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~ Wilford Woodruff ~

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Wilford Woodruff - Fourth Prophet

President Woodruff was an unassuming man, very unaffected, and childlike in his demands. He did no man an injury, or was he too proud, even in his Apostolic calling, to toil as other men toiled. His traits and characteristics were ennobling, and so energetic was he that nothing was too burdensome for him, even in his advanced years. He was of a sweet disposition and possessed a character so lovely as to draw unto him friends in every walk of life. He was straightforward in all his dealings with his fellowmen and never shirked an obligation. He was free, sociable, and amiable in every respect. No jealousy lurked in his bosom. He looked upon all mankind as his equals and was one who cherished the most profound respect for all with whom he associated. He was as gentle as a woman, and his purity was like unto that of the angels themselves.

~ George Q. Cannon
(From a tribute at the funeral service of Wilford Woodruff,

Salt Lake Tabernacle, September 8, 1898)

WILFORD WOODRUFF, was born March 1, 1807 at Farmington (now Avon), Connecticut, and was baptized a member of the Church on December 31, 1833. He was ordained an Elder in 1835, a Seventy May 1836. He was ordained an apostle April 26, 1839 and on August 8, departed for a mission to Great Britain where he brought 1800 people into the Church. He was serving as a missionary in the Eastern States in 1844 when he learned of the martyrdom of the Prophet. He presided over the British Mission in 1845 and was a member of the pioneer company, which entered the Salt Lake Valley July 24, 1847. He became President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1880, Church Historian and Recorder in 1883 and President of the Church on April 6, 1889. Acting upon divine direction he issued the manifesto, terminating the practice of polygamy in 1890. He dedicated the Salt Lake Temple April 6, 1893. During his administration Utah became a State. He died in San Francisco, California, September 2, 1898.

Fourth President of the Church

Succession: Succeeded John Taylor as President of the Church.
Birth date: March 1, 1807
Birthplace: Avon, Connecticut
Called as president, date: April 7, 1889
Called as president, age: 82
Years as president: 9
Fact: During his presidency, the "Manifesto" was received, ending the practice of plural marriage.
Fact: He dedicated the Salt Lake Temple.
Fact: Utah achieved statehood during his administration.