The Fuzzy Caterpillar Bad Joke Man vs. The Fuzzy Caterpillar

by Chris, AJ, and Andrew, in 5th grade

It was a regular day (yet a sleepy day) in the Mann's home. Fran Mann, the mom, was sleeping like a log, and snoring like a buzz saw. Phil Mann, the dad, went head-first into his oatmeal and was in the same position as Fran. Baby Herbie, the baby, looked across the table and spotted a two quart bottle of "Tuffguy Tangerine Juice". He glugged down 1/2 the bottle. His muscles got bigger and bigger. His muscles BULGED! He got so large, the high chair burst into pieces. Herbie was a tuffguy. Phil woke up.

"Bam! Bam!" yelled Herbie as he tossed his bowl of oatmeal into Phil's face. Phil was knocked unconscious. BJ Mann, the brother, walked in.

"Hi, Dad. Omigosh! Herbie's huge! And look at those muscles. Oh yeah, Dad's been knocked out." He splashed Phil with cold water.

"I'm up, I'm up. I'll fix the toaster after breakfast, honey." Suddenly, Phil shot up. "Oh my gosh! Herbie's huge!"

"Bam! Bam!" Herbie hit BJ on the big toe with a lamp post. BJ jumped up and down on one foot, holding the other one. Phil glanced at the 1/2 full bottle of Tuffguy Juice. He grabbed it and bolted for the door. But he tripped on the lamp post used to bash BJ on the toe. The bottle flew out the door. It spilled on a fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar. It started to grow and grow. . .

The Fuzzy Wuzzy Squirmy Wormy Giant Monster Maniac Caterpillar that eats little kiddies in New York City was hungry. He ate three fruit trees. Local farmers were mad. Bad Joke Man (the hero) and Herbie went after the Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar. But then the Fuzzy Wuzzy caterpillar captured Baby Herbie and ran off at a speed of. . . TOO MUCH! Bad Joke Man called a cab. The chase was on. Bad Joke Man could tell the cab driver didn't have a license because of his "fancy driving".

Herbie took a tree and knocked the Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar out. To save his baby life, Herbie bit the caterpillar on the nose. The caterpillar started shrinking, and shrinking, and shrinking until there was nothing left. Bad Joke Man ran up.

"Are you okay?"

"Bam Bam!" Herbie yelled as he stomped on Bad Joke Man's foot.

"I'll take that as a yes," Bad Joke Man replied. "Say, Herbie, would you like to be my sidekick?"

"Why soitenly, nyuk nyuk nyuk." The city was safe once again because of. . . Herbie?

The End...for now
