Power Future Usage: Government 20 year plan for private industry, united for making amazing advancements for civilization. Beyond that, we are permitted to think. (No affiliation with the ad above, at bottom, or popups, if any appear.)

highest fixed interest savings rate yield / Dr. Bob Benchoff (7.6% for accounts opened May, 2002)

Power Future Usage

Click here for God Math

Click here for top cutting edge current tech: NewsWhiteHouse.com

December 22, 2003

Updated January 14, 2004

Updated January 23, 2004

Updated January 23, 2006

Updated April 2, 2007

"Ultra" Efforts:

Last week the United States of America Department of Energy decreed "ultra-scale scientific computing" would change certain aspects of ultra-high speed computing from the classified domain, to open scientific research.

This 20 year plan would work to surpass the Japanese Earth Simulator supercomputer capable of 40 teraflops.

A Check Exact demonstrated ultrasonic application replacement of software to computer experts at Stamford University (see below), something computer experts generally don't understand due to lack of pertinent education and training. Ultrasonics is rapidly gaining respect amid information technology, as the "up-and-coming" technology (source: Quality Digest November 2003 feature article...Sound Mind, page 31).

More than research and investigations, the focus is on consultanting applications. Practical needs include for prototyping businesses such as with General Electric for jet engines, and General Motors for more fuel efficient and cleaner cars.

While Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham claims "There is no real way to measure" [the] "power", A Check Exact and others believe the right answer vests not in government, rather in free enterprise (as we expand into Iraq and beyond); and Secretary Abraham agrees that at least economically we can measure the projection "on the order of billions of dollars" (source: IW/CMP Media November 17, 2003 p. 22).

A Check Exact (no affiliation with A Check Exact unless otherwise stated).

A Check Exact was established a decade ago to meet a national defense contractor need and a need businesses have in not merely providing quality control services; rather in advancing civilization according to the latest discoveries. Investing in the future of the USA requires top proven expertise.


If Einstein was right, then we can do this:

Power Transformation Symposium:  Dr. Bob Benchoff, Headquarters President of RD&C of Ohio:  Controlling pertinent US Department of Energy & USNRC related activities, and training graduating students for their becoming Certified State Safety Inspectors.

We have entered the age in which energy is being transformed into matter and back into energy at our command.

According to many surveys, what most people fail to realize relative to the financial impact is that involved businesses, and support businesses such as MSFT and RFMD are set to make the first baloon prior to 911 look like a kiddy ride.

Microsoft, for instance, has waded through most of the law suits, and the vast number of investors are poised to rally again. This time the ride will be more global. Then as governments ride the MSFT wave, the economy will naturally transform into governments owned by businesses.

History is a great teacher, look for instance at Duke Power electric company ownership of a vast amount of the Rockhill, SC bonds.

This trend is growing more rapidly, at computer speed. In the future, why write to a senator and get no response, when you can write to the likes of Bill Gates and vertical market together.

In the future, in order for government officials to hold the esteem that once transformed this [USA] nation into something great as with the formers of the Declaration of Independence, the economy must necessarily transform. This new ride will certainly be a jolt to the system. Government officials of integrity will not settle for serving as pawns despite the fact that short range (perhaps a decade) economic indicators soar.

A toy hockey game vibrates the metal field, and the toy hockey players move across the field [economy]. Relative to the speed that the players travel, the field does not move much. Yet if the players are not on the field, and the field is on a smooth surface, one would note how much the field moves horizontally, athough it was not even made to move horizontally.

The vibration signals it to move. The applied vibration is known as the frequency. In the case of the toy, the applied frequency for the players is the same as for the field. Yet one travels faster than the other. This is due to inertia.

The field has greater inertia than the players in both terms of kinetic energy, and material mass potential. The field and the players have both energy and mass. The greater energy is known as greater wavelength.

Potential energy is stationary and kinetic energy is linear (unless reacting to a stimulus). People generally understand kinetic energy is about motion, but often have a difficult time trying to comprehend potential energy, particularly when pure potential energy is relatively difficult to measure, in consideration of the Heisenburg Rule and proportionalities. In other words, we can watch a baseball fly and we can measure that; but we can hardly look at a baseball at rest on the ground and measure how far it will go.

Potential energy has historically been thought-of as a battery, whereas one could unlock the secret of the atom. As such, people think of potential energy as coincidental with the concept of matter.

This doesn't have to be the case. With the advent of the computer age, and with the transfers of packets of information, it becomes more clear that potential energy does not have to rely on matter. Matter just [slows us down].

To unlock to power of the energy, consider that a wave of kinetic energy can be viewed from many various perspectives. One perspective is Einstein's mathematical perspective involving the energy minimum (lest it become matter).

At the velocity of light, you can see that an energy wave as portrayed graphically has a crest and a trough. If you think of the crest as light (and the trough as dark), and the trough as not yet computed, then according to Einstein's Relativity Theory, we have light times matter [or times energy as discussed above] = energy.

The trough is also about wave energy. Usually people depict the baseline as halfway between the crest and the trough. If the baseline is depicted at the bottom of the trough, we can see that the greater portion of the light is beyond to typical crest as so depicted.

The result is more than double (pi = 3.14+). Proof, and further analysis can be made with the baseline midway between the crest and trough. The trough for this mathematical analysis mirrors the crest. But we do not simply add the crest area to the trough area to find the overall; instead we need to think in 3D terms (at least) since the wave is multidimensional, yielding a vector sum (whether applied to energy, finances, health, or other).

In terms of geometric configuration applicable to energy, the wave is helical (as compared to linear: scalar), as a spring is helical, and therefore instead of addition, multiplication is involved to reach not only the vector sum, but the whole velocity, since wavelength times frequency is velocity (w x f = v). So to work to meet Einstein's Relativity Theory, we can first multiply the crest and the trough together, or light times light. To do this the waveform must needs be applicable.

Ultra-Computations:  Ultrasound Wave Bytes gain prominance in Ultra-Computerization.

Ultrasonic Characteristics Effects

When computer experts discuss data transfer, they generally assume a waveform as depicted above after the near field at the start of the far field. This normal or bell curve has many great properties, yet it also lacks many useful properties. For instance, it is typical at that point along the signal for the power to be less than 1% of it's original amount at the transducer.

Power managers should be concerned. One other reason that this is significant, is that data signal managers should be concerned (and therefore indirectly, again power managers should be concerned). Greater data compression yields greater signal capabilities for a given power output. Only this discussion is not about slowing data, it is about time reduction compression. That is, it is not about compressing linearly, but latterally without submitting to broadband losses.

This can be done with data / node / signal instead of broadband data / signal. In the illustration above, this would multiply control by a factor of five. Technically speaking the primary signal beam, with secondary and tertiary nodes, would become the primary signal beam with the secondary beam with the tertiary beam. As depicted half the primary, + the 2nd, + the 3rd is illustrated on one half of the time line (the bold line), hence multiplying by the other side (x2) equals 5.

This factor is a misnomer for illustrative purposes, and the true factor would be theoretically infinite being 3D with the primary centered and the 2nd 3rd (and so on) concentric; so the true factor in application would be according to the current datum minimum characteristics.

For the above illustration, you can ask many experts how many data signal carriers they see, and they will generally say one. Yet when prompted into details, they will typically change their answer to include nodes. Yet if they would really think about it, there are far more than that.

How many waves do you see in the illustration above? More importantly, how many do you interpret for that main signal, yet not illustrated?

The correct answer approaches infinity. This correct answer includes many primary beams. Slow signals have a multitude of correlated beams such as gravitational, magnetic, mode conversion, pulse repetition rate, the dotted line depicted above, and much more. Yet at the speed of light x the speed of light, the signal has many more primary beams, of energy, matter, plasma, and other synthesized anomolies.

To grasp the synthesized concept, consider that a beam may be split into two beams, and then rejoined to form one beam. That is not a simple beam, but a synthesized beam: the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. When split, each beam part encountered different circumstances, so when rejoined they each brought different histories. This is important because in physics one of the most important aspects of a beam is it's source.

It is important to remember to view important ideas from all sides; for instance a battery has a + and a -. The + is relative to the -, and also the - is relative to the +; and also they are each relative to the =; and also they are both together relative to the =; and both the + with the = together are relative to the -, and so on.

One of the great significant aspects of this is that given, for example, "110011000" data stream packet, repeat data streams could be sent simultaneously. So for example by adding a tag to each end of the data packet ["start repeat" "end repeat" "insert at command 3" "loop 4,219 times"]. So we see the start of [energy based computing] as opposed to [computer based computing].

So in addition to a signal carrying primary data, the signal can carry relative data. The opposite of the example data stream is "000110011", the mirror is "001100111", the opposite mirror is "111001100", and these can all be sent simultaneously without taking up any extra space except for the tags. Also tags for partial and/or added components could be added.

When such complex streaming energy includes activators, then we achieve computer processing without any computer present within energy. One form of such energy activation within a signal is similar to cascade effects, as when radiation strikes a detector / multiplier.

So with such cascading, one mid-stream change can cause cascading changes and processing. The introduction of such change to the signal can come from external sources, or can come from within, as if spontaneous. One such manner is as with the split beam discussed above.

A leap in computer thinking is that the unsplit signal can perform this "spontaneous" task, based on time release of information to initiate processing; or based on an event, such as in the illustration above when the nodes converge; or based on attenuation as with a step transformer; or other.

When the signal can compute on it's own, then it can learn to do self checks on it's system (click here for brain self checks & preprocessing). So for instance, when it notices certain of it's data is being lost (specially designed monitoring related data for this purpose), it might boost it's own signal. After all, today we see a lot of energy transmitted in a carrier wave in order to carry a relatively very minute signal.

One way for the signal to "spontaneously" create it's own initiation of processing is when different data sets on different nodes converge, then according to the combination of their preprogrammed data they would initiate processing. That processing could then compute a new set of nodes (energy could be taken from the carrier wave). When those converge, then reprocessing of same and/or new instructions could be sent.

So we already see many ways to transport energy packets to emulate current day computers. And many more ways can be expected, such as with eddy currents and the coriolis effect

Click this picture to find out how the Coriolis Effect Works

Universal Constants: The Coriolis Effect

Coriolis Effects work with all energy forms, in conjunction with corresponding matter memory, activation, and inertial properties. The most significant aspect of the energy correlation in physics is not simply the relationship of the matter to the fabric of space, the most significant aspect is of perfect appreciation (click here to see Godly appreciation: 2 Samuel 7.7 note), stemming from the original natural apsect, and growing to the current most advanced state of human interpretation, known scientifically as quantification of quality, or in lay terms as appreciation of beauty.

Through standardization these benefits can be achieved to some degree, yet as the first line of the Book of Judges explains, judging weights and measures exclusively has it's own problems. This comes with merely acknowledging logic, rather than working proactively to acquire perfect thought, that is, the beauty of usefulness as opposed to mere functionality.

July 15, 1977, Dr. Bob Benchoff wrote a physical research correlation of finance with people energy patterns spatially (source: Pennsylvania: California University (Dr. Bob Benchoff headed the institution): Library: Book: Project: Catalogue Number 301.326 B457f [c.2]). Beyond this spatial variance is the intensity differentiation. Hence human intensity times spatial variance is the cutting edge of research, or "w x f = v" as noted above.

This applies to an individual (their personal best), as well as to the neoteric esoterics of a group (community of experts), with ultimate vesting in the whole (cumulative sum of knowleged times understanding) known as the work of God or in future energy terminology optimum proper applicationing.

So given that ultracomputing energy is at the forefront of the US Department of Energy, personnel top expertise for the collective analyses of the work of God yields not only the most cost-effective tactic, yet also the optimum strategy.

Ultrasonic divergence with distinct lobe signaling differentiation described above is just one easy to understand way split cascading can better help top expertise with such analyses; which may or may not be supported with ancillary convergence technologies as such are end user focused rather than collective optimal research focused. In similar reasoning, signals can be transmitted via the divergence law, but that doesn't mean anyone is listening or receiving or that convergence is a concern unless such convergence is proactive as discussed above.

The source with the divergence with the interest history yields the potential power, subject to top research expertise authority. In electrical energy terms, R=source (or resistance), I=interest history (or amperage), V=spatially vector specific potential (or voltage), and W=research expertise authority (or watts); so RxI=V and IxV=W (Note: Given generalizations are for teaching and training purposes, as for example "history" can be viewed as a negative or a postive, as a constant or variable, as a relative or absolute, and so on. Therefore the definition sense context must agree accordingly, just as "V", voltage, in this formulae {archaic} only agrees with "V", velocity, in the above formulas in specially designed situations: further standardization can yet and needs be done.).

Since Ultrasonics is so easy to understand for the computational energy signaling analyses particularly among preferred area of interest applications, among people as a whole, Dr. Bob Benchoff purchased some of the first multilingual Ultrasonic computers since the cutting edge of technology is with international and global experts. This was long before computers with translation software data was available to the general public, and the Ultrasonic Units could instantly convert entire applicable languages in very portable hardware, and also as well as with slower generic computer software.

For 30 years or more Dr. Bob Benchoff has made a concerted effort to give government, University, business, and the church sectors, to name a few, the logical incentive to initiate to look beyond their own capacity for optimum reasoning and/or optimal energy applicationing control. Such concerted efforts were with the likes of such authorities as Governor Jim Hodges, Senator Wes Hayes, nuclear authority Chuck Vigne, National ASNT program writer Bill Carnes, Representative Becky Meacham (most recent meeting 12/10/2003 at the grand opening of the largest new building in Tega Cay, SC, which establishment now rewards Dr. Benchoff's most active financial activities), Representative Herb Kirsh, Richard Benchoff and John Mallon (see "Einstein" pdf above: work included many University, media, and business seminars in future energy concerns, with RDCOH owner Dr. Bob Benchoff).

Along this line of reasoning of certification of personnel in training, experience, and education, it wasn't until 1986 that ISO responded with useful standardization for industry followed in just recent years by Universities (to the extent of the widespread offerings NDT courses). Motivating formal acceptance of ISO by NDT experts, government distinguished NDT from engineering just prior to ISO. So the third party system routinely accomplished by NDT experts, was now required among regular engineers and others, although ISO is far more lenient than mainline NDT. Logically, those non-NDT areas are expected to come up to speed in the future via the natural process of elimination of their alternatives, and as they proactively come to understand the value of optimal human standardizationing.

Calibration is for traceability, such as NIST involvements. Inspection is one or a battery of standardized calibrated tests, such as performed by a certified inspector. Standardizing is a way of meeting a standard, such as a quality assurance person does. Standardizationing is a way of standardizing standardization precepts and documents, such as ISO does.

In the future we will see training and experience (such as Method NDT: MIL-ST-410E) combined with education (such as Application exam: A C. E. / ASNT) for comprehensive human authority recognition control. This is not associated with manipulation of humans, but borders the opposite end of the Heisenberg Rule of Uncertainty.

Working with A C. E., Timken is making great strides in this optimal human advancement area, at the great satisfaction of government, with phenomenal profitability being realized as the trend continues.

From grass roots to foundation lobbying, work was accomplished at many levels, migrating from language barriers and ignorance to unity and enlightenment.

Stamford Campus Students Top Computer Class At The University of Conneticut / Connecticut Information Technology Institute

Understanding The Universe

In the above are some of the top Stamford computer expert students, based on hands-on involvement and initiative to be personally (via human not via computer) interactive in same with others. In other words while many other students were likely resting on the weekend (or were at least not present at this main Stamford Library computer resource center area) these students motivated themselves to be among other students and focus on computers and the future.

The whole group was extremely delighted to have Dr. Bob Benchoff teach them of software before software was invented. Ultracomputing originally had it's basis in human or similar mechanical manipulation. For instance when a person calibrates an Ultrasonic unit software is used.

Prior to the invention of software, hardware could be constructed and used, but the less costly and more popular way was via the expert person manually modifying the data stream. This was done through advancing and delaying time in situ and/or relative to the nominal reference points.

From the expert perspective, software is just hardware, just as a light switch is hardware even though it toggles between on and off. The true software is the higher good word priority. After we understand the right and logical true perspective, then we can properly control all ancillary processes as applicable.

After teaching this neoteric group, the librarian chided Dr. Benchoff (likely due her erudition). Dr. Benchoff responded, making a short logical statement and it was as if a light dawned and the librarian immediately apologized to Dr. Benchoff and asked him to stay longer and invited him into other Stamford areas.

This is highly significant in dealing with ubiquitous advocacy entrenched within systems, inclusive of government economics discussed above. Sometimes we just have to stop what we are doing and talk with a person at their own level of ability (see the writing law discussion and link). Some of the greatest advancements come not with publications or awardings, as of the Nobel Prize, but with one personal interaction at their speed.

Aside from knowing these complex areas, security against defective government computer components needs to be according to a combination of standardization of personnel certification principles, such as antiprofiteering decentralization (for highest quality, the exception being government / church) protective advancments (inclusive of counterpart computerization equipment such as backup DMS), Bernouli's (flow toward higher priorities), and so on for reliability.

The Conneticut Information Technology Institute Stamford University of Connecticut / City University of New York,


(legal reference page, no affiliation unless otherwise stated)

bars people from unqualified success in the field of law. Yet computerization enables application of theories to extreme accountability limits, computing and compounding and formulating precept upon precept to great degrees with exacting precision.

While the moral majority agrees that children are far better at computers than adults, the fact remains that adults bar children. Exclusion of that nature goes against our constitution and contradicts the principles explained above by the US Department of Energy.

While on the one hand people make machines to work faster, people continue to make top students work slower and conform to archaism. Speed isn't for machines only, it is also for sensing, learning, computing, and utilizing, by people young or old. Particularly when top experts face outmoded thinking.

If official government sanctioned computers can pass judgement on criminals in a second of time (barring extenuating circumstances), then why would we want to wait for traditional due process? Furthermore, if it is known that children are better at computers than adults, then why should they have to jump through hoops for old-timers that know less about computer security than those children?

In a nut shell, the day bar exams can keep pace with computer hackers, then we have some degree of victory. We must work for the freedom we call free enterprise. We must at least keep pace with new computerization and other fast moving technologies if we are to handle future energy properly.

We can learn from the mistakes of others. We saw that U.S.S.R. failed in government control. This applies not only to government, but also to big business. Outdated inflexible standards are good, until new priorities are discovered, to the extent that mysteries continue to be revealed and our path continues to become more clear. If we don't need a horse and buggy, then let's move-on.

The Variables Paradigm (Relativity) Within The Absolute Reasoning Formula


According to Richard L. Schmalensee, Dean, MIT, Cambridge, "revolutionary business science makes it possible to visualize the probable outcomes".

D. Welch, UCBC, of Christian Record Services wrote Dr. Benchoff a thought he held as precious, "so others can benefit".

Combined these two thoughts reach accord in the agreement that the buyer and the seller can be one and the same. More than mere vertical marketing, or convergence technologies, we can hold to the promise of helping others help others, and then we won't need to worry about sales, as sales would occur spontaneously and automatically.

If current energy can be produced from a single group of turbogenerators, how much more could be produced in the future from a multitude of generators? If each house wants to sell you one form of energy and buy from you another form of energy, would that interest you?

We currently have at our disposal arrays of systems, driven by geophysics, we have arrays of power driven by solar plasma, we are building ships to leap galaxies away.

Let's just look at this galaxy idea from a purely electrical perspective for a moment. A galaxy away is a great distance. A capacitor deals with distance. Voltage deals with variance.

As for arrays, whether natural or synthetic, energy is now being tapped, whether desired or not.

What if all houses became the generator, and the turbogenerators became the backup support systems?

Capital One (no affiliation unless otherwise stated) Senior Vice President J. Alan Berson also wrote Dr. Benchoff and in that letter in bold letters stated "You decide what your business needs" and "Convenience and flexibility are key".

Free your mind, and you will free nations.

When you can't fight city hall.

Did you ever hear a child rat-on another child, yet where is a greatly overlooked portion of our security? Children. Do you have computers at home and have you seen what overlooked group of experts use them? Children. Have you ever wondered about the future of energy and wondered what group would advance civilization?

We don't protect the unreasonable right for people to be slaves, we protect the reasonable right for people to enjoy life.

Account for Freedom and Benefits.

Anti-terrorism is not just about protecting energy lines from people with bombs, it is also about protecting education from those who would suffer dogma over enhancement. Beyond protecting the home front, individuals must be brought into the picture.

Look at the Chinese, for instance. They had more people than anyone, yet they were not a power until recently, because their people were isolated in destitude town and village pockets across their land.

Today energy is a one-way street. The power plant sells and the consumer buys. How long do you think that will last. We can learn from the Internet.

User friendly needs to apply to security, economics, regulating bodies, and more. Better ideas appear faster than they can be typed, but only (to some degree) if we are listening, only if we are open to two way (or omni-way) communication.

The founding fathers were not wrong about liberty and freedom. So when our businesses ask us for a rendering of our thoughts on the future of energy, let's remember what we set-out to do originally.


Energy of the Brain.

Just a Dick Clark of American Bandstand (in the above old blurry depiction) was able to have notes signal people to dance in a certain style, notes (similar to computer data bytes) or signal modifications cause inline thinking: a computer within a signal (click the picture above for details).

Would your business want to sell a stream of electrons, or would your business want to control the sales of smart energies. Perhaps it's time to give your business a new look-at what customers want.

Below is Dr. Bob Benchoff with baseball Rookie of the Year Joe Charbano. For this Cleveland Lake Front Event having thousands of visitors, in the afternoon the two played baseball together with children. Later in the day Ravenna Marscelli (co-working with the Benchoff's on various occassions) was on the air broadcasting event attractions. For this event Ravenna worked inside a giant jukebox (see pic below).

So "How much does this have to do with the future of energy?" you may wonder. Well, for instance, at this event MCI (no affiliation unless otherwise stated) made it's Friends & Family debut and their profits soared.

One may logically conclude when pondering when might the best time to sell energy might be, and deduce when consumers are using it and want it. There's not much new with that idea, and the future of energy will continue to contain some old ideas to some extent. Yet we can use our many previous deductions on this web site page to improve the energy situation.

If there was an energy blackout during this event, thousands of people would have been directly effected, not to overlook the affects on possibly millions of radio listners. So, one aspect is possibly sharing energy value with user responsibility, not as done previously with voluntary peak load delimitations, but with a reliability safety net of user providence as discussed above.

BSA Explorations


In a cavern, sounds echo in the return journey to the transmitter. The same is true of Ultrasonics reflections, electricity back EMF, and light mirror effects. In such bouncing back, energy is lost naturally. In other words there is energy dissipation or resistance due to mode conversions, elastic effects, and heat loss.

Waves work in nature the same way, not only in the wave front, but also in the attenuation due to side resistance. Just as a curved boat propeller meets resistance, the curve of the wave meets natural resistance.

Generally, linear partical motion may be considered as having greater resistance than waves due to their inertial anomolies, even when analogous to a nominally sychronous wave, such as photons moving in resonance to a light wave.

Although naturally energy at rest, potential energy, resists kinetic energy, such as a portion of a wave curve buffetted by a relatively stationary fabric of space, synthetic emulation can be made to enhance wave performance and effectualness, pertinent to it's propagational force.

Wave harmonics and symetry can work to this result, as can phase angle relative to fabric of space vehicle, or background, concerns, and other factors contributing to that variable.

One particularly noteworthy aspect of propagation involves associated functions due to coriolus subpropagational interaction with the substrate space vehicle.

For example, given an electrical power line, electricity can flow along that copper wire, but if a magnetic field is introduced, aside from shifting the phase angle, the power flow can be modified: it can surge ahead or lag relative to the otherwise normal electron motion.

A capacitor can resist the electron flow, but that deals with particles + their normal wave functions. Such wave functions do not necessarily mean predominately magnetism, for instance batteries can be carried on a boat drifting on ocean waves, so while magnetism is involved, the pertinent predominant wave is mechanical action of the water.

Therefore to solve for the problem of resistance, it is important to distinguish properties of magnetism from properties of interest being electron movement, electron wave vibration, positron charge force interactions, or other.

Hence for instance we can have a superconductor of little resistance, with an associated magnetic wave of high; so the combination can result in moderate resistance. So the big picture is that an excellent transmission system can be modified through naturally integrated or synthetically introduced externality effects. So as is typical, investigating the root cause of resistance is vital to optimizing the power grid.

Particle Motion and Eddy Currents

Packets of Information.

As computers solve energy concerns for us, energy lines or waves themselves will learn to perform integral diagnostics and make prognosis and corrective actions.

As revealed in Dr. Bob Benchoff's Aloft Cities designs, packets of energy can be handled similarly to the way postal services are conducted. Whether human, mechanical, electrical, or other energy, changes to the system are emminent.

While historic point distribution systems are likely to involve new discoveries of great value, the array system is something that has already been discovered and seems relatively untapped.

Questions should arise, such as "Why should we invest in building that power line tower, when through voluntary cooperation we can leap energy from cell phone to cell phone, or from home to home?" Such an idea, as demonstrated by Dr. Bob Benchoff to some degree at the Doctors University of New York (see below) involves convergence energy technologies, that is, a beam of energy of a particular construct can be relayed long distances, and the end user can convert it's power into the type of power they need.

Government has long time published frequency licensing criteria, and for instance typically any electrician can tell you that when you combine two separate 120 volt wires you get 240.

Physical principles apply to waves too, but how often do you see that happening, albeit increasingly.

E=Matter in motion:  electromagnetic force, and beyond.  Radio City Music Hall riding the waves (under construction).

Media News Headlines (under construction)

As pointed-out by some top electric company experts, "triangulation" is of great value [as related to Ultrasonics revealing physical properties in case point]. In addition to intra-energy packet vector computational processing methodologies applied to waves as discussed above, simple scalar intra-array triangulation also solves for the consumer need. Another point of value is the [kiosk: recommended] point of sale and subsequent ownership of pertinent future energy devices, such as similar to radios with receivers set for teleportation of energies (Update 2 April 2007: see NewsWhiteHouse.com for the latest important pertinent tech news with applying).

For such, for instance, batteries take-on a whole new meaning in accordance with attenuation rather than ionization. And even ionization takes new meaning as for instance a small piece of copper has a vast supply of electrons, and yet positron usage can supplement needs further.

No man is an island, no nation separate.

Changing the Universe takes more than the sweep of a pen: united effort must be given.

When Dr. Bob Benchoff taught and worked on energy applications at Stony Brook University, duties performed as requested for Ryerson Tull Steel / Waukesha Electric Systems / Westinghouse / Siemens / SUNY relative to state and other energy consortium were important, yet interfacing with officials, students, and others beyond the University academe borders included wonted flow logic accede salient intellectualizations.

More than prelapsarian tradition in the pretext of acephalous action, or at least in the quest of gubernatorial proactive comprenhension and behavior vicarious to predicatory pomp, future energy optimization is less about Mobius strip stratum type encumbancies and more about hands-on research type technicians applying linear logic, whether funded by government or not (reference above "pawn" discussion).

Dr. Bob Benchoff provided luminary Director Scot Mmobuosi, (non-area specific incongruities not withstanding, locale respective functionally 'ala akin per se: New Rochelle College, NY), with materials for convergence of Ultrastudios (no affiliation unless otherwise stated, except to the extent noted here).

Previously Scot had worked in exclusively in barlow specific multidimensional facets of planes. Whereas Dr. Benchoff provided more scalar, externally prepared (not by Dr. Benchoff) erudite type material for consumer comparisons. Unlike the "erudition" discussed above, this accrue premise yielded rise potential alacrity. In other words instead of distinct focus points, one could view the whole of the supplied materials simultaneously from any reasonable given reference.

So we find that not only wave convergencies nor only triangulations apply, but also preset focal point anomalies.

Some previous attempts to convey energy include piping steam to businesses. This is significant in that venting of same after any pertinent recovery, is generally inconsequential. Yet with wave transformations, spurious (see illustration near top of page) undesireable modes can occur so caution and thorough research need to be fulfilled prior to public involvement.

Future energy in one respect, will likely continue on the path of convergence, as with a foreground of positioned split rings amplifying radiation intensity.

In a safety principle related topic for instance, X-radiation was once thought to be thoroughly controlled, until it was discovered that X-rays striking Americanium produced undetected neutron rays. In a related story, gamma energy was thought controlled, until it was discovered that Radon particles entered humans and vested there.

User friendly applications include user related planning. Power lines have their value, yet it seems natural or preexisting lines can also accrete energy. This is not to suggest that power be run through water piping or that faucets be used to generate water pressure/gravity driven electrical generation.

Electricians seem to have little problem relating electricity to water, and some electricians also know some chemistry. Yet it is rare to find electricians savant with Boyles Law, such as applicable to the future of energy.

Introduced in 1860, Boyles Law is a statement is physics in which the volume of a gas at constant temperature varies inversely with the pressure exerted on it. This is not simply something for power plant, piping, or underwater experts.

For a given medium such as water, we see ten feet yields a gas expansion of four times. As applied to electrical and other more popular energy forms, this conforms to [or can be transfigured into] the Inverse Square Law for easy application to known norms of current experts, that is, to norms of the experience of many technical experts of various fields.

With the advent of plasma physics, the onset of a new energy mechanism set evolved. Generally speaking, this set ranges from contact MT to near contact MT to welding to curvelinear lighting to future energy and to vector solar winds.

Electric Power is said by Electricians to be similar to Water.

Some main electric control panels are shown here.

As discussed last year, these panels and others not seen provided physical control (computer controls not shown) of power substations. After Dr. Bob Benchoff's work these controls would work at full power as never before.

As clear in the previous link, muddled facts can cause generations of confusion at enormous costs, such as to FEMA and the public as a whole. It is not likely that of the billions or trillions of dollars spent on the previous link conclusions, there was no one able to figure-it-out. So we must perservere to do the right thing regardless of politics or affiliations, if we are to conquer future energy properly.

For instance, those anxious for unfounded (or perhaps even founded) litigation may be hurting themselves the most when it comes to future energy. Law suits against Microsoft, for instance, eats-up Microsoft's time and energy and curtails Microsoft from helping in their best way, according to their demonstrated track record, particularly in the early years prior to the recent rash of litigations.

Initially Bill Gates reportedly said Xerox left it's back door open. Yet from the start Microsoft found litigation, as with Apple, caused it's own back door to open for all the public to learn of some of their most proprietary information regarding how chips can be designed and made, and/or vice versa figured backward from material to the design.

Another example is the lawsuit between Westinghouse and GE that lasted over 25 years; which when all said and done seems to have had devastating effects on the entire energy concern, particularly to their own businesses (original prime contractors).

Navy career man Bill Williams said "You never get rich suing someone.", and he gave examples to prove his case.

Similarly, it could be said that you don't help by politically ducking issues. If that's why you happen to get into a position of authority, then that reasoning needs redress.

Just as waves and currents transporting material can increase or decrease user value, we must increase our awareness of "testimony" "transportable" initiatives, such as by ASNT, since as such the "industry sector" funding business could thereby lose it's veracity. While certification of expertise is important not only for planning, designing, and reliability testing, if corporations whether large or small allow groups such as ASNT to require centralization through ACCP, corporations face having to obey consultants (particularly with regard to litigation) rather than just gain opinions as traditional.

This has been the case such as with AWS, as AWS inspectors became recognized as judges among the states. Government building and bridge codes must be met, and that is how the Judges/AWS are used.

Yet for planning, design, and construction of future power mechanisims and other mechanisims generally, free enterprise should not be curtailed and corporations should be free to do what they think is right (with certain exceptions such as safety related).

Corporations should be able to hire the expertise they desire (within ethical statutes), and should not be coerced to follow ACCP as a specification or law, when ASNT guideline SNT-TC-1A allows corporations more flexibility as to who they hire based on guidelines, not requirements.

For instance, a corporation may want to hire a permanent employee Level II expert in the Magnetic Particle Method [MT LII] for future nuclear power generation work per SNT-TC-1A guideline. Yet if they are required (by possibly future current norm to the industry and/or by law) to additionally meet ACCP (which has been said by some ASNT Chairmen prior to formation of any ACCP type of structure, that it would exist for the reason of funding ASNT rather than for improving quality due to corporate cost for quality) to hire ACCP personnel, corporate costs could sky rocket.

This was the case as the changes to ASNT for same continued (reference A C. E. News) drove or at least is associated with the driving of prices out of the ballpark, so to speak.

For instance prior to 1980 a corporation could hire a MT LII for about minimum wage, yet today a MT LII can start at $45,000 / year.

Future energy not only relies on rising above legal strife and accounting matters, future energy relies on experts interested in thinking about the future of energy.

In the forseeable future we will continue to have to rely at least on some form of origination point and/or some sort of destination point for the energy flow(s). Such a point deals largely with matter. Such matter deals with constituents such as how conductive the material is, or how flexible the material is (click the pic below), or how much attenuation is connected with the material for the given need, and so on.

Giant Hydrolic Jacks Brought To SUNY

Click for Metal Flow / Conversions Information.

Here giant hydrolic jacks were brought-in and lifted into the main power security compound. Surrounded by barbed wire fencing and guards at checkpoints, special means had to be used to get the jacking equipment in place in order to instal Ryerson Tull's new power base for the extremely high power transformation. Due to the distant barbed wire fencing, the large crane could only reach the target by hoisting over the main electrical power control building which had to be evacuated and secured so Dr. Bob Benchoff could do his job.

Future Cost Concerns.

State-of-the-art work at SUNY (shown above merging with New York State Utilities power) costs can thwart many good intentions of experts. For instance, the company that brought the giant crane without abruptly stopped work, until they found out about them getting paid, causing the whole project in 2003 to come to a temporary halt. The project resumed after several minutes and a few phone calls.

So people interested in optimizing future energy need to consider in their plans the inclusion of companies such as A C. E., Ryerson Tull, Westinghouse, Microsoft, RFMD, Timken, Waukesha Electric Systems, and similar rather than luck based startup companies, for two primary reasons.

First, if you have an idea for the great advancement of future energy, their expertise interest same (not only educational but also training related, see A C. E. sites for further details) reduces your risk, particularly regarding unproven ideas. Compare how you can have an idea for a new aircraft, yet if you discuss it with an aviation expert they will likely tell you it has already been invented 20 years ago, and that it is illustrated on the wall of the NASA Lewis research facility where you can go on tour to see it.

Secondly and just as importantly, such experienced companies are experienced in handling applicable crews, scheduling, coordinating, and managing. For instance, the giant crane company down-time discussed above was minimized, as the management team knew from experience how to deal with such circumstances. Experience shows that if experts make it look easy, that doesn't mean a non-expert can do it, at all. And if the right experts handle it, the project seems to run smoothly, tempting novices to try to do it themselves, hence often ending their own projects in catastrophe (compare how 90% of businesses fail in their first 4 years). Technical businesses can be that much more difficult to succeed [startup difficulty x technical difficulty].

Not all schools cross the bounds [Ivory Towers] of learning, especially between education and training. The resultant impact for the future of energy is phenomenal. Not all schools are devised to process massive amounts of students. Some, although cost prohibitive for nearly everyone, are tailored to the individual exceptionally gifted student (click pic below). The proper managers understand this, and they understand how to not put such experts to work, but rather how to invite (inclusive of leasure incentive options, large pay, and bonuses) such experts to show the managers and clients how to achieve greater things. Top proven experts are provided top accomodations.

The Budco Riggers using giant jacks.

SUNY and the other better Universities understand this need to have the best. Just as a more pure source conversion yields little loss as to heat, for instance, a more pure mind offers better ROI if proper utilized; or more properly stated an applicably able top mind given the proper circumstances yields top ROI and top [regarding this topic] future energy.

Beyond institutions, top experts in the field also understand this. Dr. Bob Benchoff worked closely with Curt Gulley at ATF on special government projects such as missiles, for instance, and above and beyond the call of duty Curt would often think beyond the obvious to consider greater magnitudes of power, including human expertise, financial scenarios, and so on.

The future of energy is not about run-of-the-mill "poundo-poundo" thinking as Curt Gulley calls it. Curt understands top consulting is about making the boss millions and more, and having the ability to do what others would consider "goofing-off". One main idea most of the general public doesn't seem to get is that "goofing-off" is not something done by top experts. Top experts having fun at the beach are still on the job mentally, and employers should treat them as such.

Top experts historically go out of their way at their own expense to gain technical memberships with little concern for their own advancement as compared to how they might help others.

NB&B:  Memberships are not just about having your name appear in a journal, rather memberships should be about helping top expertise.

NB&B Membership Link: Beyond hype, the above depicted focus was possible due to expertise initiative.

Without top expertise going beyond the job description to learn before the fact, little if any of the work depicted on this site specific to these energy matters might have occured.

The above picture shows the main point where Dr. Bob Benchoff was invited to reveal the most critical of revelations of this long term project.

Just as a person can choose to think about the future or choose to not, Dr. Bob Benchoff, for example, chose, as DFL Mike Thomas put it, to work harder than "anyone I ever met"; and this was long before this project. Without independent intense study, we might find we only get book-smart (in other words, classroom-smart).

Failure to motivate oneself in useful logical research is failure to unravel the mysteries of God: bradycardia. Group studies are good, but not so much if they slow or delimit you personally.

Reaching and stepping into the future properly involves the good habit of proper handling of new ideas, even if those ideas are rearranged old ideas. Many ideas were once tried and discarded because support technology wasn't available. Allocating energy in the future will not merely involve carrying batteries into each home.

The future of energy is about cooperation.

Dr. Bob Benchoff and Dave McCall Years of Studies

Financing Universities had come a long way, yet has far to go. Dr. Bob Benchoff and Dave McCall spent years working together on state of the art electronics. Dave being the expert on product numbers, pricing, and components, and Bob being the expert on physics, applications, and primarily on University advancement, together the team constantly drew crowds of interested students, and the media. Dr. Benchoff held that the ease of gaining funding for Universities should be less reliance on government support (not to diminish same), and greater reliance on industrial technology [industech] advancements.

Simply put, if Universities want to advance financially for enhanced credibility and optimum enrollment (not only of USA citizenry, but also with a great influx of foreign financial and enrollment vestages), Universities must advance industech; that is, top industries need to be contracted to advance institutions.

This is the information age, therefore our knowledge banks must perform with useful material construction contrivances for greater theoretical and practical research. Mere talk is no longer acceptable.

Physics is not about talk, it is about action. This is because if our Universities are not able to put the theories to practice (meaning construction of new devices), then they might as well just teach recess.

This is certainly not just limited to Physics; the same applies to communications, arts, medicine, and so forth. Teaching theory only, is impractical by definition. Industry is available, industry must be hired: the highest tech that can be found.

Universities need to build giant complex devices for students to study, rather for students to be enthralled; their unsolicited enthusiasm is the vital element.

Dr. Bob Benchoff visits campuses today, and just as 40 years ago, to a large degree among students and faculty alike, there exists a self-imposed education barrier: people are too embarrassed to admit that they don't know something, and so they fail to learn.

Yet, if given a tangible stimulus [see: incentive] a person will learn (click to find what GE Worldwide thinks). A person will see solutions that make sense, even if the contraption fails to operate. A person will be motivated to think of how to fix it, or if operational, how to run it.

A person is smarter than a device and so they will lose their embarrassment and they will learn. They will want to learn more about it: how it works, why it is valuable, what it does when it works, and where it may prove useful; then theories they've learned they will bring together and they will think to improve on aparatus.

Words and/or a picture can help a person visualize a concept, yet an actual enormous research device will make a person a part of it, and that far exceeds the learning derived from the classroom alone.

CUNY and SUNY:  Knowledge Energy


We can break the future of energy into two Groups: A. Stationary, such as buildings, and B. Mobile, such as transportation (Note: Reference AWS D1.1 Sections 8 & 9, respectively).

  • B. Mobile energy vehicles historically connected periodically to some stationary point to refuel. But in the future we are less likely to see this for certain types of vehicles that will appear. Such will be similar to sail boats, catching magnetism, solar rays, hydrogen, and/or other.

    A. Stationary, will nonetheless be the mainstay for a long time (inclusive of space station type permanent service centers for other vehicles).

    Aside from fundamentals of energy conveyances as from generator to end user, one important factor is the difference in security matters. Aside from virus type considerations, Group A security focuses on system protection, while Group B has the added concern of offensive assult.

    For instance along those same lines of thinking, an authorized person can walk onto the property of an energy plant, yet for that person to drive their car onto that property, insurance of one million dollars may first be required.

    In planning energy for the future, we must reconsider who should bear the risk cost. Should the airlines bear some of the insurance burden, should the projectile manufacturers, should boaters (as per nuclear submarines)? And with new energies, should manufacturers bear responsibility for how the end users might use such devices?

    Case in point, during the Gulf War Iraq used jets against our side, so (having bought the jets from France) France flipped the computer switch and the Iraqi jets stopped working.

    So for instance, the next generation of vehicles have controlable computers, and should power plants and other areas of special concern have [shields] signaling and/or forcing vehicles to stay clear? Yes.

    Financial Security Technological Problems And Future Preparedness

    Historic Security and Disaster Reference

    Inclusive of science mentoring we find the personal aspect. A person might understand virtually everything, except one point, and so when that person's personal question has been answered, they can leap ahead in addressing the future as a whole, inclusive of future energy concerns.

    Many scientists (which are often known as consultants) concerned with the future of energy understand the proper prioritization that needs to be observed, especially in the field of research.

    More than mentorship, the collective consortium needs to collaborate, since as Cornell put it, "The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts".

    In the collective we find two areas, standardization, and advocacy. If we establish elections (not the system or machines) as paradigm of pure advocacy, then we are free to classify everything else as being at least in part according to standardization. This can include the standards of the church, computer dating, codes, and laws, for instance.

    While each has something to do with scientific standardization, we often use money to control such ventures. Scott Schroeder, a Vice President at Dun & Bradstreet, wrote Dr. Bob Benchoff of his biggest concern to "assess credit risks".

    Similar to insurance concerns, this is a major blessing for those properly prepared for leadership along the future energy path. Below is picture of a typical future indie indicia in the New York City Times Square area. It is easy to look-at marketing and advertising campaigns to see what the future holds. As shown here giant television screens, once rare, are now commonplace.

    From a safety standpoint, why should an electrician, or anyone else for that matter, have to use a meter to see what energy may or may not be in an electrical wire. Future energy will be safe and user friendly at many levels.

    Aside from law, for instance, many consumers won't purchase food energy unless it has proper labeling tags, such as disclosing sodium, protein, and fat content. In the future consumers will flock to smart energy. Yet in accordance with prioritization, care should be observed.

    Industrial & Labor Relations / Cornell University:  CUNY & SUNY

    Cornell University: CUNY & SUNY (no affiliation unless otherwise stated): kismet provost research.

    Some business sometimes work contrary to their own best interest. For instance a accountant/boss may consider finances and say to the employees, let's continue to develop our old project because it made us money in the past. Contrarywise, the scientist may consider [scientific method] priorities say, let's work on this new technology that seems even better.

    Hence management has the choice to stick with a known of minimal risk or to try something new and more risky, but with greater ROI potential.

    As this world has come to rely more heavily on the accountant in charge, it seems logical that many scientific priorities not understood by accountants are being overlooked.

    Real steam rising from the coffee cup (10 stories tall) at the Diamond District, NY, NY.

    Refracted light waves and particle motion go together.

    From gleaning to great automatic Internet strides, future energy must start to evolve from being manipulated by humans, to being interactively compatability with humans.

    Coffee interacts with humans, from heat waves to ions, to supporting growth. Energy must grow, and with our proper help it will begin to grow of it's own accord.

    Via comparison, in the old days businesses had stores, and when the Internet took precedence, old fashioned business owners continued in their old ways and posted their Internet "shingle" store site and ignored the more important part, automatic sales generation with POS commission tracking.

    A decade later the tip of the iceberg has not yet been realized except by a very few organizations. Let others sell for you, similarly, let others generate future power for you, from their homes.

    The Internet paves the way for future energy.

    What will be the future regarding energy? Look at the Internet, it is blazing the trail.

    Prior to the Internet, Amersham / Tech Ops Certified Dr. Bob Benchoff used to often teach high power radiation aspects and safety. Back then Dr. Benchoff would say "If you want to know what the NRC will do in the future, look at what Texas is doing.", since Texas was often on the forefront of those matters.

    Today let's acknowledge the Internet in a more substantial way with regard to power. The reason the Internet should be followed is that the Internet machine more closely resembles mankind, particularly in it's ability to grow.

    A jack (as depicted above) can be used in new construction. An Internet can be used in millions of new constructions.

    Leading and Following.

    The Internet Vests In The Word.

    Let's examine energy history for a moment. We can learn that in very old buildings one can often find wires that are no longer used. Such is not about growth, it is about replacement.

    Why should energy companies be burdened with such overhead? Shouldn't energy companies be about energy? Then why are they in the replacing old parts business?

    Below is a picture of state-of-the-art (or nearly so) power workings at Stony Brook University on Long Island. Here is a portion of the vast electrical field, with the electrical building to the left, not seen behind the many electrical fixtures. In the distance to the right is another separate electrical complex previously used and yet in use today; and the larger building past that contains it's advanced computer monitoring controls and other power controls.

    One small part of future energy.

    A glimpse of some of future energy.

    Click the above pic to see how many old energy lines you see from the USA based nuclear power plants to the end users.

    Aside from new contrivances not yet invented, science, NASA, and others will play their roles. Yet the greater part is the role Internet format users will play.

    Government of the People.

    Government And Global Proximity.

    Above are top on-site officials from Waukesha Electric and Ryerson Tull, heading the SUNY / NY Electric Utility connection project on behalf of Westinghouse. Shown is the head of welding, with his boss Emmett, an Engineer. To the right is Ryerson Tull's Derek Perry, upon whose invitation Dr. Bob Benchoff visited SUNY and provided Ultra-scientific revelations with subsequential conference call results disclosures with sagaciousness for top off-site officials.

    Such top professionals in the fields of high tech matter and energy can now view the future of power with new standardization awareness, and for example as Derek proclaimed, he was in complete agreement with Dr. Bob Benchoff.

    The invention of cars brought people together. Energy had to be provided to run the cars.

    The invention of the Internet brought people's minds together. The Internet (or intranets) have to provide packets of energy to run the power plants. Batteries, solar power, and also power plants run the Internet.

    If an Internet user runs on solar power, how is the energy company to profit?

    USA government runs on the voter. The Internet runs on the end user. But historically with energy it has been a one way street: here's your energy, here's your bill, end of story.

    Traditionally, high power carried communication signals.  Why not the other way around?


    Energy businesses must transform if they are to survive. Simply competing for low prices is not the way. The need is to think 3D and more.

    Just as a tree is not simply about capilary action, a power provider should be more than a one-way convoy.

    Government doesn't just think-up all it's legislation, government constituency floods government with a plethera of good ideas.

    Internet users form a plexus of good idea points, or POS. If accountants don't even invest in Kiosks, how can we expect them to invest in children, let alone in the conservation of energy.

    Future energy must utilize fast paced growth technologies, such as automatic incentive generation, rewards programs, advanced vertical marketing, and user friendly tutorage such as plan complexity choices.

    Future energy must include protection from sporadic behavior if [co-op] customers are to be satisfied, such as a printer turning-on because of a stray IR beam.

    Future energy must give government the edge, and future energy must give government incentive to fund heavily.

    They said it couldn't be done. Energy activates the signal, the signal activates the transporter, the transporter activates the material, the material activates the vehicle, the vehicle moves the transporter, and system rebirth occurs.

    We don't need to talk hi-tech. To a large degree, to see into the future we can rely on what others have already accomoplished. We can look far into the future of power through looking into ancient documents.

    Smart energy is key.

    It's there for us, we just have to try.


    Reference Scientific Discoveries and New Theories.

    Strongly recommended: Transporters and collective intelligence.


    3/1/2004 Update, Strongly Recommended:

    The the plan for moving through the future has now been mathematically adduced, click here for God Math Code, and click here for Bible Physics newly applied to Relativity Applications.

    Also noteworthy are some advancements in power as predicted in Einsteinian Theory, with measurable gravitational waves produced from stars very near each other. The gravity bursts are produced about every few years.


    For further study of important topics, please visit the following sites:

    ICC logical sermons.

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