I made a new story. It's kind of funny. Well, it has SOME funny parts. Okay, it's not that great. It has a bunch of inside jokes. It has a couple of exciting parts. Well, not really. Aw, just read the stupid story. Yes, that one! The salsa one...come on...read it. Not this, the story!
Psycho Salsa Man
Lox in Sox
The Annoying Commercials
Chris the Crazy Cartoon Kid and Ben the Dead Fish
The Evil Scientist Who Is Evil Just Because He Wants To Be.
Revenge of the Sea Monkeys
Skanky the Weasel
The Evil Midget Oswald
The Wizard of OZwald
The Three Whining Spoiled Brats
The Ten Foot Tall Flesh Eating Bananas
The Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar
The Video Game Zombies
any questions regarding Bad Joke Man and the like, contact Chris