Bad Joke Man vs. Stumpy

By Christopher (in 4th grade)

"Do you have a reason for cutting down all these trees?"

哲o, why do you ask?"

"Okay, then, stop right there!"

"Make me."

"Okay, I WILL make you!" shouted Bad Joke Man.

"How?" asked Stumpy, sounding smart-alecky. Bad Joke Man took Stumpy's chain saw, threw it on the ground, and smashed it to bits.

"That's how," replied Bad Joke Man. Stumpy went through a series of expressions. First he looked baffled, then enraged, and then devious. He was looking right at Bad Joke Man's anti-grav device. Stumpy grabbed it, and smashed it to a pulp. Bad Joke Man's eyes were wide, but then he remembered, "At least I carry a spare." Stumpy grabbed the spare, and snapped off a piece (it just happened to be the 'off switch').

"What does this device do, anyway?"

"It's supposed to make you fly," replied Bad Joke Man.

"Not anymore! Ha, ha, ha! Hee, hee, hee, hee!" But then, he bumped the 'on button.' He shot up in the air. After thirty minutes, he came careening back down to earth.

"Batteries must have run out," Bad Joke Man grumbled under his breath. (9-volt batteries are expensive!) Just then, the stump on Stumpy's head fell off uncovering a bald spot. "It was only a hat," Bad Joke Man whispered in awe.

"Let's do that again! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"I better get you to the loony bin," said Bad Joke Man.

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Once again justice prevailed because of Bad Joke Man!
