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Linda's Weight Loss Success Story With Weight Watchers
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My Weight Loss Journey. . .

I'd like to share my weight loss story and hope that this will be a source of encouragement for all who struggle with losing weight. First of all, I'd like to tell you that there is hope and YOU CAN DO IT!
On March 2, 2001, I took a step towards improving my health. I joined Weight Watchers. I knew I needed to lose the extra pounds I had gained over the years, but I knew I couldn't do it alone.
Today, forty two pounds lighter, I am thrilled I took that step towards improved health! This past year I was at my heaviest, carrying 157 lbs. on my petite 5' 3" frame. I was uncomfortable, depressed, and my self esteem was at an all-time low. The only time I was at this weight was when I was ready to deliver my daughter fifteen years ago. I felt I was banished to wearing black and nothing with a waistband, which meant that all I was comfortable wearing were black sweats! My wedding band didn't fit any longer, and I didn't want any photos taken of me. If photos had to be taken, I would just hide half of my body! I didn't smile very often. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. Finally, I reached the point that I couldn't live like this anymore, and I made up my mind to do something about it. I made an appointment to join another weight loss program, but I couldn't afford the up-front fees, so I left feeling very frustrated. When we were returning home, we happened to pass the Weight Watchers Center, and I asked my husband to turn the car around so that I could check out the program. I had heard that the new point system was a lot easier to use than the old program, so I thought I'd give it a try. I knew that Weight Watchers was a tried and true program. I felt warmly welcomed there, and I liked what I saw. I knew I had no more time to waste, and I signed up and started the program that day. When I was weighed I had the shock of my life because I thought I weighed 10 pounds less than the figure that was written on my card. My home scale was broken, and I had no idea! I cried for two weeks, but stayed faithful to the program; writing in my journal, exercising, and being very careful about my "points." The first week of diligence really paid off. I lost 6 pounds! I felt really encouraged, and I knew I could do this. Well, I am happy to report that in just a few months, I made my goal weight! I went from a size 12/14 to a size 5/6 and from 157 pounds to 115 pounds. I haven't been this weight since 1991! I have completed my six weeks of maintenance, and now I feel so proud to say I am a "lifetime" member of Weight Watchers.

How I was successful. . .


  • First, I had to admit that I was out of control with my eating habits and had a problem I had to do something about.
  • I joined a weight loss program that keeps me accountable to myself and to others. For me, this is Weight Watchers.
  • I decided I needed to be good to myself and take care of me.
  • I did some housecleaning and got rid of "dangerous" high-fat foods and snacks.
  • I keep a food journal and write everything down that I eat. I am true to myself by being honest when keeping my food journal.
  • I started an exercise program. I run on a treadmill around 4x per week, do strength training and seasonal outdoor activities.
  • I focused on a 10% target weight loss so that I did not become overwhelmed with the whole total weight loss.
  • Through Weight Watchers I learned to identify problem areas and I avoid them as much as possible!
  • I drink a minimum of six 8 oz. glasses of water a day.
  • I plan ahead to make right food choices.
  • I get up from my plate of food and do something else before I have another bite.
  • I make sure I have people supporting me in prayer.
  • I found my smile!

  • Please click on the links at the top of this page for more information on weight loss, recipes, and support. I wish you all great success as you take those courageous steps towards your own weight loss journey!

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