Revenge of the Sea Monkeys

The ocean was peaceful and calm. That is, until now! Harry and the rest of the sea monkeys rose from the water. "We want Blub (BJ’s name to the sea monkeys), we want Blub!" they chanted. They got to the sand, still chanting. They grew to humongous proportions.They walked to BJ's house, in New York City. They reached in BJ's house, and pulled BJ out, through the window.

"Hey, put me down!"

"Okey dokey!" Harry let go of BJ.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" BJ woke up. "Ah, it was just a dream." Suddenly, a scaly hand reached into BJ's window, but it wasn't very big. It was about the size of a monkey's. BJ could hear many voices outside, chanting, "We want Blub," Then a head appeared. It was like a monkey's, but scaly.

"Hi, remember me?" said the sea monkey. It was Harry. "I'm the sea monkey who lunged out of the ocean and grabbed you in my mouth when you were a seven year old, at the beach!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Yeah! And now we are going to reclaim you."

"Uh, I don't think so. I have got a family now."

"Oh? Well, hmmmmm." Harry thought. "You leave me no choice but to hit you on the head with a blunt object." Whack!

"Unnnnnnhhhh . . ." BJ moaned as he fell towards the ground. Harry tossed BJ out the window. Thud!

The impact might have knocked BJ unconscious, but he was strong, he was courageous, he was brave, he was . . . already unconscious. When he woke up, he was under water. He was running out of breath, so he pulled out his under water mask that he received from the aliens when he was abducted as a small child. He put it on, and in no time flat he was breathing again.

"Ah, so nice to see you again, little Blub!" said an old looking sea monkey.

"My name is BJ, not Blub." replied BJ.

"Oh, so that is what you are now called. When Harry brought you you to us, we couldn't figure out what to call you, but whenever you opened your mouth we heard blub, so that's what we named you: Blub."

"Oh. I have one question, though. Where's my family?"

"They're in a cage on the beach."

"Why did you put them there?"

"Well, we didn't want them trying to get you, and the beach is cheaper than buying a room for them at a hotel and throwing away the key."

"Gee, this is bad. Hey, why did you bring me here in the first place?"

"We missed all the fun we had together, wrestling octopi and riding seahorses without saddles."

"You schlemiel! You can't just kidnap someone because you miss them! It's illegal! You could go to jail for this!"

"Ummmm . . . no. I doubt anyone will find out if you are at the bottom of the ocean." BJ thought about this. The old sea monkey was right. BJ would have to find a way out himself. If BJ did get free, and the sea monkeys were still around, they could get him again, and again, and again. He would have to stop the sea monkeys, and to do that, he would have to go straight to the source: the food source. But for now, until he found out where that was, he would just relax and take it easy. The sound of the ocean are very soothing.

"Dinner!" yelled a husky looking sea monkey. BJ wasn't very hungry, so while everyone else was eating, he looked around the kitchen for the food. It was in a phenomenal tub, about 30 feet deep, filled with little green pellets. BJ pulled out a box of ground up fat pills, and sprinkled it on the food. He did the same with three other boxes. The pills would make the sea monkeys so fat, that they would never be able to move very much or fast. Then he went to the room where he was staying and fell asleep. The next morning, after the sea monkeys ate their breakfast, they got all bloated and fat. That's when BJ made his escape. He swam up to the surface, and those sea monkeys couldn't do a thing about it because they were so fat. BJ rescued his family, and they all went back home, and never had to worry about the sea monkeys ever again, because they were too fat to do anything but stay in one spot.
