Well, I would feel bad if I didn't include a link to my personal favorite internet communicator type thing, ICQ. The reason I like it, is because although it does have a few glitches, it is free. ICQ
I suppose this is where i write stuff. Frankly, this website is just where i post interesting things i find. I don't really have much to say, and if i did, i would find someone else who said it and copy/paste so i didn't have to do that much typing. i am pretty lazy, i guess. so sue me. speaking of which, i am pretty sure that everything on this site is free for my use, but if i ever put up something i shouldn't, or misquote someone, go ahead and email me and let me know, and i will change it asap.
I found a really really really cool thing on the internet tonight. Yes, I know, spending friday nights on the internet is never a good sign, but oh well. Anyway, as a bonafide geek, I was doing some research (yes, research, for fun, on friday night) on PI (everyone's favorite irrational number) and I found a couple of cool things. So cool, I decided to set up a whole page for them. Check It Out.
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