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Henry Rollins Song Lyrics 2

Henry Rollins Song Lyrics 2

Quotes / / Poetry / / Spoken Word / / Song Lyrics 1 / / Song Lyrics 2

Selected Songs From : - The End of Silence / / Turned On / / Wartime / / Weight

The End of Silence

Low Self Opinion (5:18)

I think you got a low self opinion man
I see you standing all by yourself
Unable to express the pain of your distress
You withdraw deeper inside
You alienate yourself
And everybody else
They wonder what's on your mind
They got so tired of you
And your self ridicule
They wrote you off and left you behind

You sleep alone at night
You never wonder why
All this bitterness wells up inside you
You always victimize
So you can criticize yourself
And all those around you

The hatred you project
Does nothing to protect you
You leave yourself so exposed
You want to open up
When someone says
Lighten up
You find all your doors closed
Get yourself a break from self rejection
Try some introspection
And you just might find
It's not so bad and anyway
At the end of the day
All you have is yourself and your mind
The self hatred that blinds you
Binds you grinds you keeps you down
The world falls down around you
You build up walls around you
You wear disgust like a crown

If you could see the you that I see
When I see you seeing me
You'd see yourself so differently
Believe me

I know the self doubt that runs inside your mind
I know the self that treats you so unkind

If you could see the you that I see
When I see you
You would see things differently
I assure you

Grip (4:50)

See me - Put yourself in my place
Be me - Put my eyes in your face
Maybe then you'll see why this place terrifies me
And why I've got to get myself away
So hard to deal with the ones who can't feel
They continually blow my mind

No need - I've been burned enough times myself
You're like me - Sometimes you scare yourself
The things that you think
And the way that you feel
Makes you think you're all alone
When you go outside
And try to find a familiar mind
It really lets you know that you're on your own
So unknown

When those walls close in around you
When all about you doubt you
When the world can live without you
Get a grip and keep it
You see how hard they'll shove you
Hate your guts and tell you they love you
Get a grip right now
You see how far you get pushed
How long they'll hold you down
Feed you lies
Drive you insane
Give you poison to kill your pain

Know me - I see the fear in your eyes
Pull back - There are some things to realize
So hard to deal with the ones who aren't real
It's unbelievable what they'll put you through
Twist you up inside
Filthify and punish your mind
You don't have to live like that
You've got to get your self respect
Jump back, get your self respect
You've got to jump back
Keep your self respect intact
You've got to keep it like that
Your self respect







What Do You Do (7:22)

When no one will listen and time won't wait
When you see yourself and see the one that you hate
When the night lasts forever and time stands still
When you see yourself and want to kill
When the world doesn't fit the head on your shoulders
When you punch the walls and feel the world's fist
The big ideas you have leave you feeling so small
I can see it in your eyes you can't deal with it all

What do you do when you want to get over
What do you do when you want to get through
What do you do when you just can't take it
What do you do when you just can't fake it anymore

Feel the pressure
Feel it squeeze
The eyes in your head
The heart in your chest
Where's the answer
Where's the release
What do you do

When the lies that they told and the price that you paid
Force you to see the mistake that you made
When they shake your hand and stab your back
When frustration paints your four walls black
When they pick you up and let you fall
When you find their something is nothing at all
When ends miss ends and the endlessness sends you
Down to the bottom of the drain in pain
When you're pushed to the edge and can't maintain

Blues Jam (11:46)

They always pry
They always want to know why
And then they pull you in
And then you want to die

You'll burn so deep inside
And then it gets on top of you
It won't let you go
Believe me when I tell you
Life will not break your heart
It'll crush it

You never felt so good
You never felt so well
And then you open your heart right up
And say come on in
And then that's when you stop breathing, man
And the bleeding will never end

Heart smasher
Knives in your mind

Another Life (4:39)

You must think you're going to live forever
I listen to the lies as they fall from your face
You must think that you are mighty clever
Can't you find a better way to deal with this place

Watching your life die
We're all watching your life die
Your hands are wet - Your mouth is dry
You shake and sweat - You want to die
Your eyes are hot - Your skin is cold
You're so young - But you look so old

Lie in bed all day staring at the ceiling
Your friends come around
Because they wonder how you're feeling
You send them all away
Because you can't identify
They don't know you
They're not even high
So high

See the monkey's eyes.
Look deep into the monkey's eyes as he comes to you smiling.
Day after day the monkey's eyes become bigger and bigger.
Soon the monkey's eyes are all you can see.
Soon the monkey's eyes become your eyes.
You feel the monkey's bite.
Monkey see monkey do, monkey will destroy you.

If I could make wishes true
I know what I'd wish for you
Another life
Another life for you

Just Like You (9:30)

I am the man from a human choke hold
I am the product of your restraint
I watched the years pass by me
Never once did I complain
Never once did I say no
Now I watch myself explode
My body is scarred by age
Now you get to taste my rage
From the wreckage of humiliation
I got my self respect
I pulled myself together
What the hell did you expect
You should see the pain I go through
When I see myself I see you
Everything that you did I do
When I see myself I see you

I'm just like you
My flesh isn't my flesh
My blood isn't my blood

Turned On

Out There

Walkin' shattered, confused, disturbed and alone
Feeling like someone just ripped your heart out and replaced it with a stone
Wandering as somewhere someone out there feels like you do
Open your eyes to realize that the only one holding on to you is you

When you're out there, you're out there
When you're out there, out there, out there, out there,
I've been out there

When you're sitting in your room, lights out, door locked listening to the air
Phone starts ringin' you uplook it, dosen't matter who it is, you don't care
Wonderin' why life can fill you with so much pain
And sometimes all you wanna do is crawl away and die
Feelin' so carved out and hollow that you don't even have a tear
They left you cryin'

Lost, lost in the crowd, lost in my room alone
Lost in your eyes, lost in your arms
Lost in my-self, I don't know -
Where I went
I got lost, just like:
hated, alienated, thrown down, turned away, turned inside
solitary confinement turns to solitary refinement
I found myself alone
Mmmmmmm, so alone
Reachin' out I can't touch - I open my eyes, I can't see
Putting my feet out on the ground I feel I'm falling
Ohhhhhh, out there, I'm out there, out there, so cold, so cold, so cold

Out there, I'm out there, I'm out there, I'm out there x3

So cold, so cold, co cold, so cold
When I'm out there, when you're ou there, when I'm out there...


It becomes hard to face
It becomes hard to see the face
The face that sees you without flinching
The face that you put on when you're all by yourself
I wear a mask, I wear a mask
The mask is intact
You see no cracks on the outside
I'm smooth, expressionless
You can't read me
Behind the mask I die over and over
I scream from behind the mask
Now the mask is cracking
My truth comes out, my mask falls to the floor
I see the face that I got
I see myself, ugly, so ugly, it's ugly

















The Whole Truth (5:50)

Hello! Say what? Oh yeah? Too much.
What's new? What's up? I here you're messed up, in trouble, in pain
No need to explain - Expectation let you down
See yourself inside - When it gets real do you hide?
Can you face them or do they chase you down
How it could be and how it is - What it should be and what it is
Just another version of the big fat truth
Mind the gap, see the distance - It's the blueprint of resistance
Try to get your point across and it gets knocked back
Confrontation - static
Intimidation - panic
Eye to eye and wall to wall
Can you see what's here? Does it fill you with fear?
Can you keep your distance from what you hate?
Unbelievable, unreal, too shocked to feel
Look out! Mind the gap!

The truth ain't nothin' but the truth

Oh no! You don't say! They don't see it your way?
In the dark everyone was just like you
Now you're mad, uptight because the world's not right
You don't think and it makes you sad
Attitude affected, your way - rejected
Stupidity to get you through
Check out the gap that's all around you
Try to get close, it astounds you
How these people can be so relentlessly cold

Too easy, so blind. Too tough to be kind
Man, you're like some guy in a comic book
Get real, pull your head out
Get up, and get the lead out
Man, I know you can do better than that
Yeah you could stay away from arms length away from life
But it takes strength to get up close and go all the way live
Bridge the gap, take the first step
The more you go, the more you get
Down with the program and on with the show

The truth ain't nothin' but the truth



You reached out
You got burned
Made tough by the lessons you learned
You never thought they could be so mean
Be so hard and cause you so much pain
Like a fool
You tired again
You really wanted to be their friend
But looking back you see they just wasted your time
Self loathing
The anger inside
You covered it up with pride
You always found a way to blame it on yourself

So mad
So mean
The pain remained unseen
All that time spent up wanting to explode
What they did
The things they said
You wished that you were dead
Anything not to deal with them
They made you hate
You couldn't wait
To go out and do something great
Turn around and throw it right back in their face

Looking back you get yourself together
Looking back you see the hatred inside
Now you see that you get to change your mind about yourself
And get to move on
Looking back you see you just wasted your time
Looking back you can see all you've got is yourself
You can tell by the look in their eyes

Now you see
How you are
The wisdom mixed in with all the scars
Watching all the fools
They never knew
They never do
It was always up to you
You gotta get it for yourself
You never were
One of them
They could have never been our friends
The best revenge is to always survive yourself


They've killed me
They've tied my hands with rope
And now they drag me up the street
A woman is struggling to kick me in my skull
If she could she would kill me again
I can see her teeth shine
As she kicks at my dirt covered eyes so blind
Oh mother they hate me so much
The hatred's real
And now it's mine

They sit below me
Stare up and shout threats at my nakedness
Their tongues are hanging from out of their mouths
I hope they don't tear me limb from limb
So much noise
So much hatred
So much violence
They love me
Oh they'd kill to have me
They'd have to kill me
They're hatred's pure, I am divine

When you kick me / When you rape me
When you burn me / When you break me
When you cut me / I am divine
Your divine object of hatred

Show me how you really are
Show me how you really feel
Let me know you really care
Let me know your hatred's real
I trust you when you hate me
Abuse me with all your heart
It's why I'm here
I'm your divine object of hatred

You hate me
I can see that it's real
You do things to me
That you never thought you would
You hurt me
You'll never know what I feel
What you bring me
I never thought you could
Give me more
Make me stronger
High on your poison
I am divine


You think you're going to live your life alone in darkness and seclusion
You've been out there and tried to mix with the animals
It left you full of humiliated confusion
So you stagger back to your room and wait for nothing
But the solitary refinement of your room spits you back onto the street
You're desperate and in need
And then you meet me and you whole world changes
Everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear
You drop your defenses and your ego obscures reality
You're so busy feeling good
You're feeling so lucky
That you never question why things are going so well
You want to know why
I'm a liar
I'll rip your mind out
I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me

I'll hide behind a smile and understanding eyes
I'll tell you things that you already know
So you can say
I really identify with you
All the time you're needing me
Is just the time I'm bleeding you
I'll come to you like an affliction
I'll leave you like an addiction
You'll never forget me

I don't know why
I feel the need to lie and cause you so much pain
Maybe it's something deep inside
Maybe it's something I can't explain
All I do is mess you up and lie to you

If you'll give me one more chance I swear I'll never lie again
Now I see the destructive power of a lie
They're stronger than truth
I'm sorry, I can't believe I ever hurt you
I will never lie again


I spend time searching my mind, walking blindly
I'm a live but I don't kow why, my thoughts plague me
Paranoia, fear and guilt, I hope I don't explode
I'm a bomb that I can't diffuse, a gun I can't unload

I don't listen, I don't know, man I don't care
Talking about all the Hell that you've seen, man I live there
Talk to me and it goes right through, I never heard a word you said
Save your breath, it's no use, you're talking to the living dead

Bullet driven eyes
What can you tell me
I'm living in a nightmare

I'm on the edge shrinking back from the ledge
Looking out my window down upon my heritage
Strip malls, thin walls, people paralyzed beneath the sun
Why me why now
I see the dirty millions and try to survive somehow

Got no reason got no need
I hear gunshots I hear screams
What can you do to me
What can you say
I used to be alive but I threw it all away
I used to have problems
I used to live a lie
But then I saw the sidewalk bleed and I watched his mother cry
I used to use my mind
I used to wonder why
Now I go from day to day and wait around to die
Like He did


Don't want to think too much
It makes me think too much
It keeps my mind on my mind

Don't want to see too much
It makes me see too much
Sometimes I'd rather be blind

All the things that they're saying, doing
It overloads me
Too much static
I want to disconnect myself
Pull my brain out and go deep inside
I want to pull it out

Too damn bad if at the end of the day
The only thoughts in your brain are all the things that they say
What a waste
Too damn bad if at the end of the line
you have no idea what's on your own mind
You got no one to blame but yourself