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VhearunVhearun is narcissistic, arrogant, and has a sarcastic wit. These however, are not all he is. He can be happy and jovial one minute and seductive and cruel the next. His moods flip from one extreme to the other, with no in-betweens. It is hard to make him lose his cool, but once this has been accomplished he shows no mercy and can be quite imaginative in his punishments. He has a way of finding every weakness a person has and exploiting them. He enjoys using people, and no one, not even his followers, is safe from this. Vhearun keeps the nicer and softer parts of himself well hidden, although his mission to free his people and see them with the same chances every surface dweller has points to it. He has a talent of manipulating people into forgetting he's evil, making them assume they are his friends, and then betraying them suddenly and swiftly. When he finally removes his own mask, then he will know his people are truly free.
