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<bgsound src="/ut/AnaGemini/images/anothernight.mid">

Last updated 7-8-00
Well, this site is constantly under construction. I try to update it whenever I have a chance, so feel free to bookmark my page. You'll just have to scroll down and see what I've got. With the jokes I've put on my site, I've tried to keep most of the offensive ones off. If you have a good joke that isn't on my site, email me and I'll consider putting it on my site.

My Insights Into Life

More Insights!!! =)

Previous Polls

Actual Newspaper Headline Goofs

Blonde Jokes Page 1, Page 2, Page 3

Bumper Stickers

Cats and Dogs

Cat's Diary

Etch-A-Sketch Tech Support

Famous Last Words

Other Jokes


The Grasshopper and the Ant

Top 10 Things Only Women Understand

Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Hear at a Tattoo Parlor

Useless Facts


Wise Advice From Kids

Yoda Milk Ad

You Know You're From Iowa When...

You Might Be a Redneck If...

10 Ways To Know If You Have PMS

About Me

My Adoptions



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Melissa's Web Page
Jessica's "Psycho Chihuahua Page"
My Bro's Page

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