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Our heritage is rich with Unitarians and Universalists who followed the UU approach of free though, of acting on our principles, and of in so doing, making the world a better place for everyone.   Here is a sampling of some of the founding fathers, artists, authors, humanitarians and scientists who either attended a Unitarian or Universalist congregation regularly, were members or ministers of a congregation, or identified themselves in public or private statements as Unitarians and Universalists.  


John Adams -- American Patriot, First Vice-President of the U.S., Second President of the United States
John Quincy Adams -- Secretary of State, Sixth President of the U.S.
Ethan Allen -- Frontiersman, scholar, statesman.   Quotes about Traditional Religion.
Benjamin Franklin -- American Patriot, Great Statesman, thinker and scientist. Quotes about Traditional Religion
Thomas Jefferson -- Great statesman, Author of the "Declaration of Independence", Third president of the U.S. Quotes about Traditional Religion.
James Madison
-- Primary author of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, Fourth president of the U.S. Quotes about Religion
Thomas Paine -- American Patriot, his book "Common Sense" inspired the American Revolution.  Quotes about Traditional Religion.
Paul Revere - Patriot, Master Silversmith

Louisa May Alcott
-- Author & Poet best known for "Little Women", Worked for women's right to vote.
Charles Dickens -- Author, Social Justice Advocate. Personal Thoughts About Religion
Ralph Waldo Emerson -- A Unitarian Minister and an American Author, Poet and Philosopher
Robert Fulghum -- Author, Former Unitarian Universalist Minister
Nathaniel Hawthorne -- Renowned American author, wrote "The Scarlet Letter" and "The House of Seven Gables"
Oliver Wendell Holmes -- Champion of Justice in the U.S. Supreme Court
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- Popular American Poet
Herman Melville -- Author, explored metaphysical themes, best known for "Moby Dick"
Carl Sandberg -- Author and Poet
Henry David Thoreau -- Writer, Poet, Observer of Nature  Quotes
Daniel Webster -- Famous orator and Statesman
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. -- Contemporary American Writer
Frank Lloyd Wright -- World Famous Designer of Buildings

Susan B. Anthony
-- Activist in the antislavery movement, advocate for women's right to vote.  Born a Quaker, member of Unitarian congregation for 40 years.
Clara Barton -- Founder of the American Red Cross.
Dorthea Dix -- 19th Century Pioneer in the rights of the mentally ill. 123 hospitals were build because of her work and influence.
Florence Nightingale -- Nurse, hospital reformer, humanitarian
Horace Mann
-- Pioneer in public education for all Americans
Albert Schweitzer -- Humanitarian, Theologian, Missionary, Organist, Environmentalist and Medical Doctor.  Became a member of the Church of the Larger Fellowship, a Unitarian church by mail for those who do not live near a Unitarian church.
Robert Gould Shaw -- Fought for Abolition of Slavery, Profiled in the Movie "Glory"

Alexander Graham Bell
-- Worked to Help Deaf People Hear, Invented the Telephone, Founded "National Geographic" Magazine.
Charles Darwin -- Naturalist, Father of Principles of Natural Selection
Samuel Morse -- Well known artist and Inventor of the Telegraph
Isaac Newton -- Mathematician, scientist, philosopher, preacher, created rules of scientific method and theory of gravity.
Linus Pauling -- Chemist, Activist, Winner of Nobel Peace Prize

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