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*Anne's Insights Into Life*

1. Guys suck.
2. But sometimes they're o.k.
3. Don't lose sleep over a guy. They're not worth it.
4. Guys say girls are complicated, but we aren't. Guys are just too simple-minded to understand us.
5. Colorguard is pretty much like cheerleaders with flags & IQs.
6. Don't bother trying to explain PMS to a guy; it just doesn't work.
7. Since PMS stands for PRE Menstrual Syndrome, & periods only last a few days to a week, that leaves the whole rest of the month to have PMS!
8. Wearing a tampon in your hair may be offensive to some people.
9. Guys' razors just don't work as well when you're trying to shave your legs.
10. When a box or something says "open here," that probably is the easiest way to open it.
11. When camping, a bottle of hairspray is very helpful to start campfires with.
12. Doing homework 2 minutes before it's dues is usually not very good for your score.
13. If you light a fire in your room (ex. Burning a piece of paper...oops!), your mom will notice.
14. Don't wear sandals when it's snowing.
15. A good way to get your brother out of your room is to threaten to throw tampons at him. It works.
16. Being in Colorguard means you always have a shoulder to cry on.
17. Things don't always go as planned. The show has to go on.
18. Opening DayQuil is a lot easier when you look at the cap first to find out how to do it.
19. It takes a real man to wear tights.
20. Having to get up and go to marching band after only 5 hours of sleep doesn't feel very good.
21. Pain is temporary!!! (Ibuprofen is your friend!)
22. Some drummers really have an attitude!
23. Typing with one hand on a computer takes much more effort than you think.
24. When Colorguard is twirling our flags, if the flag hits a band member, it's the wind's fault. If the pole hits them, it's their fault!
25. How come so many cute guys are such jerks???
26. If you don't have anything to say that I would actually care about, then don't bother telling me.
27. I don't have a very high opinion of drummers at the moment.
28. When you're offended by someone, or have something to say about them & their choices, you should say it to their face, not behind their back.
29. Running over (& breaking!) my flag pole w/your car pisses me off!
30. Bringing a blanket to school is always fun. You can take it to class when you're cold.
31. Ham & Cheese sandwiches are yummy.
32. When you have a locker at school, it would be nice if it would open!
33. Have a problem w/me? Let's have a little chat about it; if you don't want to talk to me, drop it, & quit bringing it up.
34. Sluffing is fun (not that I would know from experience or anything).
35. Changing 2 feet away from someone of the opposite sex is not very comfortable, especially when you're changing on a bus.
36. Driving on the grass is fun.
37. It really is possible to fit at least 11 people into a car.
38. Everybody needs some total chaos in their life once in awhile, just to keep it interesting.
39. Sometimes when you think a guy is a jerk, he does something nice that surprises you, so he's not really as big of a jerk as you thought.
40. You don't realize how much you love doing something until it's over.
41. It's o.k. to cry sometimes.
42. Friends are always there for talking, crying, fighting, arguing, laughing, & having fun. Isn't it great?
43. When one of your friends like a guy a lot, & you know it, don't sit & flirt w/him right in front of them. It is so rude!
44. It's really nice when you have a teacher that doesn't ask questions when you just get up and walk out of class.
45. Isn't it interesting that as soon as you like a guy, one of your friends starts liking him too, & then she expects you to back off?
46. You know that cute guy in your class that you & your friend are always talking about all through class? If you think he can't hear you, he can.
47. Pepsi isn't a very good breakfast food.
48. Writing stupid little insights into life is a good way to waste time in class.
49. It's a pain having to pick up shattered glass all over your room, because you accidentally broke your overhead light.
50. Teenagers are not too old to go trick-or-treating.
51. Fire drills are annoying and pretty much pointless.
52. 5 people sleeping on one bed makes it slightly cramped.
53. Some people just can't be trusted w/your money, because they'll lose it.
54. When you're in a car "racing a train," even if you plan on stopping before the train tracks, it's going to scare some of your passengers to death.
55. Detention is pretty boring.
56. I hate it when people lie to me, so don't even bother.
57. Spilling nail polish on the carpet is not good. Thank goodness for nail polish remover!
58. I'm not laughing AT you; I'm laughing in your General Direction.
59. Let me explain my personal space policy. This area directly around me, at least 1 foot in every direction, is MY personal space. Only privileged people are allowed into it, so unless you have my premission, stay out!!!
60. Don't do drugs to get high... Kissing works better!
61. High school is like some really screwed up soap opera, except it doesn't pay as well.
62. Shopping is great fun.
63. The hallways in school are not high enough to do colorguard.
64. Grrrrr...
65. No guy is worth ditching your friends for.
66. I can understand being mad over something for a little while, but don't hold a grudge.
67. As much as I love malls, they do get boring after a few hours of wandering around.
68. Watch me not care... here I go, not caring. (o.k. leave me alone now.)
69. The worst part about brothers moving out is the endless source of Taco Bell stops.
70. Am I the only one that doesn't notice that the guy I like is trying to start conversations w/me?
71. Don't ask me questions when I'm spaced out or pre-occupied w/something else. You'll end up getting a very non-commital answer (like mmmmm-hmmmm-mm).
72. Using weird fonts on a computer sometimes makes it slightly hard to read stuff, but hey, at least it looks cool.
73. Chocolate is the food of choice. Nothing can beat it, especially on "one of those days."
74. Why do cheerleaders even bother wearing those little skirts? It's not like they actually cover anything, especially when they're all doing the splits & stuff anyway.
75. I dislike scody drummer boys. (not to say all drummers are scody, just some.)
76. School assemblies may be a waste of time, but at least they make classes shorter.
77. Acting like you're above everyone else is very snotty and annoying. Even if you're just joking around, it's not funny.
78. It's better to take your anger out on something physical (like running),than to take it out on a person. It makes you feel sooo much better.
79. If I'm having a bad day, don't take it personally if I don't want to talk to you.
80. So maybe money can't buy happiness, but it would seriously help a little.
81. I do not tolerate stupidity.
82. Brothers get slightly less annoying as they get older. Slightly.
83. I will only treat you w/the respect you deserve, & in turn, I expect the same.
84. *Sigh...*
85. Messing w/other peoples stuff is not a good idea.
86. It's so funny to watch one of your friends after they hear a joke, because all of a sudden you can see the "lightbulb" go on when they finally get it.
88. Getting braces is soooo not fun. (Kinda painful actually)
89. There really is a first time for everything.
90. Typing a 15 page research paper really sucks.
91. Not having bangs makes it so much easier to do your hair.
92. It's not fair when your friend borrows your clothes, and they look better on your friend than they do on you.
93. Cocky + Rude + Insensitive + Big Ego + Jerk = Typical Guy (especially in high school, but of course there are a few exceptions.)
94. Snow is o.k. at first, but then it gets all wet and cold and slushy, and then it's just icky.
95. Marshmallows are yummy, but they stick to your shoe if you step on them, and it's annoying when your friends throw them at you!
96. I don't have the time or the patience to argue with someone who always has to have the last word whenever I say something they disagree with.
97. Tomato soup and mashed potatoes are a surprisingly good combination.
98. Taking advantage of the fact that your parents haven't exactly given you a curfew yet gets you in trouble for coming home after one in the morning.
99. Some guys might actually be worth all the trouble after all. . . Hmmm, I'll have to ponder about this one for awhile.
100. It's pretty sad when I don't have anything better to do with my time than to make up 100 insights into life (so far!).
101. There may be a use for guys after all. If there weren't any guys around, who would get rid of all the spiders for me? (Spiders are evil!!!)
102. Yes, I've decided not all guys are jerks. This is quite the revelation for me.
103. Bowling is fun, but a score of 62 is so pitiful.
104. Getting yelled at for no reason is very irritating .
105. Guys are such jerks.
106. When using sarcasm, make sure the other person knows you're not actually being serious.
107. Why are girls most ticklish when it's a guy doing the tickling? (Hmmm I wonder!)
108. Just being up front about what you're saying makes it so much easier on the other person.
109. If you're going to drive, DRIVE NORMAL!!!
110. I have an ever-changing opinion on guys. Can you tell?
111. Valentine's Day is Single Awareness Day.
112. "Competition" sucks.
113. Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine. . . I'm sick of it. All I have to say is "Waaahhh!"
114. If you're going to be all pissy with me, at least give me a good reason. I do not want to hear "I don't want to talk about it!" Cuz I WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!
115. If my friends didn't find my list of insights so funny, I'd quit writing them, because they seriously are the stupidest things I've ever written (and experienced) in my life.
116. When playing Monopoly, it helps out very much to have a "business partner."
117. Due to getting a reputation for making "snide remarks," this list of insights into life will now be discontinued. Have a nice day.

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