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What is an oxymoron???
Ancient Greek:
Oxus - sharp
Moros - dull
Oxymoron - a sharp dullness or a foolish wise (a self contradicting phrase)

acute dullness
act naturally
advanced basic
airline food
almost exactly
alone together
amateur expert
American English
baby grand (piano)
black light
bottoms up
business ethics
cafeteria food
calm wind
civil war
clearly ambiguous
clearly confused
clearly misunderstood
cardinal sin
computer jock
constant change
common difference
common sense
conservative liberal
constant variable
constructive attitude
corporate conscience
criminal justice
crisis management
dangerously safe
deafening silence
definite maybe
down escalator
dress pants
even odds
exact estimate
extensive briefing
found missing
freezer burn
friendly arguement
friendly takeover
fuzzy logic
genuine imitation
good grief
group of individuals
guest host
holy war
hopelessly optimistic
icy hot
ill health
intense apathy
invisible ink
irate patient
jumbo shrimp
least favorite
legally drunk
linear curve
little giants
living dead
mandatory option
minor crisis
minor disaster
modern history
new classic
normal deviation
old news
organized mess
original copies
original replica
paid volunteer
partial consensus
partially completed
passive aggression
passive resistance
plastic glasses
plastic silverware
pretty ugly
randomly organized
real potential
resident alien
rolling stop
sad clown
sanitary landfill
same difference
scheduled spontaneity
scientific belief
second best
seriously funny
silent alarm
silent scream
small crowd
soft rock
solemn celebration
standard deviation
straight angle
student teacher
sure bet
sweet sorrow
taped live
terribly enjoyable
terribly pleased
tragic comedy
twelve-ounce pound cake
unacceptable solution
unbiased opinion
vaguely aware
virtual reality
work party
working vacation

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