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~ John Taylor ~

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John Taylor - Third Prophet

Steadfast to and immovable in the truth, few men have ever lived who have manifested such integrity and such unflinching moral and physical courage as out beloved President. He never knew the feeling of fear connected with the work of God. But in the face of angry mobs, and at other times when in imminent danger of personal violence from those who threatened his life, and upon occasions when the people were menaced with public peril, he never blenched ~ his knees never trembled, his hand never shook. Every Latter-day Saint knew beforehand, on occasion when firmness and courage were needed, where President John Taylor would be found and what his tone would be…. The title of "Champion of Liberty" which he received at Nauvoo was always felt to be most appropriate from him to bear…. He was a man whom all could trust ~ noted for the wisdom of his counsels and teachings.

~ George Q. Cannon
(From a tribute published n the Deseret News, July 26, 1887)

JOHN TAYLOR was born November 1, 1808 at Milnthorpe, England. In early life he was a barrelmaker and wood turner. He emigrated to Canada when twenty-two years of age where he first heard the Gospel preached by Parley P. Pratt, and he joined the Church May 9, 1836. In 1839 he was ordained an apostle. He fulfilled missions to England, France, Germany, and the Eastern States. He accompanied the Prophet Joseph Smith, his brother Hyrum, and Willard Richards to Carthage Jail and was wounded by the mob when the Prophet his brother were killed. He was sustained President of the Church October 10, 1880 and guided the Church during sever persecutions. He died July 25, 1887 at Kaysville Utah.

Third President of the Church

Succession: Succeeded Brigham Young as President of the Church.
Birth date: November 1, 1808
Birthplace: Milnthorpe, England
Called as president, date: October 10, 1880
Called as president, age: 71
Years as president: 6
Facts: He was the only prophet not born in the United States.
Facts: He was wounded in Carthage jail where Joseph and Hyrum Smith were martyred.
Facts: Because of the persecution against the church due to polygamy, he lived his last years in hiding.