Bad Joke Man vs. The Ten Foot Tall Flesh-Eating Bananas by Chris and AJ

On the island of Isthe Nublard, John Ham-And-Eggs watched his geneticists create genetically advanced Ten Foot Tall . . . Flesh-eating . . . BANANAS! But then, suddenly, out of nowhere, right out of the blue, by some turn of events, Neddis Deadry turned the electric fences containing the beasts off, causing the bananas to escape, to hop on a ship, and to roam free in New York City! THEY WREAKED HAVOC!

In the home of the Manns, BJ slumped down to the breakfast table. He was about to plop into his "Triple Cocoa Chocolate Truffle Rough Tough Fluff Puffs", but then he glanced outside. He saw . . . TOTAL CHAOS!!

"Well, duty calls!" He quickly changed, and flew out the window by himself (Herbie was still asleep.) He landed by Fred (the lead banana) and lurched at him. Unfortunately, he slipped on a banana peel and was out cold. The banana army dragged Bad Joke Man to their secret hideout on the tropical island of Theis LardNub (another island). When Bad Joke man woke up, Fred laughed.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!” A 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 0,001 ton safe broke through the ceiling above bad Joke Man. The sound of an airplane could be heard off in the distance.

“I hate it wen dis happens," Bad Joke Man squealed.

The safe was meters away. But suddenly, 51 0's and one 1 disappeared, and the word tons was replaced with grams. The safe was 8 feet around the outside edge, and was thin as paper, though it looked heavy. It bounced off Bad Joke Man's head.

“Hmmm . . . it sounded heavier when I ordered it," Fred said. Bad Joke Man jumped up.

“Eat Limburger, vile fiends!" he yelled as he pulled stinky, rotten, decomposing, larvae-festering Limburger cheese out of his pocket and hurled it at Fred. They ate it up.

“Do you have any Grey Poupon??"

“Ahhhh! The’ve resisted! he screamed as he bolted for the door. As soon as he got through, he reached into his pocket for his anti-grav device, (haven’t you always wondered how super heroes fly?) but it wasn't there. “I must have left it at home,” Bad Joke Man grumbled. “At least I always carry a spare.” He brightened up. But two seconds after he pulled it out, it blew up, leaving metal pieces everywhere. “Great,” he said sarcastically. He whistled for a cab. A cab came into view. But as it came closer, a banana could be seen behind the wheel. Bad Joke Man zoomed off in the general direction of home. The banana was gaining. "Why is a chicken coop a chicken coop?"

"I have NO idea!" the banana yelled.

"Because it has 2 doors. If it had 4 doors, it would be a chicken sedan! Ha ha ha ha!" The banana peeled.

"Duh, I don't get it," the bystander yelled back. Bad Joke Man bolted home. He knocked on the door. Super Herbie answered it.

"Hey, Super Herbie, pss, psst, psss, trap, weight, SPLAT!"

"HA HA HEE HEE weight, SPLAT! HA HA HA HA!" Super Herbie gave approval to the plan.

"OK, let's get the supplies." So they both went to the hardware store.

"How may I help you?" the clerk asked.

"We'll need a lot of wood, nails, steel, two hammers, and a 1,000 pound weight," Bad Joke Man replied. Super Herbie smiled when Bad Joke Man said the word 'weight'. "That will be all, thank you." He paid the money, and he and Super Herbie left the building. "Let's get started." So they both went home and got started. When they were building, Super Herbie hit his thumb, Bad Joke Man practically built the whole thing himself. When it was finished, they called 1-555-EVL-BANA. Fred (the lead banana) came on the other line.

"Hi, Fred, this is Bad Joke Man."

"Hi, Bad Joke Man," Fred said sarcastically.

"Wanna know what I think of you?"


"I think you're FAT!" *Click*

“Hey!” *Click* Fred and the banana army hopped in the Bananamobile, and burned rubber at a screaming 1,000 mph. When he arrived at Bad Joke Man's house, he hopped out and ran to the door. He yanked it open. Unlocked. "Odd . . ." He went in. It was dark, and he couldn't see very much. He stepped on the trigger, and fell into the pit. The ball started rolling, and it rolled down two ramps, then landed on a springboard. It started bouncing. It bounced higher and higher until it hit another teetertotter. The teeter-totter let another ball roll down-another ramp. It hit another springboard and bounced up. "What in the heck?" Fred yelled, confused. The ball finally tipped yet another teeter-totter with the weight on the opposite end. The weight fell down, splattering Fred all over the room.

"I'll bet that hurt," Bad Joke Man said.

"Me too," agreed Super Herbie, who was beginning to look pale. Meanwhile, Bill, who was second in command, took a peek inside.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! he screamed when he saw banana cream on the walls. He reported to the banana army about what happened. They were all so depressed, that they all blew up. Once again, justice prevailed because of Bad Joke Man! (And Super Herbie.)
