The Gang of Three
Despite their differing personalities, these three are really good friends, and they proved more loyal and open-minded than other males when Mulan was found out.
Unfortunately, they have to share a page. Maybe they won't kill each other.
Full Name: Chein Po
Chein Po is the most trustworthy, gentle, and calm of the trio, not to mention the tallest
He puts much stock in meditation and other calming techniques, which proves helpful when Yao gets high strung, and saved Ping on at least one such occasion. He seemed to be a really sweet guy who would be a great buddy.
Full Name: Ling
Possibly the most arrogant of the trio (but certainly not to the extent of some of the others on this site), Ling is the self-proclaimed womanizer of the group.
Full Name: Yao
Yao is very aggressive. He reminds me of Hey Arnold!'s Ernie Potts. Same build, attitude, violent tendencies.
Thanks to Animated Lust (Rated PG!) for the pictures.
Back to my favorite characters
Age: I haven't the faintest
Occupation: soldier
Voice: Jerry Tondo
Chein Po is your typical heavyset animated character. He seems to think that the perfect woman is a cook, and really enjoys eating. He's rather strong, at one point lifting not only five or six soldiers, but Ping, Li Shang, and Kahn by a rope, and preventing the impending death of all.
Age: What difference does it make?
Occupation: soldier,
Voice: Gedde Watanabe
He also seems to be the most superficial, yet that was pretty much the norm in this setting, so I forgive him.
Several real females seem to think that he would be quite the catch, myself not included. Even so, he wouldn't be a bad friend.
He may goof off a little more than need be and can be quite the fight provoker, but he comes through in the end. And as Larissa said, he “looks d*mn good as a girl!”
Age: ACK!!!
Occupation: soldier
Voice: Harvey Fierstein
In the words of the great Dr. Heebie, he is quite the "tense little puppy". He’s incredibly high-strung, and somewhat of a bully.
One of my favorite quotes from the movie had to be “And I’ll do it with my shirt on.” I was laughing so hard that I had to stop the movie and run it back the first time I saw it.
Yao craves attention. He is very competitive, and wants a woman who’ll “marvel at [his] strength, adore [his] battle scars”