Bad Joke Man vs Glucose

"This just in." It was the news reporter. "All the sugar from the company 'Sweet' has turned plurple. Plurple?!?" The reporter strained his eyes to look at the sheet with his lines to say on it. "Oh, purple! It also tastes like sand. And now a word from our sponsors." BJ Mann was watching the six o' clock news on channel 546. He thought to himself, wondering who on earth would do such a thing. Then he saw the next commercial. It was a commercial for 'Sweet' sugar.

"Hey, get off your seat and get some really nice 'Sweet'! Once you taste this tasty treat, you will really give a tweet!" said the guy on the screen.

Then another voice popped in and said, "'Sweet' now comes in brighter colors as seen on TV! Ha ha ha ha ha!" There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" yelled BJ. "Who's there?" "Your mother!" replied Fran on the other side of the door. "Your mother who?" asked BJ. "Just open the door!" "Okay, but it wasn't very funny." He opened the door. "That'll be a 50 cent fine," she said once she got into the house. "But why?" BJ asked.

"For talking back to your mother," she replied. "By the way, you'll need to help me unload the car."

"What do you need to unload?" BJ asked. Just then Phil walked into the room.

"I got approximately 20 grocery bags full of 'Sweet' sugar," Fran replied. BJ groaned.

"What are you so gloomy about, BJ? At least it's sugar," Phil snapped.

"Yeah, sugar that's purple and tastes like sand."

"That's a bunch of hogwash," Phil snapped back. BJ shrugged as they all walked over to the car to unload. Once they had finished unloading and had gotten into the house, Phil opened up a packet and poured it all into his mouth. He immediately spit it out.

"Yecccch! It tastes like sand!" "I told you so!" said BJ smirking.

“No wonder it was on sale,” a dazed Fran Mann said in a quiet voice. Suddenly, Fran fainted. Phil went to the kitchen sink to wash out his mouth. BJ glanced at the TV. It was still on. He walked over to the television to turn it off. But then he saw that there was more on the story about the sugar.

"We have just discovered the wise guy who made the sugar purple and made it taste like sand," said the news reporter. The screen showed a picture of the person who did it. Or in this case, it wasn't a person at all. It was a creature. It looked like a 3-foot tennis ball with a mouth full of rotten teeth, with arms, legs, and googly eyes. He didn't look too friendly either.

"His name is supposedly Glucose," the news reporter said.

"Glucose . . ." BJ said grimly. "Hey, Herbie!" he yelled.

"BJ, Herbie's sick in bed, don't bother him."

"Rats, I'll have to go myself," he said quietly. BJ ran upstairs, changed into his Bad Joke Man suit, and flew out the window. He flew and flew and flew some more until he came to the factory that manufactured 'Sweet' sugar. He knew that Glucose had to be around here somewhere. He entered the building. What he saw was about 1()0 workers bound and gagged. One of the workers seemed to be trying to say something.

"Gith a gwapp! Gith a gwapp!"

Bad Joke Man tried to figure out what the worker was saying. "Are you saying get a grip?" The worker shook his head. "Are you saying kiss a bat?" The worker shook his head again. "Oh, I know what you're saying! You're saying it's a trap! I wonder what you're saying that for?" The worker groaned. A trap door opened, and Bad Joke Man fell in.

"Aughhhhhhhhhh!" Bad Joke Man landed with a thump. "Ow. That hurt." Then, everything went black for Bad Joke Man. He had gotten knocked out.

When he woke up, he was in a large room with the creature who had been on the news. When Bad Joke Man saw the creature, he jumped.

"Hello," said the creature. "I have been expecting you. I have also devised a little welcoming present."

"Ooh! What did you bring me?"

"A trap," replied Glucose holding a little box in his hands.

"That's a trap?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Glucose pressed a button on the box. It transformed into a machine twice the size of Bad Joke Man. Bad Joke Man's eyes were very wide. But before he could take any actions, he was strapped to an electrical chair connected to the machine.

"In 20 seconds the electrical current will overpower you. In other words, you're toast. Have a nice day!" And with that, Glucose left the room to attend to other business.

"Oh no. This is definitely the end of Bad Joke Man," Bad Joke Man said to himself. "Hey, wait, I've got an idea! I'll pull the plug!" The counter that showed how many seconds were left said 0:10, 0:09, 0:08, 0:07. He reached for the plug. 0:03, 0:02. He pulled the plug with one second left. Now he thought about getting unstrapped. That was easy, though, because all he had to do was press the release button. The one tough part was actually touching the release button. (It was at least 4 feet away) Then he had an idea. He would pull out his dart gun, aim it at the release button, and pull the trigger. He would be free! He reached into his pocket to pull out the dart gun. Instead of a dart gun, he pulled out a tube of toothpaste.

"Whoops!" He put it back in. Then he pulled something else out of his pocket. It was the dart gun. He aimed it, shot it, and he was free! He heard Glucose coming. He got back into the chair and acted dead. He had the tube of toothpaste ready in his hand. Glucose came into the room.

"Electricity must have snapped the straps," Glucose said. Then Bad Joke Man squeezed the tube of toothpaste.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm melting!" screamed Glucose. Bad Joke Man flew back home and changed back into BJ. He walked downstairs.

"I see that Mom is back to normal," BJ said to Phil.

"Yeah. So's Herbie. And guess what?"


"They caught the wise guy that did the weird stuff to the sugar. Also, the factory that makes 'Sweet' sugar is giving anybody who bought any of the purple sugar a full refund," said Phil.

"Thank heavens," said Fran. Once more, justice prevailed because of Bad Joke Man! (And not Super Herbie!)

By Chris (in fifth grade)
