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1. If you're never going to live down a reputation for making "snide remarks," then you might as well live up to it.

2. 5:45 a.m. is way too early in the morning to be at school.

3. Public Displays of Affection are not that impressive (especially when they're taken to a whole new level!).

4. Don't offer me Midol when I'm pissy. Chances are, offering it to me won't help my mood any.

5. Pop-Tarts are amazing.

6. Being told to "step outside my bubble" is highly annoying. Maybe I like my bubble the way it is!

7. Excuse me, my personal space has been violated. Go away.

8. Hey, don't mock my insights! Who do you think you are anyway?

9. "I was eating a waffle" is a good excuse for being late to class.

10. I like pink. Just accept it.

11. Stupid boys.

12. No, I am NOT that one girl that apparently looks like me, so stop calling me by her name!

13. There are definitely exceptions to my personal space rule.

14. NOBODY has any right to touch MY Barbie Pink Flag!

15. Buying 400 Tootsie Roll Pops is just not normal.

16. "Pissy Patches" do wonders. =)

17. Defiling, mocking, or otherwise insulting my color (pink) is just not a good thing.

18. Being "kidnapped" by your friends is always fun.

19. I've come to the conclusion yet again that guys suck. Plain and simple.

20. But yes, they can be ok occasionally, just slightly confusing.

21. As female members of the human species, we are entitled to want to "talk" whenever we feel the need.

22. A good cry can do wonders for a hurting heart.

23. The reason most guys don't like chick flicks: too far above their level of intelligence.

24. Slacking is an art form in itself.

25. I can do anything I set my mind to, I just choose not to. (my mom talking about parallel parking hehe)

26. Why do guys like "barbie" girls so much (too much makeup, bleached blonde hair, fake bake tans)? They're so fake!

27. There's not too much to do at 3 in the morning.

28. An unlicensed 15-year-old taking off w/the car w/out permission---Yeah, that's bright...

29. Only drive by yourself if you actually know how to get to where you're going.

30. When the world pushes you down, be aware of the friends that are there to help you up.

31. Why do I mock guys you wonder? Because they give me so much reason to!

32. "Sporking Spots" are great parking spaces.

33. Yes, blonde is a state of mind AND a hair color. At least my blonde moments come to me naturally.

34. Don't start pointless arguments. They aren't worth anyone's time.

35. Parades are stupid.

36. Lighting fireworks and throwing them in my direction is not very nice. I don't care if they're just smoke bombs.

37. Guys can actually be somewhat amusing at times. Except for when they're being jerks.

38. Some of my best phone conversations are the ones that last a long time, even though we're barely saying a word.

39. Everyone has a right to be mad, but only to a certain extent.

40. Honesty and communication work wonders.

41. Nobody has the "perfect" life.

42. The problem w/guys: Pride, ego, testosterone, sheer stupidity, lack of emotion, lack of self control, pure meaness, etc.

43. Inside Joke-"The guard member who cried Hawkins"

44. Dr. Pepper... Mmmmm...

45. The process of changing may be hard, but is good for you in the end.

46. Potatoes of the Instant Mashed Variety can be quite enjoyable at times.

47. Disintelligent is NOT a word.

48. Performing is what makes all those hours of practice and pain worth it.

49. When caffeine and ibuprofen is what gets you through a long day, it feels horrible when it starts to wear off.

50. I don't need anyone to "hold my hand" every time I go do something; it's just funner to slack in groups.

51. Attitude? Me? Never....... =)

52. It seems that us girls are never going to figure out guys, so I guess we'll just have to keep making fun of them to make us feel better.

53. Talking behind my back about my personal life, which you only think you know about. Well, that's one way to get yourself farther on my bad side.

54. Driving an automatic is easy. Go pedal. No-go pedal. Any questions?

55. But it's driving a standard that is still a bit beyond me!

56. Girls never go to the bathroom alone. It's a fact of life.

57. Some moments are definitely worth a "brick-pissing."

58. How to hide from an annoying sophomore: "Somebody sit on me, and make me look like a couch!" -Celeste

59. Guy on a cell phone: "He has his ear in his finger!" -Sheena

60. Checking out the football players: "It's wholesome family entertainment!" -Celeste and Debbi

61. In the Coloring Book of Life, don't always stay inside the lines.

62. Don't know what you're doing? Fake it. That's better than standing around looking stupid.

63. Sucking just isn't an option. We all know we can do better than that.

64. Apparently maturity is a little too much to ask of some people.

65. So one second a guy is holding a door open for you, and the next second he's mocking you. How does that work?

66. A cheerleader was nice. Wow, miracles do happen.

67. If you have an ego that's so huge you can practically see it glowing, take a hint, and get over yourself!

68. A cat w/a perplexed look on it's face trying to figure out why it can't get to the fish inside the fish tank. Now that's amusing.

69. No, the world does NOT revolve around you. Deal.

70. Sleep is good.

71. "....Guess what....? I'm gonna be a mighty king.....!"

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