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Geoffrey Household Bibliography

Geoffrey Edward West Household
{1900.11.03 Bristol, England -1988.10.04 Banbury, Oxfordshire}

~...a work in progress...~
{Saturday, 22 August 2009-}

Geoffrey Household wikipedia (a place to begin)

Geoffrey Household at fantasticfiction

Boston: Little, Brown and Co (1936) *First US Edition
"Young Dick Garland accepts a dare and almost loses his life"

"Men said the days of dragons were past, but a deadly monster lurked in the Spanish Cave."
Possibly original cover art for 1966 Berkley paperback.

The Terror of Villadonga (The Spanish Cave) (1936) A novel by Geoffrey Household

The Terror of Villadonga
[1936 Hutchinson £ 160p ukhc
©1936 by Geoffrey Household
*bound in green cloth boards
illustrated with 6 b/w plates by "Cuneo"

USTC: (and all subsequent English Language editions, excepting the addition of the preface "The Mystery of" to the Scholastic edition)
*USTC = "United States Title Change"

The Spanish Cave
[1936 Little, Brown and Co $ 202p ushc
11 B&W illustrations including frontis by Henry C. Pitz
Orange cover w/blue lettering

1940.01 Chatto & Windus £ 202p ukhc
10 b&w illustrations by Henry Pitz
mustard coloured boards with red title lettering to spine
First Edition 1st Impression.

1948.08 Comet Book 12 $0.25 178p plus ads
digest-9 c/a by Gould Hulse, Jr.
First Comet Books printing, August, 1948.
fc blurb: "Men said the days of dragons were past, but a deadly monster lurked in the Spanish Cave."
"originally published as The Terror of Villadonga"
*back cover blurb or other source?
"Young Dick Garland accepts a dare and almost loses his life"
>198? bought at sf convention or in Los Angeles.

*"Mystery of the Spanish Cave"
1958. Tab Books TX109 $0.25 156p tp-7.625x5.25
Illustrated (cover art/interior art) by Charles Beck
Tab Books published by Scholastic, New York (SBS)
(assume same oversize paperback size as TX101)
1959 TX137 (Silverberg) 1st ed/1st print is $0.25

*No Royalty A/C The Spanish Cave
1960.12 Bodley Head Children's Books 0-370-00905-3 £ 159p ukhc
*PSeries: Earlham Library
dustjacket by William Stobbs
also cited as 0715377221/9780715377222 (0-715 unknown to me)

1963.01 Puffin Books PS197 2/6 143p ukpb
c/a by?
*Penguin published by Harmondsworth, in association with the Bodley Head
*First Thus edition acto

1963. Scholastic TX109 $0.25/35? 156p
Third printing

1965.02 Longmans £ ukhc hardback pictorial boards
illustrated by James Hunt
*PS: The Heritage of Literature Series, section A, -no.23
ex school copy offered for sale with no dustjacket, as issued?

1966 The Bodley Head 0-582-34523-5 £ 150p ukhc

1966 Berkley Highland F1315 $0.50 143p
cover art by???
1st Berkley Books Printing

1967 Puffin PS197 0-14-030197-6 £ 143p ukpb

1970 Longmans reprint £ ukhc *PS Heritage of Literature Series A23

1988. Publisher: Hove, S. Aust. : Visiting Teacher Service for Visually Impaired Children. Audiobook on tape for Elementary and junior high school read by Phyl Golley

Boston: Little, Brown/Atlantic Monthly Press (1938)

The Third Hour
[1937 Chatto & Windus £ ukhc

[1938.01 Little, Brown/Atlantic Monthly Press $2.50 viii+456p ushc-8
j/i & i/i by E. E. Anthony
©1938 by Geoffrey Household

1938+ Little, Brown/Adventure Book Club $/ 451p ushc-8
black boards, yellow text
>1992.06.08 $0.75 stvsm:Gi

1943 Little, Brown/AMP *ffu possible reprint

1966 Popular Library 60-2099 $0.60 320p
First printing (not stated)
cover artist unknown
>1985.12.01 $0.30 als:G

these are the only editions I know of at this time (08/22/09); I hope to discover more; sadly, so many lesser works have seen many more printings. & what it is, too.

r} = date I finished reading this title
title of book as first edition
[1937 Chatto & Windus ukhc
[ = year/month of first edition
ukhc = Hardcover published in the United Kingdom
cover price follows publisher
number of pages follows cover price
ushc-8 = Hardcover published in the United States, height in inches
j/i & i/i = jacket illustrated by and interior illustrations by -name-
> = date of purchase, price, vendor, :condition
my condition of :G is above common good, closer to fine
my condition of :Gi = Good in dust jacket
*ffu = fantasticfiction unverified data, may be bogus, if not utterly fantastic

London: Chatto & Windus (1937)

ADDITIONAL yet to come... (Still breathing hard)
detailed Household bibliographic data and filmography including
Household lists:
* Household Book Chronology
* Household Alpha Titles
* Household Short Fiction
* Household Books read (and not)
* Household Films viewed (and not)
* Critical Household perspectives
* My Household collection
* An Household Index

though I'm eager to revise this page and continue working on it, ability to schedule time taunts me. Things certainly are more like they are now than they have ever been before. Which is to say, I am as fascinated by books and all that as I have ever been, and no less keen on cleaving a path through all else to satiate my bibliographic desire.

Created by Lindsay Geronimo Crawford, known in a previous life as Lindsay Stuart, circa 1963-1983.

Thank you for visiting my page, wretched Angelfire thing though it are, yet here I remain until I learn better or as long as they let me be.
revision uno: 04:44 PDT Saturday 22 August 2009

I sometimes toy with E-MAIL AT: (hint: remove the ~)
should I find motivation to check this more often I would not mind, I suppose. Long ago I wore myself out with email back and forth, only to founder in ennui, and what comes after.

It may be possible for me to initate an wretched Angelfire blog. Or, as was said in The Hudson Brothers 1983 film Hysterical, we're doomed!

~...trees ark a sew or by favorite clings...~
OR, Drooling with Dagwoods
Always keep in mind Eeyore's sound query:
Why be pessimistic?
Probably wouldn't work anyway.

  • you've got a good imagination
  • if you can imagine anyone reading this
  • being alone
  • being ignored
  • being tormented
  • being abused
  • being ridiculed
  • being forgotten
  • being shunned
  • being destroyed
  • being disappointed
  • being grateful for all I have been given
  • thank you for being so kind and loving
  • you know who you are, though I'm doubtful
  • On behalf of those who feel they are helping me
  • feeling cared about renews my ability to care
  • I will care for myself and others anyway
  • In case there is someone who will share their love
  • Before I die
  • I expect to live long
  • Before death brings release from mortal agony
  • Despite my fun-filled existence I am in no hurry
  • to board that train to elsewhere
  • we all arrive sooner or later
  • so what difference does it make?
  • none that I can see
  • I would comfort someone sad, if I were accepted
  • Would anyone do that for me?
  • Hope fights against all odds.
  • I searched the world over.... no wait, I'm still searching....
  • This could all change tomorrow, tomorrow could change all this

revision dos: 05:55 PDT Saturday 22 August 2009 dust bunnies down the rabbit hole...~

Cape Crawford Tourisimo
The APA-50 Project
Los Musica de Azure
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Mop & Glow
Clarion Writer's Workshop
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Firesign Theater Funway
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Doctor Who is IN
Carl Hiaasen writes wicked good
DON'T PANIC! (douglas adams)
Greer Garson, elegant and intelligent
Spare Parts & Broken Hearts
Three If By Air
Farm & Wilderness, Light of the Spirit
Of Butterflys & Bulldozers
Donald E. Westlake: comedy as a consumer
Is That All There Is?
Angelfire - Free Home Pages

revision tres: 06:15 PDT Saturday 22 August 2009
revision quatro: 04:58 PDT Sunday 23 August 2009

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