~Tammy's Cool Links~

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~Tammy's Cool Links~

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Universal Witch

Meet Miranda, the guardian of my page.
She is a Universal Witch, also known as Eclectic. She doesn't follow any particular tradition. She learns and studies from many magickal systems and applies those to her practice which work best. You might find her in her sacred space calling upon the Universe for help in her magickal workings.

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By listing these sites, here, I am niether agreeing nor disagreeing, with the content contained within their realms. I am only making them accessable for those that are interested in them!
If you do not agree with the content contained within~
My suggestion to you would be~~
Back out now And leave it be!~~

For those of you that are inerested~
I hope you find these links as enjoyable as I have! Thank you for your visit and please, come back any time!

~~Blessed Be~~

Here are My Cool Links~

Enchanted Encounters - The most in depth and informative site I have found,yet!! My Favorite!! With info on Palmistry, Tarot, Candle Magik, Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, Chakra, Crystals & Gems and Numerology. It even touches on Faeries and other wee folk! A must see site!

Rosemary West~ Divination Information and Links~ - A cool site with much info on all kinds of stuff!

aeclectic - An eclectic collection of content - Australian Gothic + 3D art, card images from 150+ Tarot decks, original poetry, fiction and book reviews, Pagan/Wiccan links and more.

Mystical WWW Info Site - This site has links to almost every Metaphysical topic imaginable!!

The Zodiac Master - This is another of my favorite sites! Very informative with mountains of info! Also some interactive fun.

Astrology.Net - A very neat site with loads of info. You can get a Free Reading here. Unlike most free readings, this one is very insightful and indepth.

Astrology Online - Another cool astrology site!

Astronet - All kinds of free readings(Astrology and Tarot), here! Lots of other stuff, too!

Chinese Astrology - Find out your own animal sign- Snake, Horse, Ox, Rat etc... Also has a cool compatibility feature!

Astrola's Metaphysical Den - This site touches on candle magick, crystals and gems, numerology and many other neat things.

Sacred Stones - A neat site that explains about some of the powers of Crystals & Gems.

Futhark Runes - A cool site to learn about Scandinavian Runes.

Creativity Unlimited - A great site with lots of cool links to all kinds of Metaphysical info!

Oracles - All kinds of info on I-ching, tarot, numerology and runes.

Zodiacal Zephyr-Acrophonology - A fun site to find out what your name has to do with the way you are!!

Tarot Humor - On the lighter side- some Tarot Humor!

For some really awesome sites~
surf through ~My Rings' Page~ or go back to ~My Homepage~ or ~Link Directory~ or check out my ~ Faerie page~ and ~Awards Page~