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Who Framed the Stalk-About?
You do not have to use the backpack in this costume it just made it easier to haul around! The following instuctions are for a person of the height 5 foot 3 inches. So once again you may have to cut some parts down! Look at a couple of diagrams below, it shows how it should look like, yes I will explain everything:

 From the Helmet to the PVC cross is 7 inches, so mark it and cut it out. From the Cross PVC to the "ELBOW/corner fitting" it is 6 and 1/2 inches, same on the otherside From the Corner to backpack, is 18 and 1/2 inches on both sides Everything is glued together, except from the helmet to the PVC pipe thats screwed together, it is accomplished with the little "L" metal brackets. See diagram:

As you can see I only used three brackets, it is not worth putting on a forth, but it comes in the package so use it if you want to. Okay now that the basic frame is done you can now I will attach the backpack. The back pack is used to keep the weight off my head, and put it on my shoulders, if I wouldn't of had the Bucky skull, it would have been a WHOLE lot heavier!!!
I got my backpack for FREE, cause they didn't need it anymore, and it was perfect. Below is a picture of the backpack and fram connected (Yes its a bad picture, but it works!)

This is screwed to the metal par, look at this picture:

The white hole is where a screw goes, and the hole is in the metal too (Go figure). Since it is screwed in it does rock back and forth, which adds to the effect. Thats about it for the backpack, for a while.

On to Chapter Three