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One of the men who contacted me after reading "Astral Dreamscape Manipulation" was in his mid forties and had endured his own fair share of reptilian sexual manipulation. I've always said that one of the biggest problems in this world is that there are not enough REAL MEN on it. This MAN described to me hardcore reptilian mind control in the form of murderous thoughts and sado-masochistic mental imagery. It is so rare to obtain this caliber of Intelligence from male abductees.

The vast majority of male abductees are unable or unwilling to allow themselves to be thoroughly debriefed about their reptilian experiences. They worry that dwelling on the subject of reptilian harassment makes them weaker and more vulnerable so they go into Denial about their experiences. They usually wind up researching aspects of the UFO Subject that have little or no Intelligence Value where abductees are concerned.

"David" told me that the reptilians began to work on him when he was in the midst of a deep depression. He was at a low spiritual ebb for having lost a job and was psychologically, physically and spiritually vulnerable to Reptilian mind control. David made it very clear to me that the reptilians set out to take control of his MIND

First he began to have thoughts about harming his own beloved cat. Different methods of killing and maiming the cat went through his mind including flushing it down the toilet and breaking its legs and mutilating it. He was shocked by these feelings because he loved the cat. The reader must understand that reptilians detest CATS. CATS are the best reptilian detectors and reptilian busters known to mankind. They have been known to wake up female abductees moments before the onset of a reptilian abduction or rape.

Many abductees "hear" beeps, clicks, radio transmissions, tones, high pitched whines and other assorted sounds inside their heads. So it is with David. During this deep depression he began to hear a loud ringing in his LEFT EAR. Shortly after the ringing in his left ear he was besieged by "a flood" of sadistic mental imagery. At first he began having fantasies about clawing his girlfriend during sex. He said he actually felt as if HE HAD CLAWS. He would fantasize about slashing women with "his" own claws or with broken glass. Later he imagined and thought constantly about harming and killing women in horrible ways.

He described to me one of the ways the reptilians sexually manipulated him. He said he would find himself in a dreamscape scenario where he was just about to engage in sexual intercourse with what he perceived to be a human female. Just as he initiates sexual intercourse.a large broad shouldered dark skinned "man" would come up behind him and would attempt and sometimes succeed, in sodomizing him. Other times he'd see through the operational illusion and see that the sodomizing entity that came up from behind him was actually a reptilian..

This sort of "bait and switch" tactic was used against him for SEVERAL MONTHS until he eventually developed a sexual dysfunction with his girlfriend. No surprise there if you are familiar with Reptilian operational methods. Sexual Dysfunction with his girlfriend was never a problem before. He and his girlfriend have always had a passionate and robust sex life.

The are variants of the bait and switch tactic. David said there have been times he was having sexual intercourse with a woman in the astral dreamscape and during intercourse the woman would shapeshift into his sister or his daughter. He would become revolted and lose his erection.

While he and his girlfriend were trying to work through his problem, he began to have sadistic thoughts and mental imagery both in the dreamscape as well as in waking consciousness. As time went by these thoughts became more and more sadistic. He became consumed with the desire to bite, claw and kill his girlfriend during the sex act.

It is important to understand that biting, clawing, kidnapping, restraining, ritualistic sex torture and murder are behaviors which reptilians and reptilian controlled serial sex offenders mentally confuse with what we call SEX. To them all of these heinous crimes are part and parcel of sexual activity.

There was an undercurrent of anger and frustration within David due to his sexual dysfunction which seemed to increase whenever he tried and failed to have sex with his girlfriend.

The thoughts and mental imagery played on his Mind even when he wasn't attempting sexual intercourse with his girlfriend who by now had developed a very adversarial and confrontational attitude towards him. They no longer slept together. This engendered even more anger towards his girlfriend and women in general. He would wake up after these astral dreamscape manipulations and actually feel the reptilian entity attached to his back. He would sometimes feel the entity touching him with its claws. He felt the "leathery and scaly" skin of the creature brush up against him.

The male abductee then began to have mental imagery of things that can only be described as horrifying. He began to fantasize about violently inserting sharp and jagged objects into women's vaginas. He just COULD NOT prevent these images from coming into his Mind.

The readers must understand that this form of sadistic abuse is unfortunately a common feature in many serial sex offender cases. Untold numbers of women and young girls in Nanking were raped and mutilated in just this fashion in broad daylight, their defiled bodies left unburied for days. Some of the female corpses defiled in this manner were positioned into pornographic poses for camera toting Japanese soldiers. This form of female torture was often used as a prelude to execution in the Serbian Rape Camps. These types of "Violent Insertion" fantasies are had by serial sex offenders, some Reptilian-Human hybrids and by Crank and Crystal Methedrine users who are undergoing the Reptilian-Demonic hosting process. Former crank users have told me they would fantasize about tying up and restraining women in physically compromising positions and likewise torturing them with sharp objects.

Eventually David overcame his problem. He gets along much better with his girlfriend and is able to engage in sexual intercourse again. He was able to overcome these demonic impulses because the human side of him won out in this internal conflict. That much being said, we must not forget what he went through. He was unable to have normal thoughts prior to and during sexual intercourse. Indeed when he would attempt lovemaking with his girlfriend his mind would be flooded by thoughts of biting, clawing and murdering his girlfriend. Due to this and the reptilian sexual manipulation he endured is it any wonder that he was unable to perform sexually? And is it any wonder that his thoughts of sex were replaced by thoughts of cruelty and sadism not only towards his girlfriend but towards women in general?

This is an absolutely key point to remember and which I will point out again and again during this treatise. Ideations such as cruelty, sadism, sexual torture and ritual serial murder are entirely typical of the reptilian mindset despite whatever propaganda the Reptilian hive consciousness would have you believe.


Roy Hazelwood was a veteran of the U.S. Army's Criminal Investigations Division (CID) as well as one of the most influential members of the FBI's Behavioral Sciences Unit or the BSU. The BSU, now known as the Investigative Support Unit, studies the minds and the methods of serial killers and serial sex offenders.

Hazelwood's specialty was the study of Deviant Crime in particular that perpetrated by serial sex offenders-killers. This next part of the treatise will deal with the minds and methods of serial sex offenders. I re-affirm that the conclusions I have drawn regarding the reptilian connection with serial sex offenders are my own. I believe that readers already familiar with the reptilians will come to the same conclusions that I have.

In the first place Hazelwood identifies White Males of European descent to be the most likely perpetrator in a serial sex offender investigation. "Every single sexual deviation is overwhelmingly dominated by white males. And most sexually related ritualistic crimes are committed by white males."

I believe this is due to a long term genetic and astral soul matrix manipulation of certain bloodlines. I believe that serial sex offenders are GROOMED from birth to become serial sex offenders by the reptilian and demonic element. A Quitter's Soul, a preponderance of reptilian genetics and the manipulation by reptilian "familiars" make some white males more predisposed towards committing deviant sex crimes than others.

According to Hazelwood, there are generally two types of sexual predators. "Organized" and "Disorganized." An "UNSUB" or unknown subject who rapes and murders children and women who know him in his own neighborhood is considered "disorganized." A disorganized sexual predator will use whatever weapons or bindings that happen to be available. Disorganized serial sex offenders are opportunistic and don't necessarily plan their attacks. A disorganized sexual predator will leave a messy crime scene and make no effort to conceal what he has done.

By contrast an "organized" sexual predator will hunt for his victims many miles away from his hometown and his victims will always be strangers who have absolutely no connection to him. The organized sexual predator is a Planner. He will bring his "tools" with him such as bindings, restraints, duct tape, weapons etc. He will attempt to conceal the body and remove any evidence including fingerprints, blood, semen, spent shells and cartridges.

Remember that ritual murder and sacrifice as perpetrated by the ruling reptilian hybrid bloodlines are extremely organized affairs. They are not haphazardly committed. The reptilian-demonic element is central to the development of both Organized and Disorganized serial sex offender-killers.

I will quote at length a letter written by a serial sex offender-killer because the information contained therein perfectly encapsulates the reptilian mind. James Mitchell Debardeleben was a serial sex offender-killer who videotaped himself torturing and sodomizing women. Besides deviant sex crimes and murder, he was involved in other crimes such as forgery and counterfeiting which led to his capture by the Secret Service in 1983. During a search of his home, his torture chamber and videotaped torture sessions were discovered. The Secret Service then passed all the sex crime information to Roy Hazelwood at the BSU. Debardeleben is referred to by Hazelwood as an "Anger-Excitation Rapist" whom he considers to be the most dangerous serial sex offender of them all.

Debardeleben wrote what can be described as the sadist creed:

"The wish to inflict pain on others is not the essence of sadism. The central impulse to have complete mastery over another person, to make him/her a helpless object of our will, to become the absolute ruler over her, to become her god, to do with her as one pleases, to humiliate her, to enslave are means to this end. And the most radical aim is to make her suffer. Since there is no greater power over another person than that of inflicting pain on her. To force her to undergo suffering without her being able to defend herself. The pleasure in the complete domination of another person is the very essence of the sadistic drive."

Hazelwood says that "Anger-Excitation Rapist" are the most methodical and careful of planners. "Every detail is carefully thought out and rehearsed, either literally or in the offender's fantasies. Weapons and instruments, transportation, travel routes, recording devices, bindings-virtually every phase is pre-planned..." The anger-excitation rapist may practice his cruelty on his wife or girlfriend but Hazelwood notes that his killings will always involve strangers completely unknown to him.

Sadistic cruelty and the imposition of pain and suffering on others are fundamental to an understanding of the serial sex offender. The use of bindings, restraints (especially duct tape which is part of the inventory of a leading reptilian propagandist) ritualism, complex fantasies acted out and an utter hatred towards women are common themes when studying the mind and methods of serial sex offenders.

The sexual predator's reptilian and demonic "familiars" create mental imagery which promotes the use of bindings and restraints. Again, we have the theme of absolute power and control over another person being played out. Sadism and Bondage tendencies begin to manifest as the manipulation and the mind control of the sexual predator intensifies. Also the need to document via photography or video footage his victims suffering is a marked characteristic of Reptilian controlled sexual predators. The serial sex offenders often act out in minute detail the complex and sadistic rape-torture fantasies they experience on a daily basis.

Another profiler from the FBI's Investigative Support Unit is John Douglas. John Douglas wrote such highly acclaimed books such as "Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crimes Unit" and "OBSESSION: The FBI's Legendary Profiler Probes The Psyches of Killers, Rapist and Stalkers and their Victims and Tells How To Fight Back."

In OBSESSION, John Douglas describes Sadistic Rapist as "perhaps the most dangerous sexual predator of all. The purpose of his attack is to live out his sadistic sexual fantasies on the unwilling victim. With this type, sexual fantasy and aggression merge, which is why he's also referred to as an Anger-Excitation Rapist. Aggression and sadistic fantasy feed on each other, so as the level of aggression rises, so does the arousal. His aggression is not fact he can be quite charming and seductive as he lures his intended prey into his web. He is completely self centered. The only thing he cares about is his own pleasure and satisfaction. He simply gets off on hurting people, on having them in his power. Therefore, with this type we'll see various forms of mental and physical forms of torture and the physical torture may be directed at sexually significant parts of the body such as mouth, breast, genitals , buttocks and rectum. Depending on his preferences, there may be a lot of sex, probably highly perverse in nature, or even none. He could, for example, prefer to penetrate with a sharp object rather than with his penis."

Roy Hazelwood and John Douglas are heroes in my book. Although they may not agree with my conclusions regarding the connection between serial sex offenders and the reptilian-demonic element, Hazelwood and Douglas must be given a tremendous amount of credit for studying and classifying the minds of the serial sex offenders and serial murderers. They have provided a basis from which to understand the inner workings of these deviant and reptilian-demonic controlled HOST.

The parallels with the sadistic rape torture conducted by reptilian-human hybrids as described by Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivors are obvious. The reptilian-human hybrids ritually murder their innocent victims. The more fear and suffering they can instill in their sacrificial victims prior to murdering them, the better.

Cathy O'brien, a survivor of CIA sponsored mind control also describes the extremely sadistic behavior of many of the famous politicians who were her handlers. Sadism, cruelty and sexual torture of innocent men, women and children are NORMAL behaviors where the ruling elite of this planet are concerned. Satanism and Ritual Murder are the State Religions of the New World Order. The drac-reptilian overlords chose the "Aryan" races as the medium through which they can attain global control. Alexander's Eastern Conquest, the Roman Empire which absorbed many of the near eastern Babylonian Mystery Religions and the British Empire are just a few examples of the reptilian controlled Aryan expansion.

Just as white males of European descent overwhelming make up the serial sex offender population, Caucasians from the ruling European bloodlines overwhelmingly make up the perpetrators involved in human sacrifice. Terrorist organizations of seemingly different ideologies network with one another to transport arms, explosives and provide safe houses. Likewise the ruling reptilian-human bloodlines network with and indeed control the corrupt regimes in the non-Caucasian countries in order to facilitate drug trafficking, international child prostitution and sex slavery.

The victimization of innocent men, women and children is truly a global problem. We must begin to recognize the non-human Demonic and reptilian element as the root cause of these horrors. What I have described thus far makes such atrocities as the kidnapping, rape and murder of 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising of Prarie Grove Arkansas more comprehensible. Jesse was kidnapped by two males: Joshua Brown 22 years old and David Don Carpenter, 38.

Responding to a 911 Emergency call, police found young Jessie unconscious and near death. His wrist were bound by duct tape. Police had determined he had been sodomized for hours and had foreign objects inserted into his rectum. During this horrifying ordeal, his ankles, knees and wrist were bound in duct tape. He was blindfolded and gagged. and was left for dead as his two assailants left to get something to eat. Jessie was tied to a mattress. Police believe he may have been drugged. Later it was determined that Jessie was raped at least six times by both males. As far as I'm concerned those creatures that murdered that child have forfeited the right to exist and should be incinerated. All the classic Reptilian methods of sexual depravity, bondage and torture were utilized on this 13 year old boy. May this Child's Eternal Soul rest in peace.

And yet the national media has not made an issue about this case. Could it be because the power brokers behind the scenes who control the print and electronic media secretly approve of and indeed indulge in these kinds of atrocities? If what I just described doesn't qualify as a "Hate Crime" than what does?

Lets take the case of ten year old Jeffrey Curley who was raped and murdered in October 1997 by two males, Charles Jaynes and Salvatore Sicare. Both of these murderers are serving life terms in a Massachusetts prison. Charles Jaynes was a member of a pedophile organization known as the North American Man/Boy Love Association or NAMBLA. NAMBLA literature propagates the notion that boys as young as EIGHT years old should have the right to consenting sexual relations with adults. The literature also provides guidance on how to approach and seduce young boys and what to do in case the pedophiles are caught.

The slain boy's father Robert Curley, and his attorney Lawrence Frisoli have initiated a class action lawsuit against NAMBLA for encouraging pedophilism and statutory rape amongst its members. Attorney Frisoli says he has evidence that NAMBLA is financing an orphanage in Thailand where young boys are raised in order to provide sex for visiting NAMBLA members. Thailand is just one of the whistle stops on the international pedophile circuit. Manila in the Philippines is another place where American and European pedophiles go to fulfill their inhuman desires.

Unbelievably, the American Civil Liberties Union has actually DEFENDED the right of NAMBLA to promote their pedophile agenda by claiming it is a FREE SPEECH ISSUE. Whatever happened to the rights of the Children? Will the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child be invoked by the U. N. to put an end to NAMBLA's International Pedophile Operations or is that as ridiculous as believing in Santa Claus?