Thundercat Soaps

Parts 51-54

Part 51

Tygra got up before dawn the next day. He didn't get much sleep after learning that Lion-O was the father of Cheetara's child. The orange tiger went to the council room to think at how he would tell Leela. To his surprise, he saw Cheetara sitting at the table. In her hand was a water bottle.

"Cheetara? What are you doing here?" Tygra asked pulling a chair out next her.

"I should be asking you that," Cheetara said. "Morning sickness. After throwing up this morning, I came in here to think. Besides, I couldn't get back to sleep."

"What were you thinking about?" Tygra asked.

"My life and the way it is going now that I'm pregnant," she said and drunk the water out of the bottle.

"I assume there is a difference."

Cheetara put the bottle down. "Of course there's a difference, Tygra. I wanted to be married before I get pregnant, and I certainly didn't want the father to be a--" she paused. "Well, things would different."

Hmm. I guess she means a married man. "Do you love the father, Cheetara?"

"Devon? Of course not. What I did with him was a mistake. He only wanted one thing with me and got it. Stupid me," Cheetara lied.

Tygra begin thinking. I have to admit. Cheetara is an excellent liar. If I didn't know the truth, I would have foolishly believed it. "Don't you think you should tell Devon he fathered your child? When he learns that Lion-O isn't the father, wouldn't he be suspicious as to who his real father is?" Tygra questioned the cheetah.

Why is so curious all of a sudden? "Tygra, I won't tell my child Lion-O is his or her father. Lion-O will act only as a father figure. Besides, guys like Devon only want one thing from a women and if I did approach him and tell him that he fathered my child, he'll deny it and say I slept with someone else."

"So you're going to let your child think in the early stages of its life that Lion-O is the father."

"Tygra, you're looking at it all wrong. My child will learn that Lion-O isn't his father, but I doubt he'll want to know the real father. Lion-O will be too much of a father figure to make my child search for his real father. Now it is time for me to interrogate you. Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Really. I thought you got a good night's sleep."

Tygra raised an eyebrow. "Why would you think that?"

"Lion-O told me you were sleeping." Before Tygra could get curious, Cheetara quickly asked. "Did you hear a scream or something early this morning? I think around one."

Tygra was surprised that anyone heard him. "Uh, no."

The council doors opened and a sleepy Lion-O entered. He yawned innocently. "Morning, Tygra, Cheetara."

"Good Morning, Lion-O," Tygra and Cheetara said.

Tygra felt uncomfortable talking to Lion-O and seeing him in the room. All he could think about was what the Lord did with Cheetara. He felt sick to the pit of his stomach as he thought about all the erotic things they did: Lion-O kissing, caressing, touching Cheetara all over; Cheetara moaning for him and calling his name instead of Tygra's. He wanted to murder Lion-O last night, but catching him with Cheetara last night, he couldn't do it. He couldn't leave any witnesses. After somewhat sleeping, Tygra felt that killing Lion-O would be too easy. He wanted him to suffer first. Knowing he couldn't stay in the room a moment longer without doing anything to Lion-O, Tygra decided to leave. "If you would excuse me, I think I'll go get breakfast and head for my lab for. I have some cleaning up to do," Tygra stood up, gave Cheetara a soft kiss on the cheek and left.

When Tygra left, Lion-O sat in the vacant seat. "I missed you this morning. Why did you leave?"

"Morning sickness," she answered looking down and looked up at Lion-O. "I think it was a mistake having you stay in my room. You should have went back to your own room."

"You didn't seem like you wanted me to go," Lion-O said.

"You fell asleep and I was too weak and tired from vomiting to kick you out," she looked down at the table. "No matter how tired I was, I should have made you leave. We can't keep doing this. We have to stay away from each other, at least until the baby's born, otherwise our secret will get out," Cheetara got up frustrated and left.


After spending the previous day with the clan elders' wives, Leela and Panthro headed back for Cat's Lair. During her time with the wives, they had a luncheon and discussed the building of shelters for Thunderians who are waiting for homes to be built for them, and services that will help get Thunderians jobs, money, and food rations.

Leela leaned back in the leather seat of the black limo she was riding in comfortably. "That was fun, and I feel so relaxed getting out of the lair and helping people like the perfect Lady of the Thundercats I am."

"Some perfect queen. You blackmail people when no one's nice to you," Panthro mumbled angrily in the driver seat.

"Oh, you're the only one I did that to. Believe me, I could've done a lot worse, but this taught you not to mess with your queen, didn't it?"

"You're no real queen."

"Like it or not, I'm the only queen you will have, and I will be the mother of the future lord," Leela smiled.

"Actually, Cheetara is the mother of the future lord," Panthro corrected her.

Leela laughed. "We'll see about that when we get back home. I'm very confident that I will give birth to the next Lord of the Thundercats." Leela looked at the small box that she had in her lap. "Oh, yes, it will be me."


"Hey, we're back." WilyKat said once he and his sister entered the kitchen.

"Hi, how's your aunt?" Cheetara asked eating some strawberries.

"She's fine. She was really down lately and all of a sudden she's in a good mood. I guess she and that mystery man of hers got back together," WilyKit said and a wicked smile crept her face. "I bet you were glad not to have us around last night."

"She would have liked it even more if Tygra wasn't around. That way she and Lion-O would've been alone," WilyKat added to his sister's words.

"How could you two think that? Lion-O is a married man," Cheetara said sternly.

"We were only kidding, Cheetara," Kit apologized. "But I'll bet you were glad to have Leela out of the lair. I wonder how her luncheon with the Clan elders' wives went."

"Oh, you know how the elders' wives are, Kit, all snooty and self-centered." WilyKat said.

"Remember, WilyKat, I was to lead the clan elders' wives when I was going to marry Lion-O. And incidentally, they are down-to-earth women who work to provide services in aiding the Thunderians like find jobs, provide money, food rations, and medical help," Cheetara explained.

"How does that foot taste?" WilyKit asked her brother.

"Oh, shut up, Kit," WilyKat said.

WilyKit and Cheetara laughed at WilyKat until Leela and Panthro walked in.

"It's good to see you all in a good mood. Could I have a word with you outside, Cheetara?" Leela asked. Once both women left the kitchen, Leela spoke. "Did you talk to Lion-O?"

"Yes, I did, and he is still going to claim my child as his heir," Cheetara said.

"He's still going through with it?! He can't! I thought you talked to him."

"I did, but you know how Lion-O can be. When he sets his mind on something, he doesn't rest until he gets it and refuses to change," Cheetara told Leela.

"Yeah, he's still in love with you for one thing." Leela mumbled and left Cheetara, looking for Lion-O. She saw Lion-O leaving the Sword Chamber. "Lion-O, darling," she smiled running to him and throwing her arms around his neck. "How's my handsome husband?" She asked and gave him a quick kiss.

"I'm fine." Lion-O said.

"How was the meeting with the elders?"

"It was fine, and I gave them a hint that an heir is on the way."

"About that. I have something to show you." Leela took her hands off Lion-O and reach for a small box in her pocket. She put it in Lion-O's hand. "It's a gift. Open it."

"A gift? For me?" Lion-O said as he opened the box.

Lion-O opened the box and when he pulled out the so call gift, he was looking very uncomfortable. In his hand was a skimpy, sheer, black teddy. "I hope you're not expecting me to wear this."

"No, silly, but the thought is intriguing. I'm going to wear it tonight. Look under the white wrappings."

Lion-O looked under the wrappings and pulled out a pair of baby booties. "Baby booties?"

"Yes. I wear the teddy tonight, we do what comes natural between a husband and wife, and nine months later, we have a beautiful bundle of joy. We're going to have so much fun tonight," Leela purred seductively as she kissed Lion-O once more.

Lion-O pushed Leela off him. "Leela, I said no."

"Lion-O, if we have a baby, then we don't have to worry about Cheetara's baby."


"Artificial insemination, then?" Leela suggested.

"What part of 'no' do you not understand?" Lion-O asked angrily and walked away.

Leela rolled her eyes. "Stubborn fool."

Tygra came out of nowhere and tap Leela on the shoulders. She turned around. "We have to talk."

Part 52

Panthro, WilyKit and WilyKat followed Panthro to his room. The twins were very excited about this. They waited a long time and now they are going to get their turn. Panthro opened the door to his room and walked to one of the two closets in his room.

"Since you two are finally 18, I think it's time. Are you guys sure you're ready?" Panthro asked.

"Yeah," WilyKit said enthusiastically.

"I've been waiting forever," WilyKat said.

"Okay," Panthro said and unlock the door. "Take your pick," Panthro said standing back.

In the closet were numerous types of weapons. There were nunchuks, staffs, daggers, whips, bola whips, swords, scimitars, and maces to name a few. Panthro was a master of any type of fighting weapon and he collected them all. WilyKit and WilyKat stood in awe for a minute before picking out a weapon. WilyKat grabbed a weapon first--a nunchuk.

"Are you sure you can handle that?" Panthro asked.

"Of course I can," WilyKat said confidently and begin swinging the weapon. The nunchuk slapped WilyKat in the face. "Ow!" he shouted and rubbed his face. "Don't worry, I'll get the hang of it. Come on, Kit. I want to practice with this before it gets dark."

"I don't know which one to choose," Kit said still looking for a weapon.

"Women," WilyKat retorted.

"It's remark like those that explains why you don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh, yeah? Well, I don't see any guys hanging around you." WilyKat shot back.

Kit grew angry and was about to strike her brother with a scimitar. Panthro interrupted them. "Hey, that's enough you two. Come on, WilyKat we'll go outside and practice now and your sister can join us later. Lock up when you find a weapon, Kit," Panthro said as he and her brother left.

"Okay, Panthro. I'll meet up with you two later," WilyKit said as she kept looking for a weapon to fight with. "Hmm. Staff?" She begin twirling it. "No. scimitar? Nah, too Rataroish. Maybe a bola

whip." She picked it off the floor and saw a lock under it. "A hidden floor? Cool! I wonder if Panthro has anymore weapons in here." She tried pulling the lock out but that didn't work. She pulled out a hairpin from her hair and used it to open the lock. She opened the floor and pulled out a black box. Curious, WilyKit opened the box and saw pictures of Panthro and Aline.

"What's this? Panthro had a girlfriend. I didn't know that." WilyKit looked at Aline's picture closely. "She looks familiar. Have I seen her before?"


Leela stepped in the council room first followed by Tygra. "What is that you have to tell me?"

"I found the father of Cheetara's child."

"You did? What does Devon look like? Did you tell him he fathered a child? Maybe now I can convince Lion-O that claiming Cheetara's child as heir is wrong. Maybe I could talk to Devon and convince him to fight for rights to his child." Leela babbled on and on.

"Leela!" Tygra's loud voice silenced her. "Don't you want to know who the father is?"

"Oh, you mean see what he looks like? Yeah. Let me see the picture." Leela said excitedly.

"I was rather surprise at the father." Tygra said handling Leela a manila colored folder.

Leela laughed as she took the folder. "Why, Tygra, you make it sound like Devon isn't the father." She opened the folder. "Mother's name: Cheetara. Father's name: ....." Leela swallowed hard and looked at Tygra. He only nodded his head. "Lion-O?"


Panthro and WilyKat were outside fighting each other. WilyKat twirled the nunchuks and shot lasers out of it, but he was hurting himself more than Panthro as he kept hitting himself in the face. However, he was getting used to handling it. Panthro was obvious the better fighter, and using his nunchuks, tripped WilyKat and knock him on the ground.

"Keep practicing, WilyKat," Panthro told WilyKat as he helped him up.

"It'll be even up if Kit would hurry up."

"You can't always depend on your sister to back you up and the same goes for her."

"What's taking her so long anyway?" WilyKat wondered.

"You know women. They take forever to put makeup on and pick out what they want to wear. You should expect the same thing when they choose a weapon."

"Careful, Panthro. It's comments like that that won't get you a girlfriend."

"Don't worry about me," Panthro laughed. "I already got one."

WilyKat perked up. "You have a girlfriend? Who?" WilyKat asked curiously.

"What?" Panthro said realizing he had said too much. "I meant to say that I had girlfriends."

The young man smiled. "Just how many girlfriends, Panthro?"

"None of your business," the panther smiled. "Breaks over." Panthro twirled his nunchuks. WilyKat did the same thing. "Ready. Attack!"


WilyKat continue to stare at Aline in the picture. "Why does this woman look familiar to me? She looks like someone from my past, when I was a little girl."

WilyKit began thinking back and remembered something from her childhood. When she was a little girl no older that two years old, Aline picked her up, both smiling and laughing. The memory ended as fast as it began.

"What was that? Did I actually see her when I was two or was it a figment of my imagination?" WilyKit asked herself. She looked at the picture again and then the bola whip. "I better get out of here." She closed the box and put it back as she found it. Grabbing the bola whip, she left, knowing her brother was no doubt losing to Panthro.


"Lion-O is the father? How can this be?" Leela asked still looking at the paper in shock.

"Panthro originally brought up the idea. He had suspicions that Lion-O was the father. I had to be sure so I went to Cat Hall last night and questioned Devon. He didn't sleep with her. I came back here and hacked into the computer files. The screen said Lion-O's the father," Tygra explained.

"But Dr. Lane could've type that in since they probably told her that the child would be Lion-O's heir," Leela said, hoping her explanation would be the reason.

Tygra shook his head. "No, Lion-O is the father. I heard Cheetara say it from her mouth."

"How--when did she say that?"

"I saw Cheetara with Lion-O last night. He was in her bed sleeping. They were cuddled close together and she was telling him that she was worried that someone would find out that she is carrying his child." Tygra explained as calmly as he could. He looked at Leela and was surprised at the expression on her face. "Why are you looking so calm, serene? Why aren't you angry? When I learned the news, well you can go see for yourself. My lab is a wreck. Come on, Leela, say something. Your husband committed adultery and fathered a child to another woman. You're usually shouting when you see them together and argued with Lion-O about the child."

"Of course I'm angry, Tygra. I'm so angry that I appear calm. I haven't been this upset since.....well, it doesn't matter now. That part of my life is over."

"What did you do, Leela?" Tygra asked.

"I got even," she closed the folder and began to walk out.

Tygra grabbed her arm. "You know, Leela, you never talk about your past much, growing up, stuff like that."

"I was treated like the princess I was before I married Lion-O, after the evil. I'll be back."

"Wait. What evil? Where are you going?"

"If I tell you, I'd have to kill you. I'm going to get even." Leela answered and left.

Tygra rubbed his chin. "I wonder what she is planning to do. She knows that she can't harm Cheetara but she can do whatever she wants with Lion-O."


WilyKit ran outside with her bola whip. She saw her brother trying to fight Panthro with the nunchuk and shook her head. Helping her brother, she threw her bola whip at Panthro. It wrapped around his legs, causing the mighty panther to lose his balance and fall.

"Don't send a boy to do a woman's job," Kit teased her brother.

"I could have gotten him. Besides, you got lucky. You caught Panthro on his blind side," Kat shot back.

"Enough you two," Panthro said as he freed himself. He toss the bola whip back to WilyKit. "Good job, Kit. Now are you two ready for a real fight."

As they began to fight, the three saw Leela fly over them at full speed in the Hovercat.

"Now where is she going?" WilyKat asked.

"I don't know but she was looking pretty mad," his sister observed.

Panthro noticed Leela's look and wondered what made her so upset. He shrug it off. "It's none of our business. Let's resume your training."

The twins agreed and fought Panthro, although was wondering who Leela was going to seek revenge on now.

Part 53

Panthro was the first one up the following morning. He went to the control room, type in some commands and turned the monitor on to the morning news. The opening credits had already begun. The news anchors, Mike Lynx and Ocela Jones were sitting in their seats. Behind them was a window, where fans of the show wave from outside and hold up posters saying all types of things to anyone watching.

"Good morning, New Thundera," both anchors said.

"I'm not sure it will be a good morning when the viewers hear the top story," Ocela said.

"It was really shocking to find out," Mike said.

"What shocking news?" Panthro asked in the silence of the room.

"Today's top story is the scandal that is going on in Cat's Lair," Mike spoke firmly.

"What scandal?" Panthro wondered.

On the top right screen was a picture of Lion-O, Leela, and Cheetara. The captioned read, 'The 'Lord's Baby.' Late last night, this newscast learned that Thundercat Noble, Cheetara is pregnant with Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats and New Thundera's child." The male anchor broke the shocking news.

"What?!" Panthro shouted.

Ocela took control. "What's even more stunning is that Lady Leela, wife of Lord Lion-O was the one to tell us this. With an interview with the queen last night, here is Tyla Marshall."

The cameras switch to last night. Leela sat in a chair at the news studio. Across from her was a tiger reporter, Tyla.

"I thought it was odd that my husband would claim a child that wasn't his as his heir. So I investigated and discovered the truth. My husband, Lion-O was the father," Leela spoke so innocently and hurt.

"How did you feel when you discovered the truth?" Tyla asked.

"I was shock and angry, but I knew it wasn't my husband fault. It was Cheetara's. She seduced and brainwashed my husband into sleeping with her and giving her a child. How could she do this to me? I have been nothing but nice to her." Leela began crying.

Feeling sympathy, Tyla handed Leela some tissue. "Hear you go. Let it all out." Once Leela stopped her false crying, Tyla asked, "So you decided to get back at them by announcing their illicit affair?"

Leela wiped the tears from her eyes. "Oh, I don't mean to hurt Lion-O. I love him. He's in the crossfire. I think that it is best that the people know what is going on in the lair. Cheetara doesn't belong in Cat's Lair or the Thundercat organization anymore. She should be banished and I have taken care of that."

The monitor screen returned to Ocela and Mike.

"Right here is a copy of the file that states that Lord Lion-O is the father," Ocela said.

"If you check the morning paper, the scandal is on the front page," Mike said and held the newspaper to the camera showing the front page picture of Lion-O, Leela and Cheetara.

Panthro couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lion-O, a father-to-be? He had his suspicions, but he assumed he was wrong. Angry, Panthro slammed his fist on the control panel. "How could Leela do this to Cheetara? What else does she have planned for her?"


Lion-O awakened and saw Leela sitting up in the bed working on a crossword puzzle. She looked down at Lion-O. "Good morning, darling," she said giving him a quick kiss. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine. Panthro and the twins saw you leave Cat's Lair and you didn't return until late last night. Where did you go?"

"Just to get some air; nothing for you to worry about," she lied and looked back at the crossword puzzle. "What's a seven letter word that's synonymous to libel and begins with a 's'?"

Lion-O thought for a moment. "Scandal."

"Hey, you're right."

The intercom came on throughout the lair with Panthro's booming voice on the end. "All Thundercats come to the control room. Emergency!"

Lion-O immediately hopped out of bed and ran to the control room.

Leela sat in her bed smiling. "Oh, yes. A scandal will be known this morning." She laughs wickedly and happily took her time to walking to the control room.

In less than a minute, everyone was in the control room. The monitors were turned off.

"What's the emergency, Panthro?" Lion-O asked once everyone arrived.

"This is," Panthro said and turned the monitors back on. It was turned to the news and Ocela was on the screen.

"For those of you tuning in, this news station has learned that Thundercat Noble, Cheetara is pregnant with Lord Lion-O's child."

Cheetara gasped, placing a hand over her mouth, "Oh, no."

Lion-O, Tygra, WilyKit, and WilyKat froze in shock by the news. Tygra knew about the pregnancy but he didn't expect Leela to get back at Lion-O and Cheetara by telling the press, blabbing Lion-O and Cheetara's affair on TV to the whole world. Leela, of course, just smiled.

Panthro turned the large screen monitor off. "Lion-O, are you the father?"

"You heard what the anchor said," Leela said.

Panthro gave Leela an icy glare at Leela. He knew Leela was behind it. "I want to hear it from Lion-O's mouth and I want Cheetara to admit it."

Showing no embarrassment, Lion-O answered, "Yes, I am the father."

"Lion-O is the father," Cheetara admitted, quietly, shamefully.

"Did anyone else know?" WilyKit asked.

"Cheetara's doctor but she promised not to say anything," Lion-O answered.

"Well, if you three kept it a secret, then who found out and blabbed?" WilyKat asked.

"Me," Leela answered walking to the center of the room.

"Leela? How? Why?" Lion-O asked.

"How? I'm a woman. A woman knows when her husband is cheating on her. Why? To make that slut pay for stealing you from me."

Tygra grabbed Leela fiercely by her arm. "You watch what you call Cheetara."

"Fine," she said as she pulled free from Tygra. "I see you for what you are, Cheetara. I warned you what will happen if you cross me and you will pay for what you did to Lion-O."

"What did I do to Lion-O?" Cheetara asked confused.

"Panthro, would you mind telling Cheetara what else the news anchor said. The news station promised me that interview I did last night would air this morning."

"In the interview, Leela said that you seduced and brainwashed Lion-O to sleep with you."

"I didn't do that." Cheetara looked at Leela. "Leela, it was an accident. I didn't mean to sleep with Lion-O or get pregnant," the cheetah tried to explain but it was hopeless.

"Cheetara didn't seduce me. I seduce her," Lion-O said.

A smirk appeared on Leela's wicked face. "Isn't that cute? My husband protecting his whore."

"I am not a whore!" Cheetara defended herself.

"Oh, yes, that's right. I'm so sorry, Cheetara. You're not a whore. You're a slutty B--h."

That was apparently the last straw for Cheetara as she snapped. "Oh, that's IT!" Cheetara was about to pounce on Leela and beat her up when Tygra grabbed Cheetara by the waist holding the angry cheetah back. "Let me go, Tygra. Let me go! I'm going to kick that silly grin off her face!" She shouted arms swinging and legs kicking.

"Ooh, feisty, aren't we? I wonder if you were this wild with Lion-O."

Cheetara hissed angrily.

"Maybe you should let Lion-O hold her, Tygra. It's apparent that only he can tame that wild, cheetah, B--h of his."

Lion-O grabbed Leela. "You take those words back," Lion-O said icily.

"Why? It is the truth. Tell me Lion-O: How good was she? Is she a better kisser than I? Did she please you in every way possible and did everything you wanted done to you. Because you know what, Lion-O? I would've done anything and everything for you and to you." She looked at Cheetara darkly. "Because I would've been ten times better than her."

"Let me go, Tygra." Cheetara said feeling her stomach acting up.

"No, you're going to attack Leela." Tygra said still holding on to her.

"Let me go, or I'll vomit all over you." Cheetara said.

Tygra released Cheetara and she ran out of the room.

"At least the baby knows what she did was wrong and is punishing her for it," Leela said smartly.

The lair alarm went off. WilyKit and WilyKat went to the control panels and typed in commands to see who was at the door. The monitors showed their guests. "Trouble, Lion-O. The press is here." WilyKit said.

"Don't worry, Lion-O. Kit and I will handle them. It's best that you and Cheetara stay inside. Come on, Kit." Kat said and the twins were out the door.

The press clamored and shot photographs as soon as WilyKit and WilyKat stepped out. The twins were almost blinded by the bright, flashing lights of the cameras. All of the reporters asked questions simultaneously.

"People of New Thundera, Lord Lion-O will not answer any questions at this time!" WilyKat shouted over the voices of the press.

"Is Lord Lion-O the father?" a reporter asked anyway.

"We have no comment at this time. However, we do ask that you leave Cat's Lair. No questions will be answered at this time." WilyKit said.

"When will our questions be answered?" Another reporter asked.

WilyKit and WilyKat looked at each other. They didn't if or when their question will be answered. WilyKit spoke, "When the time is right."

When the press saw that Kit and Kat weren't answering their questions, they slowly departed. One by one, they left until one male ocelot stood.

"We told you: we're not answering any questions." WilyKat said.

The male ocelot walked up the steps and stopped in front of the twins. "I'm not the press. I have to deliver this letter to Cheetara."

"We'll give it to her." WilyKit said.

"I have to deliver this to Cheetara personally. It's my duty."

The twins looked at each other again, wondering what to do. Finally, "Come with us," WilyKat said.


Cheetara came back to the control room very sick and drained. "Oh, I feel so sick," she groaned.

Lion-O walked to Cheetara but Cheetara stepped away from him and moved closer to Tygra.

"You should feel sick, after what you've done," Leela said folding her arms.

WilyKit and WilyKat came in with the male ocelot. "Cheetara," WilyKit began, "This man has something for you."

Cheetara looked at the man confused. The ocelot hands Cheetara a letter. "You have been served." He looked at the twins and they left, escorting him out.

Cheetara looked at everyone confused and opened the letter. She read it to herself and looked at Leela. "How could you do this? It was an accident. I never meant to sleep with Lion-O."

"What does the letter say, Cheetara?" Tygra asked.

"I need to be alone," she said and ran out dropping the letter on her way out the door.

Panthro, who was closest to the door, picked the letter up. He read it and glared at Leela. "You're taking Cheetara to court?!"

"I have every right." Leela said folding her arms.

"On what charges?!" Lion-O growled angrily.

"It basically says here that Cheetara is accused of seducing and brainwashing Lion-O and disrupting his marriage to Leela. If Cheetara is found guilty, then by Leela's command she will be banished from New Thundera...forever."

Part 54

"You have no right to banish her. I, Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercat's won't allow it."

"Your authority will not work this time, Lion-O. By Thunderian law, if the Lord of the Thundercats is involved with the guilty party in any way, then his power is lessen and the Lady of the Thundercats has control of the events in the trial." Leela shot back. "I do my research and know my rights."

"She's right, Lion-O." Tygra reluctantly agreed. "When does the trial began, Panthro?"

"A week from today."

"I also ordered for the trial to be as soon as possible. I can't stand that slut being here." Leela said and exited the room.

WilyKit and WilyKat entered the room not too long after Leela's departure. "Cheetara told us what's happening in the hall. Leela really can't take Cheetara to court, can she?" WilyKit asked.

"Actually, Leela can and she is," Tygra said angrily.

"Why didn't you tell us, Lion-O? You know we wouldn't say anything or be against you when you said that you wanted Cheetara's child to be your heir." WilyKit said.

"Well, maybe, except, Tygra." WilyKat said and his sister hit him in the chest with her elbow.

Lion-O sighed, knowing how this will affect his friendship with Tygra. "Cheetara didn't want anyone to know. She was embarrassed about it and regretted sleeping with me," Lion-O said and walked to Tygra. "I am sorry, Tygra. Cheetara and I didn't mean for this happen or for you to find out like this. She is very sorry for what we did. So, if you want to get angry with anyone, be angry with me. Cheetara told me to leave her room, and I didn't. Instead, I kissed her first. I initiated it, and I am sorry." Lion-O apologized. He knew how Tygra felt about Cheetara and was feeling guilty himself for hurting his second-in-command's feelings like this, for doing this when he felt Tygra has been nothing but loyal to him.

"It doesn't matter now," Tygra said. "What's done is done. We need to focus on defeating Leela in court. We can't stop her now. The balls in motion, but we can stop her by not letting her win the trial."

"You're right, Tygra," Lion-O agreed. "We can easily proved Cheetara didn't seduce or brainwash me."

"I don't know about that, Lion-O," Panthro said rubbing his chin. "Leela is very sneaky and manipulative. You should've seen the acting she did this morning, especially the fake tears. I bet she bought sympathy from a lot of Thunderians with that. One thing I do not understand is how Leela found out. When I saw the news this morning, the reporter had a copy of Cheetara's medical file, saying you're the father, Lion-O."

"Tygra, do you think it's possible that Leela broke into your lab and hacked on your computer to find out I'm the father?" Lion-O asked Tygra.

"'s a possibility. She could have while I was supervising construction of the cities. I think I'll have a talk with her right now," he abruptly left.

"I can't believe this is happening," Lion-O said as he slump in a chair.

"No offense, Lion-O, but you really can't be surprised that Leela found out," WilyKat said.


"Kat's right, Lion-O. If you kept it low-key, not claim Cheetara's child as heir, and weren't hanging around her so much, then no one would have been suspicious. After you said Cheetara's child would be your heir, Kat and I had was wondering if you were the father," WilyKit explained.

"I guess you guys had a right to be suspicious, but when I found out I was going to be a father, I wanted to tell everyone."

"Well, you kind of did, when you named the child as your heir." WilyKat said smartly.

"Shut up, Kat," Kit said punching her brother in the arm. "What my stupid brother meant to say was congratulations. We are happy for you and you have out support in beating Leela at the trial." Kit said and gave Lion-O a supporting hug.

"You got my congratulations and support too. I'll do everything I can to help you beat Leela at the trial," Panthro assured Lion-O.


Tygra burst in Leela's room without even knocking. He was angry with Leela. How dare she take Cheetara to court? How dare she threaten to banish her?

"You should knock before entering a lady's room," Leela said as she folded some of her clothes.

"You are no lady," Tygra growled.

"Do you not like my plan?" Leela questioned him with a smile.

Tygra grabbed both of Leela's arm violently, knocking the smile off Leela's face. "Throw out the trial." Tygra ordered.

Leela broke free from Tygra's grip. "No. Besides, I didn't forget about you. You and Cheetara will be together."

"And how will that be if she gets banished from New Thundera?"

"Make your choice Tygra: A. Cheetara is banished from New Thundera and you promise Lion-O you'll take care of her and their baby. B. Marry Cheetara now, leave the Thundercat organization, move to 3rd Earth permanently, without coming in contact with Lion-O and I'll throw out the charges and trial."

Tygra balled his fists. "Those aren't easy choices."

"Don't you want to be with Cheetara without Lion-O around? The only way for that to happen are my two choices. Either way, we won't need each other again, which is something we both want." Leela explained.

Tygra shook his head at her choices. They weren't easy, especially for Cheetara, he knew that. Looking around, he noticed Leela packing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm packing. With the trial coming, I'm positive that Lion-O doesn't want to be in the same room with me. I'm going to move in one of the guest rooms," Leela answered closing her suitcase.

"Cheetara's been through so much this morning. To put a proposal on her... No, I won't do it. I will not pressure her like this."

"Your choice," Leela said grabbing her suitcases and saw the sad look on Tygra's face. She put one of her suitcases down and lightly tapped Tygra's face. "Cheer up, tiger. It'll all be over soon," she laughed girlishly, picked up the other suitcase and walked out.


Cheetara looked out her window in her bedroom. When she came in her room, she fell to her bed crying that her secret was out, that she's carrying a married man's child. Now she had to court to proved that she didn't mean it, that she didn't seduced and brainwashed Lion-O.

Leela can be very deceiving and convincing. I bet she gained a lot of sympathy when she talked to the press. She probably turned the people against me. I have to win. I have to defeat Leela. I can't be banished from New Thundera or Lion-O.

Cheetara's thoughts were cut off with a knock at her door.

"Come in," Cheetara said still looking out the window.

Tygra entered and walked to Cheetara. He put an arm around her.

"Why are you being so nice to me, Tygra? Why aren't you angry at me for lying to you? Why aren't you angry that I cheated on you with Lion-O and now carrying his child?" Cheetara asked.

"There's a simple answer to that, dearest Cheetara." Tygra turned Cheetara to face him. He leaned over and kissed Cheetara deeply, passionately, pouring all his love for her in the kiss. Slowly, reluctantly, he pulled away. "Because I love you. I know you didn't mean to sleep with Lion-O. He seduced you. He said it this morning."

Cheetara shook her head. "No, he didn't."

"You seduced him?"

"No, I didn't. It was something that happened. I guess caught in the moment as some would say."

"What?" Tygra said confused.

"I guess you figured that I never slept with Devon. He did hit on me and tried to get me to sleep with him, but I didn't. I left Devon and came back here. I found Lion-O in my room. I told him to get out but he refused to until he told me Leela would apologize for her behavior on their anniversary. After that, he wanted to talk about us."

"Persistent, isn't he?" Tygra asked.

"Yes, I gave up and talked to him. He indirectly tricked me into admitting that I did love him while we dated. One thing led to another and we got into an argument. I told him to get out, to go back to his wife. He told me I was his wife and not Leela. The next I know he was kissing me."

"Yes, Lion-O told me that he kissed you first."

"Yes, he did, Tygra, but it didn't stop at a single kiss. He wanted more. I wanted more. I wasn't in control of myself. My body took over my mind and I was lost in Lion-O as he was in me. When I awakened the next morning, I realized I made a terrible mistake."

"He was still there when I talk to you the next morning?" Tygra asked.

Guilty, Cheetara looked down. "Yes."

"Do you still love Lion-O, Cheetara?" Tygra had to ask. He had to know.

"No. It was just a fleeting moment of passion. It was lust not love, Tygra. That's all it was." Cheetara told Tygra, hoping that was the truth. She had convince herself that she didn't love Lion-O anymore or was she actually fooling herself?

Tygra rested his hands on Cheetara's shoulders. "I promise you this, Cheetara, you will not be banished from New Thundera." Tygra told her, pulling her to hug him. Even if I have to kill Leela.


Parts 55-57: The trial begins. 

What's Kit doing looking at Panthro's pictures?  More fanfic.

I sense a difference of opinion between Tygra and Leela.  Main page.