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So, ye've come to yer port's aid in defendin' it from those 'Orful vermin rascal types?  Good, good.   We need more beasts like yerself.  Alright.  'Ere's 'ow it works.  Ye fill out the form, which says what vermin attacked ye.  Then ye say how ye defended them.   Urthpaw or Opaxia will look at the naration, an' check te see if''n ye hit or missed, or whatnot.  Then, we'll give ye the story, in rough terms, an ye have te Glorify it, an' we'll stick it in the library.  Now, 'ere's what ye've got te fill out: 1) Ye're name 2) The type of vermin attackin' ye 3) the number o' vermin. 4) ye're story (in if/then form so ye tell us what ye'd do if'n different things happened.).  That's it.  If'n ye want more information, look at the demo.  Remember, only 1 fight every day, maximum, more'n that an' none o' yer fights count.   An' if'n this is all ye do, ye'll start gettin' less dubloons fer it.
What is your charector's name?

What is your e-mail address?

Vermin type:

How many vermin are there (1-25) ?

Tell your story: