RD Rivero's Fanfiction

Warning: You have entered the territory of RD Rivero.  Be prepared for unnerving adventures.

Run from the Darkness
An abandoned cabin, Tygra, a different perspective on Grune, and some great Halloween atmosphere.  What more could you ask for?
Bengali and Pumyra encounter a strange man, a strange night, a strange story, and leave Tygra with a strange twist at the end.
Disturbing tale from the perspective of a traumatized Wiley Kat.  Make sure you're mentally prepared for this one.
Don't Open the Bag
While hiking back to Cat's Lair, four Thundercats find reality is twisted into a nightmare by an unexpected source.
One Fine Day
A pleasant fishing trip takes an unexpected turn for the worst when Wiley Kit gets advice from the wrong source.
Isles of the Dead
Lion-O and Panthro crash on a strange island with unusual inhabitants, a dangerous mystery, and a deadly secret.
Blue Pills
Tygra's sanity faces the ultimate test when he must face his inner demons and fight to save both himself and Willa.
A sinister plan by Mumm-Ra misses its target, but spells disaster for the Thundercats nonetheless.
While transporting a very interesting prisoner, Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara crash on to the strange planet of Xanadu.
While transporting a very interesting prisoner, Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara crash on to the strange planet of Xanadu.
Good Twin, Evil Twin
Just when you thought you understood the Thunderkittens, yet another mystery unfolds itself.  This one's not for the kiddies.
And Then The Male--
When Mumm-Ra starts writing fanfics, the Thundercats are in for one of the most confusing stories ever.  Watch out for the laugh track!
The Last Thunderian
With her world dying, Cheetara discovers it isn't easy to leave a home behind, though staying would cost her dearly.
Small Planet
Cheetara and Tygra find themselves trapped on a strange planet where size might become an issue.
Third Planet from the Sun
Stopping to rest on a beautiful planet, Cheetara and Tygra discover some friendly animals with ulterior motives.
Thundera was Dying
Left behind on the home they would not leave, five Thundercats await the destruction of Thundera.
Bengali's New Art
Ever wonder what Bengali would do if he got bored?  RD Rivero did, and this is what happened.
Room 218
When Tygra and Wiley Kat visit some colleagues in an old hotel, they wind up with a night of horrors and an aftermath of mystery.
The Tale of the What-Is-It
What is it?  Good question.  You'll have to follow Cheetara as she tries to keep up with what seems to be Tygra in this wild story.
Wiley Kat and Wiley Kit Must Die
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Won't you be my neighbor?  Wiley Kat and Kit accepted the invitation, but the results were not welcome.
Tales from the Pyramid
When Cheetara falls victim to a rather unusual spell from Mumm-Ra, the results garner laughs for the demon and shock for the Thundercats.
Adventure in Cat's Lair
Can the teamwork of Vultureman and Jackalamn get the two mutants into Cat's Lair?  Probably, but it won't get them much further.
While looking for materials to destroy the Thundercats, Monkian, Jackalman, and Vultureman come up against something that threatens to destroy them all.
Mumm-Ra's Happy Garden
Not too many happy things in this story as Pumyra and Bengali try to discover the secret behind Snarfer's unusual behavior.
Panthro getting hitched?  Well, there you have it.  Read his letter to RD and find out why.
A haunted house might cost Cheetara, Bengali, and Snarfer a little more than they bargained for in this great story.
Interview with a Mummy
Not a lot of dialogue, but plenty of gruesome scenery to set you on edge as you follow Pumyra and watch Tygra and Panthro revive something a little different.
One man's game is another man's nightmare.  It's up to the Thundercats to see if they can play the game rather than the nightmare in this mind-twisting tale.
The Tragedy of Panthro, Thundercat
It starts out calmly enough, but when Panthro is left alone with the Thundertank, a crashing spaceship spells disastor for the Thundercat.
The Destruction of Tygra
Not content with killing Panthro, RD decides to destroy Tygra in this tale about a cat just too devoted to his work.  Or is his work too devoted to him?
Safari Joe
Has the old hunter finally met his match?  And what kind of an animal finally defeats him?  You'll have to read to find out, but I REALLY like this story, if that gives you any clue.
Observing Thundercats in the Wild
A bizarre twist to add to the Thundercat's universe of fanfic, this documentary has been rebroadcast for our enjoyment as Thundercats are observed in a very primal environment.
No One Goes There
Well, unfortunately, someone does go there.  Follow Wiley Kat, Wiley Kit, and Bengali through an adventure gone horribly wrong.
Youth and the Puritan
Though his body is grown, Lion-O's mind needs some catching up to do.  But when the Lord of the Thundercats turns to the wrong source, can his friends save him in time?  Warning: This one's not for the kittens.
Tygra's found yet another addiction, but is this an addiction he should be saved from?  Lion-O may have the answer in the end of this twisting tale.
Panthro and Wiley Kit are in for a horrifying mystery during a journey into New Thundera's unexplored southern continents.
La-La Land
Wiley Kat finds himself on a strange journey after a nasty fall and a sinister plot.
Sometimes, Cat's Lair just seems to have a life of its own.  Literally.
Play Room
The Thundertwins are at it again.  Can Bengali and Pumyra find out what's wrong in the play room before it's too late?
A harmless practical joke turns into a much more dangerous situation when Nayda finds herself confronting Alluro and some interesting fruit.
Stranger with Candy
Alluro's demented mind spells disaster for Cheetara.  Or can the other Thundercats figure out what's going on before it's too late?
The Man who Collected Rivero
Parody of Poe's Fall of the House of Usher, this great fic features Tygra and Malcar in a doomed house as well as two mentions of me!  Yea!
Queen Willa
The death of Willa draws Tygra into a dream world.  Or is it more than a dream?
Something's happening between QuickPick and Nayda, but Mandora's out to stop them.  Can the other prisoners help QuickPick or is Mandora on to them?
The Thundercats are entitled to a little rest, but that's not what Cheetara, Panthro, and Lynx-O are going to find on a mysterious island.
The Talented Mrs. Tygra
Nayda has some interesting problems in this twisting tale of love and madness.
Unfinished Tales
Some stories never have an ending.  Read through this collection of unfinished fics, where the ending can be entirely up to you.
Jagga and Grune
As Cheetara once observed, Jaga and Grune used to be great friends.  Travel back in time to catch a glimpse.
Finally, here's a story where Tygra comes out on top and Lion-O is put in his proper place.  But what a nightmare!
Mumm-Ra's Day Off
Mumm-Ra isn't filimg today, so he and Ma-Mutt take a little vacation.  But it's no picnic when strange things start happening.
Oh the Humanity!
This was written for Slinky Avenger, but even without knowing the parameters, this is a hilarious and random story.
A Thundercat Comedy Series
Down temporarily at author's request
This is one of those "had to be there" moments, but it's still a good laugh.  For some, anyway.  RD will have to pay for his humor, though...
The Time Machine
Tygra's at it again, but this time his new invention may prove too much for him.  Or is it really Tygra with the problem?
Coming Back
After five years, Bengali is still haunted by memories of what he's done.  Tygra says all has been forgiven.   But can Bengali really believe that?
More Thundercat Comedy
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The continuation of the other comedy, this is another series of posts from one of the mailing lists that both RD and I belong to.  Sigh.  What am I going to do with him?
Fruit of the Gods
The attainment of perfection is a lofty goal for oneself.  But what about perfection in others?  And what if they never quite measure up?
Tower of Omens
The mutants have yet another plan, but this particular scheme is inspired by Mumm-Ra and it just might work. If nothing else, it's sure to be explosive.
RD's Revenge
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For the record, this is a work of insanity that took place after some alliances were reversed in our Thundercat fan club. And just about everyone makes an appearance.
Silence of the Snarfs
Down temporarily at author's request
This is the product of some email wars and, for what it's worth, is one of the funniest things I've been involved in.
Mandora and the Madhouse
Take the Lord of the Thundercats and add an Evil Chaser First Class into the equation. What do you get? One wild story.
Yellow Balloons
Somtimes, the simplest plans are the best. And what could be simpler than a balloon?
One Last Forever
It's happened again.  Tired of the adults, Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat are out on their own. But this time, it might be for keeps.

Grune the Mighty
Ever wonder about Grune's past?  What happened when he got to Third Earth?  Read this tale, and all will be answered.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

One Million Years
Updated 10/14/01
Killer story taking place nearly one million years after the Thundercats. Has Mumm-Ra really been defeated? You'll have to read to find out.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Comments can reach RD Rivero at RDRivero@email.msn.com

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