Bad Joke Man vs The Three Whining Spoiled Brats by Chris, Andrew (I think) and AJ

In a house in Manhattan, Johnny, Bonnie, and Connie lived with their parents. "I want my cereal!"

"Feed me!"


"I wanna toy!" The words gimme, gimme, gimme! were ringing in the parents' ears. And, finally,

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Dad screamed as he ran out the door.

"ME NEITHER!" Mom screamed in hysteria and ran out too.

"Now that Mom and Dad are gone, let's go have some fun!"

"I know! Let's go to town and whine until everyone's ears fall off!" Johnny suggested.

"Great! But how will we get there?" Bonnie questioned.

"We'll use the station wagon, silly!" Johnny answered.

"Who will drive?" Connie asked.

"I guess I will," said Johnny.

"Okay. Wait a second! Don't you have to be a certain age to drive?"

"lf I sit on this, and tape this under my nose, we'll be fine," Johnny said as he held out a phone book and a 'Mr. Asparagus Head' mustache. "Let's go.” They got in the car and started driving. They lived fairly close, so it didn't take very long. Once they arrived, they hopped out of the car, and immediately started whining. Everyone within earshot fled. Suddenly, Bad Joke Man swooped out of the sky . . . and crashed through a window.

“Three point landing, super dope," taunted Johnny. Bad Joke Man lumbered out of the building.

"You kids shouldn't be driving. How old are you, anyway?"

"Well, Bonnie and Johnny's ages added together equals Connie's age, Johnny is 4 years older than Bonnie, and Johnny is 3 years younger than Connie."

“I know! Bonnie's 3, Johnny's 7, and Connie's 10!" The brats whined. The whining had irritated a swarm of angry locusts in Central Park. Exactly 1,234 insects came buzzing after them.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" they screamed. They were chased into an alley between a radioactive power plant and a cheese factory. Connie thought quickly and threw radioactive waste and old shoes in the dumpster. Out arose a hideous creature. It ate all the locusts. It turned toward Bad Joke Man. "Eat Bad Joke Man!" yelled Johnny. It seemed to take orders from Johnny. Then, up in the sky, it's carpet lint, it's American cheese, no, it's Super Herbie!! And he landed right on the monster! SPLAT!!

"Super Herbie! Are you all right?" Bad Joke Man asked.

"III'm aaaaall riiight," Super Herbie replied shakily. They both ran home. They sat outside on the back porch.

"Super Herbie! I've hatched a plan!"

"So stand up or he'll suffocate!" Bad Joke Man stood up.

"Sorry, little plan." Bad Joke Man cleaned up the broken eggshells.

"Hi there, little planny wanny wanny!" The plan was the size of 1/2 a peanut, and the weight of a feather. A gust of wind made the plan drift up inside Super Herbie's ear and into his mind. "Hey Bad Joke Man! Here's the plan." Bad Joke Man came closer. "Ssssspt ssssspt ssspt." Herbie whispered to Bad Joke Man.

"I like that plan!" Bad Joke Man exclaimed. They both went to the hardware store, and got all the supplies. They set to work. When they finished, Bad Joke Man set out to find Bonnie, Johnny, and Connie. When he found them, he made a trail of candy leading to the door of the Mann family garage, where the contraption was located. The three kids followed the trail to the door. They all walked in simultaneously. They stepped on the trigger, giving way, forcing them to tumble into a padded pit. The trigger pulled a rope, pulling out the board suspending a bowling ball. The ball rolled down a ramp, rolling onto a pair of scissors, causing the rope suspending the platform suspending the kids to be cut. The kids fell to another room. Johnny saw a locked door and a key.

"I want that key!" He pulled the key, but it was attached to a rope. The rope pulled out a board suspending a cage. As all the kids crowded around the door, the cage fell onto the them. Bad Joke Man came towards them, and asked them some questions.

“Do you have any parents?"


“Do you like candy?”


“Do you have any?"


“Drat. What’s the hypotenuse of a-” He was cut off by Bonnie.

"We deny everything!” Bonnie squealed stupidly.

“No we don't!” Johnny denied in denial. Bad Joke Man took them to the therapist where they lived unhappily ever after. Yet again, Bad Joke Man and Super Herbie have deleted 3% of evil in the metropolis of New York City. (Big deal.)
