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Famous Last Words

"Trust me."

I think it said connect the brown wire to the negative terminal.

That's not smoke, that's steam.

Of course it's sterile.

No, I don't smell gas.

Oh good, it's stopped ticking!

It's so tame you can put your head in its mouth.

Now don't cut off the wrong leg by mistake doctor!

These are the safe kind of mushrooms.

The trick with a charging rhino is to stand perfectly still.

It should be O.K. to swim in.

There's a lovely view if you just lean over the edge a little.

Clip the red wire first.

Pass me a towel; I'm going to wipe the foam off that dog's mouth.

He's bluffing! And anyway, that guns's not real.

Throw me that meat cleaver, would you?

It's supposed to make that noise.

They only attack when they're hungry.

I can hold my breath at least that long.

That's strange, you don't usually see American planes over this part of Hiroshima, do you?

It's a routine operation.

You skinheads don't scare me.

No need to unplug it, it'll only take a moment to fix.

I've done this hundreds of times.

We don't need to follow the instruction manual. It all looks quite obvious.

They don't bother tourists, their economy depends on us.

Let's ask those soldiers for directions.

I bet I can fit in there.

Fasten your safety belt - I want to try something.

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