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"The Real Deal" Alex Kinkade(Leave of Absence)
Age:24 HT: 6'7 WT: 267 Hometown: New York, NY Manager: The Lovely Eliza
Entrance Music: "Paint It Black" by The Rolling Stones Finisher: The RDD(A reverse outsiders edge where opponent is dropped face and chest first into the mat)

Age:31 HT: 6'6 WT: 265 Hometown: Pittsburg, PA Manager: none
Entrance Music: "Wake Up" by Rage against the Machine Finisher: Outcast (Inverted DDT any variation jumping or swinging)

Age:19 HT: 6'4 WT: 245 Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland Manager: none
Entrance Music: "Calm like a bomb" by Rage against the Machine Finisher: Twist Of Fate Neckbreaker(Matt Hardy's neckbreaker finisher)

Age:?? HT: 6'6 WT: 285 Hometown: Parts Unknown Manager: none
Entrance Music: "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit Finisher: The Razor Blade(Implant DDT)

Age:24 HT: 6'2 WT: 235 Hometown: Atlanta, GAManager: Boo
Entrance Music: "Country Grammar" by Nelly Finisher: Switch Blade(Wrap around DDT)

Age:27 HT: 6'6 WT: 280 Hometown: Gainsville, FL Manager: N/A
Entrance Music: "My Hero" by Foo Fighters Finisher: Quezzy Clutch(Rings of Saturn)

Mac Beth
Age:23 HT: 6'5 WT: 255 Hometown: Hell's Kitchen, NYC manager: None
Entrance Music: "Simon Says" by Drain STH Finisher: The Claymore or Fall From Grace(Cradle PileDriver & powerbomb dropping opponent's head on the top turnbuckle)

Show Time
Age:25 HT: 6'4 WT: 265 Hometown: Atlantic City, NJ manager: None
Entrance Music: "Lets Ride" by Choclair Finisher: Showstoppa(Spinning Powerbomb)

Age:29 HT: 6'2 WT: 230 Hometown: Detroit, MI manager: None
Entrance Music: "Brain Stew" by Greenday Finisher: Jaw Breaker(Buff Bagwell's Blockbuster)

"Prime Time" Michael Lott
Age:25 HT: 6'0 WT: 229 Hometown: Houston, TX manager: None
Entrance Music: "Prime Time song " (Elix Skipper theme) Finisher: Lights Out(Super Kick)

"The Game" Justin Vest
Age:29 HT: 6'4 WT: 264 Hometown: Greenwich, CT manager: Stephanie Vest
Entrance Music: "My Time" by Nobody Cares Finisher: Game Breaker(Pedigree)

Age:17 HT: 6'2 WT: 245 Hometown: Detroit, MI manager: None
Entrance Music: Theme from "The Matrix" Finisher: Holy Sh*t (Starts like a dominater but ends as a reverse snowplow)

Abraham Kane
Age:28 HT: 6'9 WT: 297 Hometown: Moose Jaw, SK manager: None
Entrance Music: "Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down Finisher: Prairie Fire (torture rack into a swinging neck breaker.)

Age:24 HT: 6'4 WT: 275 Hometown: Detroit, MI manager: None
Entrance Music: "I Disappear" by Metallica Finisher: Teckniphobia or Tecknicality (Samoen drop into stunner or Powerbomb into Reverse Tombstone Piledriver.)

Mo' Bad
Age:23 HT: 6'0 WT: 235 Hometown: A Street Called Badlands manager: None
Entrance Music: "Man Down" by Mobb Depp Finisher: The "Bad" Mood (Tazmission Plex through a table, a table's placed on the side of the turnbuckle and Mo' does the suplex through the table on his opponent.)

Age:25 HT: 6'3 WT: 263 Hometown: Alley Pond, NY manager: Mr. Armani
Entrance Music: "Dead Bodies Everywhere " by Korn Finisher: UltraViolent Bomb (Powerbomb into the turnbuckle .)

Age:22 HT: 6'4 WT: 240 Hometown: New York, NY manager: None
Entrance Music: "Wait and Bleed" by Slip Knot Finisher: Blood Bath(Spits a red mist into the face of his opponent, and then hits him with an electric chair drop.)

Age:35 HT: 7'2WT: 455 Hometown: West Columbia, Texas manager: None
Entrance Music: "2x4" by Metallica Finisher: Slapjack (After beating a opponent in the ring. He sets them up in a powerbomb. And when they reach the peak of the powerbomb, he turns it into a Dominator.)

Jaye Doyle
Age:24 HT: 6'4WT: 253 Hometown: Petty Harbor, NFLD manager: None
Entrance Music: "Sharpshooter" by Rascalz Finisher: Dog Pound (submission move) (Doublearmed DDT into a fall back guillotine choke hold .)

Age:?? HT: 6'1WT: 237 Hometown: Birmingham, AL manager: Janet "FreeFall" Creed
Entrance Music: "Something's Gotta Give" by Aerosmith Finisher: L.M.O. 2000 (Springboard/jumping off the top rope DDT.)

Timothy M. Russo
Age:24 HT: 6'2 WT: 247 Hometown: Allentown, PA manager: None
Entrance Music: "All Alone The Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix Finisher: The Money Maker (Eevenflow DDT)

Age:24 HT: 6'WT: 227 Hometown: Pittsburg, Pa manager: Mr. Armani
Entrance Music: "Anger" by Downset Finisher: Heavy Sedative(Cobra Clutch Suplex)

Matt Vargas
Age:28 HT: 6'3 WT: 253 Hometown: Lake Elsinore, CA manager: None
Entrance Music: "Secret Tweaker Pad" by Sublime Finisher: "Bottom Out" DDT (Evenflow DDT)


"The Masked Marauder" J.C. Michaels
Age:22 HT: 6'1 WT: 225 Hometown: Halifax, NSManager: N/A
Entrance Music: "My Hero" by Foo Fighters Finisher: Super Kick(No Definition needed)

Rick "The Dynamite Stick"
Age:25 HT: 5'3 WT: 155 Hometown: Las Vegas, NVManager: N/A
Entrance Music: "I Love It Loud" by Kiss Finisher: Ramalamalama(360 flip off top rope into Splash)

Age:21 HT: 5'10 WT: 185 Hometown: Ann Arbor, MIManager: Tsunami
Entrance Music: "Machine Head" by Bush Finisher: The Tidal Wave(740 Splash)

Miss Kristen
Age:24 HT: 5'7 WT: 160 Hometown: Lexington, KYManager: None
Entrance Music: "American Woman" by Lenny Kravitz Finisher: Kristen Snap(Reverse DDT)

Jeffy Andrews
Age: 22 HT: 6'1 WT: 221 Hometown: Baltimore, ML manager: None
Entrance Music: "The House That Jack Built" by ??? Finisher: The Flying Sidekick (climbs to the top rope, jumps off the turnbuckle and connects with a Kenpo sidekick to the chin of his opponent on the way down.)

Tag Teams

Age: ?? HT: ???WT: ???Hometown: ???
Entrance Music: "???" by ??? Finisher:???

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