Due to the plot line of this story, it was necessary to introduce these new characters. To make things easy, Lady Thundera and I tried to keep the characters’ first name with the same letter as their clan. For instance, the lions’ names begin with ‘L‘, the lynxes’ names start with ‘Ly’, etc. The cheetahs have names that begin with ‘C’ and ‘K’.
Candra: female cheetah elder;
Carvel: eldest cheetah male; heads the cheetah council;
Cata: male cheetah; Chase’s cousin and Kalar’s son;
Cazar: male cheetah who formerly was a Thundercat; lived 1,000 years ago and led rebel assault on Thundera;
Chase: male cheetah; Cheetara’s former boyfriend; helps teach cheetahs to use their powers (from Cheetara’s Greatest Battle);
Che’kar: male cheetah elder;
Chet: male cheetah elder;
Kalar: male cheetah; Chase’s uncle;
Katherine: Lion-O’s mother (lion);
Kayla: young female cheetah;
Koran: male lion who was Lord of the Thundercats during Cazar’s time;
Lanardi: female lion elder;
Lavarius: male lion; slightly younger than Luther;
Leo: male lion;
Leonel: male lion who owns store;
Lionel: male lion elder;
Luther: eldest male lion; heads the lion council;
Lydia: female lynx elder;
Lyndon: male lynx elder;
Lynel: male lynx; leads lynx council;
Lynx-kahn: male lynx elder;
Panala: female panther elder;
Paylon: male panther elder;
Pantharo: male panther; leads panther council;
Tachen: male tiger leader in northern sector of Claudus City;
Talia: a female tiger who joined the ranks of the Thundercats almost a year ago (from Cheetara’s Greatest Battle);
Tychicus: male tiger warrior;
Tygris: male Thundercat tiger with powerful illusion powers; tried to defeat Cazar but was unsuccessful;
Tyland: male tiger elder; leads tiger council;
Tyler: male tiger elder;
Claudus City: biggest city on Thundera; most of the tigers live in the north sector. The east sector holds most of the lion members.
Menach: smaller city on Thundera; home to mostly panthers;
Authors’ Note: this story takes place soon after Cheetara’s Greatest Battle. It would be helpful if you read that story first, but it is not necessary.