Bad Joke Man
Super Herbie
The Annoying Commercials

"We will return to world premiere movie, The Walrus, after these messages," said the announcer on the television.

"Stupid commercials, we were just getting to the best part of the movie," said Phil.

"Yeh, we just had a commercial break five minutes ago," said Herbie.

"...And remember, BOR - X is the laundry detergent to use, and it smells like roses!"

"I HATE THIS! I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" screamed Phil as he hurled a brick at the television. The TV exploded, and three strange looking creatures popped out. They were the commercials! Fran fainted as the commercials hopped about the house screeching "Buy it!" and "Order today!" and so on, until they all ran out the door.

"This is terrible!" BJ whined. "Now we can't watch the rest of the movie!"

"You are thinking about the movie at a time like this?"

"Oh yeah, the commercials. Those are pretty bad too. I had better wake mom up."

The three commercials were not the prettiest sight. they had pencil - thin arms and legs, had big googly eyes, and it looked as if they had a television screen in their mouths. They had rotting yellow teeth, and their bodies looked like cubes. They were terrorizing the neighborhood kids, and were generally being pretty annoying to everyone.

"I've got it!" BJ exclaimed. "I'll just pull out my magical VCR, and press rewind, so that we can just avoid this whole scenario by keeping the TV from exploding!"

"Wow! That's a great idea, BJ! There's just one problem," said Herbie.



"I don't?"

"No, you dunderhead!"

"But I thought that Grandma gave me one for Christmas."

"Nope, but it can program up to eight shows to record."

"Aw, shoot. Hey, I know, I'll build a trap!"

"What's the matter, can't you think of any original way to catch the villain?"

So BJ turned into Bad Joke Man, and built the trap. When someone opens the door, they fall into a pit. That's it. Open the door, take a step, fall in a pit. No more. It's a pretty lame trap if you ask me, but, then again, I am just the narrator. "Hey, I am kind of running low on trap ideas, and it was all I could think of." Ha! I could build a better trap with my eyes closed! "Yeah, right." But then Bad Joke Man backed into the pit. He fell down, screaming, and landed with a painful...


"Ow, that hurt."

Bad Joke Man would have flown out with his Anti - Gravity Device, but he landed on it. Bad Joke Man pulled out his BadJokeFone, and called Herbie. "Herbie," Bad Joke Man muttered. "I'm stuck in a pit. You gotta stop the commercials. Then you gotta help me out of the hole. Call me when you're done, and I'll tell you where I am.


"What? I have to do it myself?" Herbie complained.

"Quit complaining, I usually end up doing it myself, too."

"Bad Joke Man, you're still there!?"

"Yeh, I said click so that you would think I hung up. Pretty sneaky, huh?"

"Yeah, it was. Bye - bye."

"Goodbye." *click*

"Ohhh, how am I gonna do this?" Herbie thought aloud. "I know! I'll just ask the reader to stop reading! Nah, too unsettling. I could build a trap! Nah, too Badjokemanesque. Eureka! (Whatever the heck eureka is.) I'll just call all the television stations, and tell them to stop the TV frequencies! That will shut off the commercials! Herbie called

ABC (American Broadcasting Cretins),

BBC (Blockhead Broadcasting Company),

CBC(Clod Broadcasting Company),

DBC ( Dolt Broadcasting Company),

EBC (Entertaining Broadcasting Company),

FBC (Freakish Broadcasting Company),

GBC (Goify Broadcasting Company),

HBC (Home Broadcasting Company),

IBC (Idiot Broadcasting Company),

JBC (Joe's Broadcasting Company),

KFBC (Kentucky Fried Broadcasting Company),

LBC (Loser Broadcasting Company),

MBC (Moronic Broadcasting Company),

NBC (Nincompoop Broadcasting Company),

OBC (Oaf Broadcasting Company),

PBC (Pain Broadcasting Company),

QBC (Quarry Broadcasting Company),

RBC (Rambunctious Broadcasting Company),

SBC (Schlemiel Broadcasting Company),

TBC (Turkey Broadcasting Company),

UBC (Ullman's Broadcasting Company),

VBC (Video Broadcasting Company),

WBC (Wet Broadcasting Company),

XBC (X-tremely (Stupid) Broadcasting Company),

YBC (Your Broadcasting Company),

ZBC (Zooplankton Broadcasting Company), and all the other channels (including premium cable, the home shopping network, and regular cable).

With all the TV frequencies down, the TV shows couldn't run, and without a show to run on, the commercials disappeared. No one saw their ugly faces again. (Except for every five minutes on TV, but at least they stayed in the TV.) Super Herbie called Bad Joke Man, and asked where he was.

"In the bottom of a deep pit, you cretin!"

"Duh. I know that, you mush head, but what are your coordinates?"

"What are coordinates?"

"I don't know, but where are you?"

"Oh. I'm in the old abandoned cookie factory on the corner of Ham and Salmon Eggs St., come get me out of here." So Herbie went over there, ate a cookie, turned into Super Herbie, drank some Tuff Guy Tangerine Juice, for added strength, jumped into the pit, picked up Bad Joke Man, jumped up out of the pit, and set BJ down.Then they both went to the movie rental shop, and rented The Walrus. Back