me from the current home improvements, funded by central government.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
19 October 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



I confirm your thugs disconnected my electricity supply, attacked me and smashed a window in my home, early this afternoon, while acting on your direct instructions. This is another example of your racist thug, Mr Paul Helm, attacking me without allowing me any way of giving you whatever your incessant bullying is supposed to achieve.

May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18, 22, 31 August, 1, 99, 22, 23, 27 September and 7 October 2004? I attach copies.

May I please remind you of the option of not moving nuisance tenants into 3 Pares Land Walk, as dictated to you by Cook & Partners, solicitors to Broomleigh Housing Association? You have the option of not taking orders from these litigious thugs.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
7 October 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18, 22, 31 August, 1, 99, 22, 23 and 27 September 2004? I attach copies.

May I please remind you of the option of not moving nuisance tenants into 3 Pares Land Walk, as dictated to you by Cook & Partners, solicitors to Broomleigh Housing Association? You have the option of not taking orders from these litigious thugs.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
27 September 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



You repaired my window at midday, today, 27 September 2004. To perform this task, you sent to my home, two vans and three of your staff. One of them has replaced windows in my home, on his own, before. As usual, and in addition, your Mr Schofield attended.

Precipitating my death through homelessness, is becoming expensive, recently with the replacement of double glazed window units.

May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18, 22, 31 August, 1, 99, 22 and 23 September 2004? These letters refer to the certainty of window smashing, and plea for a help from yourselves with these problems that you create for me. I attach copies.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
23 September 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



Your bully, Mr Jonathon Schofield, told me the glass in my main window frame measures 28.75 by 32.625; 32 by 15.5 and 32 by 51.75 inches. He said the glass required for my main window is 23 millimetres thick.

You returned an hour later, and again I allowed two of your employees into my home. As I was waiting for them to complete their business, one of your staff returned to the ground floor, to collect the spectacle he left in my hall.

May I please remind you, that owing to your incessant bullying, on 10 April 2002, one of your thugs smashed my right spectacle,

and rubbed the shattered glass into my right eye socket? As a result, my right eye is at times painful, I am losing sight in my right eye, and I am unable to replace the spectacles your side destroyed on 10 April 2002.

That was the second time a representative from your side deliberately destroyed glasses I was wearing. I find your incessant bullying a very painful cross to bear, and again I ask you to stop.

The fact that I am unable to pay for a subsidised replacement pair of glasses, owing to having repeatedly to cover your theft with my own limited funds, illustrates the depth, severity and longevity of your incessant bullying. I am a human being, with feelings, yet you treat me as if I were the biblical Jesus Christ.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
22 September 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



Would you be good enough to measure all my windows, and repair the front window shattered at 1730 today?

May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18, 22, 31 August, 1 and 9 September 2004? These letters refer to the certainty of window smashing, and plea for a little help from yourselves with these problems that you create for me. I attach copies.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
9 September 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



I refer to your letter dated 2 September 2004, which I did not receive until 4 September 2004, owing to a ban the UK Post Office says you have placed on its Royal Mail service, delivering letters to my home.

Your letter says, "The reason you have not received a reply is that I have replied to these issues in previous letters and I am not prepared to keep responding to these unfounded allegations of murder."

In that case, may I have a copy of the letter you sent which answers the request in my 22 August 2004 letter, which asks "please will you measure my windows once and for all," on the first page? I repeated the request on page two of my 31 August 2004 letter, and in my 1 September 2004 letter, on page 3.

You latest letter states "I clearly need help with these thugs."

I do.

We "are prepared to help you in this situation."

Those thugs said that, repeatedly, for forty-five minutes, shouting it at my home, between 1645 and 1730, on 22 August 2004.

"It really is important that we speak to you in order that we can help you."

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On 22 August 2004, those thugs said that as well.

"I hope you will allow me to help you."

The thugs also say they want to help me, and said it, repeatedly, for forty-five minutes on 22 August 2004. This is in addition to taunts of child sex abuse from the same people who made and make these claims of wanting to help me. They do not want to help me.

May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18, 22, 31 August and 1 September 2004? I attach copies.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
1 September 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18, 22 and 31 August 2004? I attach copies.

The incidence of objects being thrown at my windows is increasing, so I clearly need help with these thugs. The only stated reason I know for this harassment, is the child sex abuse allegations, Senior Housing Officer Mr Paul Helm, has nurtured and encouraged against me, just as he did against the late George Crawford.

While the responsibility of Senior Housing Officer Paul Helm, your tenant Mr George Crawford was murdered on 21 December 2001. The stated reason for the murder of Mr George Crawford, is the entirely false child sex abuse allegations your Senior Housing Officer, Mr Paul Helm, now nurtures against me.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
31 August 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



May I please have proper replies to my letters of 18 and 22 August 2004? I attach copies.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
22 August 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



I confirm your thugs have started throwing bricks at my home again. You are welcome to protect my windows, as you have the downstairs window, with tough plastic sheeting.

The dates on which your representatives will smash my windows are doubtless in the gift of Mr Paul Helm. Your Senior Housing Officer, Mr Paul Helm, felt obliged to warn neighbours of George Crawford of a child sex abuse allegation, precipitating the murder of Mr George Crawford, on 21 December 2001.

Mr Paul Helm has refused to write to my neighbours pointing out that I am not a child sex abuser. Senior Housing Officer Mr Paul Helm wrote to me, pointing out that he does know his "paedophile" allegation he has spread about me, lacks any foundation.

I am not inviting you to replace the glass in my windows with plastic. You replaced the glass in the downstairs window with plastic in a manner best described as vandalism. After four of your repairs to that window, you eventually placed a plastic sheet over the plastic window, as you could have done when it was glass at much lower cost.

Frankly, you are happy to inflict anything, and any cost to the public, in place of doing a proper job. Senior Housing Officer Mr Paul Helm claims he did not order these bogus repairs. Whom did Mr Paul Helm discipline, and how, for vandalising my downstairs window?

Please will you measure my windows once and for all? Their size does not change, so you should have no need, following breakages, which you can verify from outside, to excuse delayed repair with claims of needing to measure my windows again.

I refer now to your letter dated 20 August 2004. I will try to deal with the issues you raise.

"Dear Mr Moore"

Dear, in that context, means valued. I know of many reasons that cause me to believe that statement to be untrue.

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"Thank you for advising me that you wish to keep your belongings which remain in 3 Pares Lard Walk. We are not proposing to steal these belongings. However, the property does need to be cleared of all belongings so repair works can then commence."

Were that true, you would not have blocked my access to 3 Pares Land Walk. Did your desire to inflict more harm on me take precedence?

"I propose to remove these items or Tuesday 24th August 2004 at 10.00am and they will then be delivered to 1 Pares Land Walk. If you are not available these items will be stored until you are ready to have them delivered."

You damaged my washing machine, promising me repairs and a replacement which never materialised. I fail to see how you can determine which fixtures and fittings are mine, let alone disassemble their fitting, determine the items I need and want to keep, (the vast majority,) then pack and store them securely.

You could have provided me with boxes for storing my property, and a key, as you promised. Then I could, had you cooperated, have removed my property, and reversed alterations which, in the wrong hands, could be dangerous.

Allowing me a key to 3 Pares Land Walk, the same way you allowed me a key to 1 Pares Land Walk, giving both sides unimpeded access to that flat, remains the most reasonable option for achieving your stated aims. You cause trouble by withholding even the most trivial aspect of cooperation. As usual, you are doing in far worse form, the things of which you wrongly accuse me.

"Rochdale Boroughwide Housing has assisted you in accessing Legal Services."

That statement is untrue and completely without any foundation at all. You are refusing to honour the promises you gave the Court on 13 January and 30 June 2004.

I will likely accept any worthwhile offer of legal help, but you have blocked my access to services, including all legal services. You make statements of law in your letter, but like the bully Mr Paul Helm is, you will not allow these to be tested in any way at all.

"Please note that it is the policy of Rochdale Boroughwide Housing to take legal action against any perpetrators of harassment."

That is not true. You have not disciplined Mr Paul Helm, who spread a false rumour of child sex abuse against his tenant Mr George Crawford, precipitating the murder of Mr Crawford, by your tenants, on 21 December 2001.

Mr Helm is responsible for the same false rumour about me, which, having admitted he

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knows it to be false, Mr Paul Helm refuses to withdraw. A simple letter to my neighbours, informing them that I am not a child abuser, would be a good start.

You told my neighbours not to associate with me in any way, including accepting my help. When I see thugs racially abusing my neighbours, my neighbours are unable to accept my help, because you are supporting racist thugs and their anti-social activities.

"This means that we need to know the following:

Times of any incidents

Descriptions of any perpetrators

Details of what happened

Was it witnessed by anyone?"

These words, of Mr Paul Helm, make clear that as well as putting me to death, Paul Helm is supporting and encouraging racist thuggery. This is another example of your side accusing me of doing the things your side is doing.

"If you provide this information, Rochdale Boroughwide Housing will help you live in your tenancy in peace."

I have, but you still will not allow me 'quiet enjoyment' of my tenancy. Mr Paul Helm identified me to the fly tipper of 119 Crawford Street, who then mounted yet another attack on me. Rather than leave me alone, Mr Paul Helm has dissembled the word "peace," I used, into an excuse for more abuse.

The people about whom I complained on 1 July 2004, were harassing me again, today, 22 August 2004, between 1645 and 1730. This is another example of you securing information from me, under a false prospectus, in order to create, assist and encourage harassment and murder.

If you must quote others, why not use Winston Churchill? He was a better communicator than I, and he explains my motivation for drinking your tea.

I am still waiting for a proper response to my 18 August 2004 letter.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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1 Pares Land Walk
Rochdale OL16 5SX
18 August 2004


Rochdale Metropolitan District Council
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Witley Road
Rochdale OL16 5HE



I refer to your letter dated 18 August 2004. Of course I want my property inside 3 Pares Land Walk, which you now propose to steal.

One reason I ask for access to legal services is, for the second time, you unlawfully deprived me of possession of 3 Pares Land Walk, on 10 August 2004. You mislead me with regard to your 10 August 2004 intentions, in your 9 August 2004 letter.

Your harassment and unlawful evictions are criminal acts. The primary responsibility for policing such misbehaviour by landlords, and prosecuting offenders, falls upon the Local Housing Authority, in this case, Rochdale Metropolitan District Council.

You promised the Court on 13 January 2004, and subsequently, that you will provide me with the name and address of a legal service provider who is able and allowed to help me. Twice you gave me details of legal service providers who are not allowed to help me.

Would you now, please, honour your repeated promises, and give me the name and address of one named legal service provider that you will allow to help me, and who's identity will not be disclosed outside the Authority, for others to threaten in the way your dissembling language suggests?

I would like to deal with the other issues in your letter, and your earlier letters, but I do not get the chance. You are asking about August 2004, while I am still trying to persuade you to honour an undertaking, vital for my survival, you gave the Court on 13 January 2004.

Yours faithfully


T Moore

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Harassment I
Harassment II



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